
Primary tabs

Name Location Description Direct usessort ascending Strings
path_to_theme drupal/includes/ Returns the path to the current themed element. 4
theme_get_suggestions drupal/includes/ Generate an array of suggestions from path arguments. 4
actions_synchronize drupal/includes/ Synchronizes actions that are provided by modules in hook_action_info(). 4
drupal_get_html_head drupal/includes/ Retrieves output to be displayed in the HEAD tag of the HTML page. 4
drupal_get_query_array drupal/includes/ Splits a URL-encoded query string into an array. 4
flood_register_event drupal/includes/ Registers an event for the current visitor to the flood control mechanism. 4
flood_is_allowed drupal/includes/ Checks whether a user is allowed to proceed with the specified event. 4
format_xml_elements drupal/includes/ Formats XML elements. 4
drupal_deliver_page drupal/includes/ Delivers a page callback result to the browser in the appropriate format. 4
drupal_load_stylesheet drupal/includes/ Loads the stylesheet and resolves all @import commands. 4
drupal_load_stylesheet_content drupal/includes/ Processes the contents of a stylesheet for aggregation. 4
_menu_translate drupal/includes/ Handles dynamic path translation and menu access control. 4
menu_tree_output drupal/includes/ Returns an output structure for rendering a menu tree. 4
menu_tree_all_data drupal/includes/ Gets the data structure representing a named menu tree. 4 1
menu_tree_data drupal/includes/ Sorts and returns the built data representing a menu tree. 4
menu_local_tasks drupal/includes/ Collects the local tasks (tabs), action links, and the root path. 4
error_displayable drupal/includes/ Determines whether an error should be displayed. 4
install_no_profile_error drupal/includes/ Indicates that there are no profiles available. 4
timer_read drupal/includes/ Reads the current timer value without stopping the timer. 4
drupal_send_headers drupal/includes/ Sends the HTTP response headers that were previously set, adding defaults. 4
drupal_array_merge_deep drupal/includes/ Merges multiple arrays, recursively, and returns the merged array. 4
drupal_array_merge_deep_array drupal/includes/ Merges multiple arrays, recursively, and returns the merged array. 4
drupal_get_user_timezone drupal/includes/ Returns the time zone of the current user. 4
drupal_is_cli drupal/includes/ Detects whether the current script is running in a command-line environment. 4
path_load drupal/includes/ Fetches a specific URL alias from the database. 4
drupal_valid_path drupal/includes/ Checks a path exists and the current user has access to it. 4
db_next_id drupal/includes/database/ Retrieves a unique id. 4
update_get_available drupal/modules/update/update.module Tries to get update information from cache and refreshes it when necessary. 4
_update_manager_extract_directory drupal/modules/update/update.module Returns the directory where update archive files should be extracted. 4
dblog_watchdog drupal/modules/dblog/dblog.module Implements hook_watchdog(). 4
field_sync_field_status drupal/modules/field/field.module Refreshes the 'active' and 'storage_active' columns for fields. 4
field_has_data drupal/modules/field/field.module Determine whether a field has any data. 4
field_extract_bundle drupal/modules/field/field.module Helper function to extract the bundle name of from a bundle object. 4
field_widget_field drupal/modules/field/ Retrieves the field definition for a widget's helper callbacks. 4
field_attach_create_bundle drupal/modules/field/ Notify field.module that a new bundle was created. 4
field_attach_rename_bundle drupal/modules/field/ Notify field.module that a bundle was renamed. 4
_update_7000_field_create_field drupal/modules/field/field.install Utility function: create a field by writing directly to the database. 4
_update_7000_field_create_instance drupal/modules/field/field.install Utility function: write a field instance directly to the database. 4
field_behaviors_widget drupal/modules/field/ Determines the behavior of a widget with respect to an operation. 4
field_info_widget_settings drupal/modules/field/ Returns a field widget's default settings. 4
field_content_languages drupal/modules/field/ Returns available content languages. 4
search_get_default_module_info drupal/modules/search/search.module Returns information about the default search module. 4
search_reindex drupal/modules/search/search.module Clears a part of or the entire search index. 4
search_excerpt drupal/modules/search/search.module Returns snippets from a piece of text, with certain keywords highlighted. Used for formatting search results. 4
statistics_get drupal/modules/statistics/statistics.module Retrieves a node's "view statistics". 4
book_get_books drupal/modules/book/book.module Returns an array of all books. 4 2
_book_update_outline drupal/modules/book/book.module Handles additions and updates to the book outline. 4
shortcut_set_assign_user drupal/modules/shortcut/shortcut.module Assigns a user to a particular shortcut set. 4
system_authorized_init drupal/modules/system/system.module Setup a given callback to run via authorize.php with elevated privileges. 4
system_admin_menu_block drupal/modules/system/system.module Provide a single block on the administration overview page. 4


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