Classes, traits, and interfaces

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Name Type Namespace Location Description Direct usessort ascending Use statements Strings
DatabaseTransactionNameNonUniqueException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown when a savepoint or transaction name occurs twice.
DatabaseTransactionCommitFailedException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown when a commit() function fails.
DatabaseTransactionExplicitCommitNotAllowedException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception to deny attempts to explicitly manage transactions.
DatabaseTransactionOutOfOrderException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown when a rollback() resulted in other active transactions being rolled-back.
InvalidMergeQueryException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown for merge queries that do not make semantic sense.
FieldsOverlapException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown if an insert query specifies a field twice.
NoFieldsException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown if an insert query doesn't specify insert or default fields.
DatabaseConnectionNotDefinedException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown if an undefined database connection is requested.
DatabaseDriverNotSpecifiedException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown if no driver is specified for a database connection.
DatabaseTransaction class drupal/includes/database/ A wrapper class for creating and managing database transactions.
DatabaseStatementBase class drupal/includes/database/ Default implementation of DatabaseStatementInterface.
DatabaseStatementEmpty class drupal/includes/database/ Empty implementation of a database statement.
DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown if an object being created already exists.
DatabaseSchemaObjectDoesNotExistException class drupal/includes/database/ Exception thrown if an object being modified doesn't exist yet.
DatabaseLog class drupal/includes/database/ Database query logger.
MergeQuery class drupal/includes/database/ General class for an abstracted MERGE query operation.
DatabaseCondition class drupal/includes/database/ Generic class for a series of conditions in a query.
FileTransferSSH class drupal/includes/filetransfer/ The SSH connection class for the update module.
FileTransferFTPExtension class drupal/includes/filetransfer/
FileTransferLocal class drupal/includes/filetransfer/ The local connection class for copying files as the httpd user.
FileTransferException class drupal/includes/filetransfer/ FileTransferException class.
SkipDotsRecursiveDirectoryIterator class drupal/includes/filetransfer/ Provides an interface for iterating recursively over filesystem directories.
ContextualDynamicContextTestCase class drupal/modules/contextual/contextual.test Tests accessible links after inaccessible links on dynamic context.
ContactSitewideTestCase class drupal/modules/contact/contact.test Tests the site-wide contact form.
ContactPersonalTestCase class drupal/modules/contact/contact.test Tests the personal contact form.
SyslogTestCase class drupal/modules/syslog/syslog.test Tests the Syslog module functionality.
UpdateCoreTestCase class drupal/modules/update/update.test Tests behavior related to discovering and listing updates to Drupal core.
UpdateTestContribCase class drupal/modules/update/update.test Tests behavior related to handling updates to contributed modules and themes.
UpdateTestUploadCase class drupal/modules/update/update.test Tests project upload and extract functionality.
UpdateCoreUnitTestCase class drupal/modules/update/update.test Tests update functionality unrelated to the database.
ColorTestCase class drupal/modules/color/color.test Tests the Color module functionality.
DBLogTestCase class drupal/modules/dblog/dblog.test Tests logging messages to the database.
FieldUpdateForbiddenException class drupal/modules/field/field.module Exception class thrown by hook_field_update_forbid().
FieldValidationException class drupal/modules/field/ Exception thrown by field_attach_validate() on field validation errors.
FieldInfo class drupal/modules/field/ Provides field and instance definitions for the current runtime environment.
SearchMatchTestCase class drupal/modules/search/search.test Indexes content and queries it.
SearchPageText class drupal/modules/search/search.test Tests the bike shed text on no results page, and text on the search page.
SearchAdvancedSearchForm class drupal/modules/search/search.test Indexes content and tests the advanced search form.
SearchRankingTestCase class drupal/modules/search/search.test Indexes content and tests ranking factors.
SearchBlockTestCase class drupal/modules/search/search.test Tests the rendering of the search block.
SearchExactTestCase class drupal/modules/search/search.test Tests that searching for a phrase gets the correct page count.
SearchCommentTestCase class drupal/modules/search/search.test Test integration searching comments.
SearchExpressionInsertExtractTestCase class drupal/modules/search/search.test Tests search_expression_insert() and search_expression_extract().
SearchCommentCountToggleTestCase class drupal/modules/search/search.test Tests that comment count display toggles properly on comment status of node
SearchSimplifyTestCase class drupal/modules/search/search.test Test search_simplify() on every Unicode character, and some other cases.
SearchKeywordsConditions class drupal/modules/search/search.test Tests keywords and conditions.
SearchNumbersTestCase class drupal/modules/search/search.test Tests that numbers can be searched.
SearchNumberMatchingTestCase class drupal/modules/search/search.test Tests that numbers can be searched, with more complex matching.
SearchConfigSettingsForm class drupal/modules/search/search.test Test config page.
SearchExcerptTestCase class drupal/modules/search/search.test Tests the search_excerpt() function.


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