
Primary tabs

Name Location Description Direct usessort ascending Strings
system_admin_compact_mode drupal/modules/system/system.module Determines whether the current user is in compact mode. 4
file_progress_implementation drupal/modules/file/file.module Determines the preferred upload progress implementation. 4
simpletest_classloader_register drupal/modules/simpletest/simpletest.module 4
taxonomy_terms_static_reset drupal/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module Clear all static cache variables for terms. 4
taxonomy_vocabulary_load_multiple drupal/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module Load multiple taxonomy vocabularies based on certain conditions. 4
_openid_create_message drupal/modules/openid/ Create a serialized message packet as per spec: $key:$value\n . 4
_openid_signature drupal/modules/openid/ Sign certain keys in a message 4
_openid_dh_long_to_binary drupal/modules/openid/ 4
node_mark drupal/modules/node/node.module Determines the type of marker to be displayed for a given node. 4
node_invoke drupal/modules/node/node.module Invokes a node hook. 4
node_delete_multiple drupal/modules/node/node.module Deletes multiple nodes. 4
node_build_content drupal/modules/node/node.module Builds a structured array representing the node's content. 4
node_feed drupal/modules/node/node.module Generates and prints an RSS feed. 4 1
node_update_index drupal/modules/node/node.module Implements hook_update_index(). 4
node_access_grants drupal/modules/node/node.module Fetches an array of permission IDs granted to the given user ID. 4
user_validate_mail drupal/modules/user/user.module Validates a user's email address. 4
user_role_save drupal/modules/user/user.module Save a user role to the database. 4
filter_get_roles_by_format drupal/modules/filter/filter.module Retrieves a list of roles that are allowed to use a given text format. 4
_filter_url_trim drupal/modules/filter/filter.module Shortens long URLs to 4
comment_num_new drupal/modules/comment/comment.module Get number of new comments for current user and specified node. 4 1
image_style_create_derivative drupal/modules/image/image.module Creates a new image derivative based on an image style. 4
image_effect_definition_load drupal/modules/image/image.module Loads the definition for an image effect. 4
_form_test_tableselect_form_builder drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/form_test.module Build a form to test the tableselect element. 4
menu_test_static_variable drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/menu_test.module Static function for testing hook results. 4
_drupal_file_scan_cache drupal/includes/ Returns the current list of cached file system scan results. 4 3
drupal_check_memory_limit drupal/includes/ Compares the memory required for an operation to the available memory. 4
cache_get_multiple drupal/includes/ Returns data from the persistent cache when given an array of cache IDs. 3
ajax_command_html drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'insert/html' command. 3
ajax_command_data drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'data' command. 3
image_get_available_toolkits drupal/includes/ Gets a list of available toolkits. 3
image_dimensions_scale drupal/includes/ Scales image dimensions while maintaining aspect ratio. 3
image_scale drupal/includes/ Scales an image while maintaining aspect ratio. 3 4
image_crop drupal/includes/ Crops an image to a rectangle specified by the given dimensions. 3 1
drupal_load_updates drupal/includes/ Loads .install files for installed modules to initialize the update system. 3
drupal_get_database_types drupal/includes/ Returns all supported database installer objects that are compiled into PHP. 3
install_goto drupal/includes/ Sends the user to a different installer page. 3 1
_password_itoa64 drupal/includes/ Returns a string for mapping an int to the corresponding base 64 character. 3
user_check_password drupal/includes/ Check whether a plain text password matches a stored hashed password. 3
tablesort_init drupal/includes/ Initialize the table sort context. 3
tablesort_get_sort drupal/includes/ Determines the current sort direction. 3
lock_wait drupal/includes/ Wait for a lock to be available. 3
drupal_depth_first_search drupal/includes/ Performs a depth-first search and sort on a directed acyclic graph. 3
authorize_get_filetransfer drupal/includes/ Gets a FileTransfer class for a specific transfer method and settings. 3
drupal_session_started drupal/includes/ Returns whether a session has been started. 3
drupal_session_regenerate drupal/includes/ Called when an anonymous user becomes authenticated or vice-versa. 3
locale_string_is_safe drupal/includes/ Check that a string is safe to be added or imported as a translation. 3
_locale_import_read_po drupal/includes/ Parses Gettext Portable Object file into an array 3
_locale_import_one_string drupal/includes/ Imports a string into the database 3
locale_batch_by_language drupal/includes/ Prepare a batch to import translations for all enabled modules in a given language. 3
_batch_process drupal/includes/ Processes sets in a batch. 3


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