6 calls to user_hash_password()

PasswordHashingTest::testLongPassword in drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/password.test
Verifies that passwords longer than 512 bytes are not hashed.
PasswordHashingTest::testPasswordHashing in drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/password.test
Test password hashing.
UpdateScriptFunctionalTest::testUpdateAccess in drupal/modules/system/system.test
Tests access to the update script.
UserCancelTestCase::testUserCancelUid1 in drupal/modules/user/user.test
Tests that user account for uid 1 cannot be cancelled.
user_save in drupal/modules/user/user.module
Save changes to a user account or add a new user.
user_update_7000 in drupal/modules/user/user.install
Increase the length of the password field to accommodate better hashes.