
Primary tabs

Name Location Description Direct usessort ascending Strings
file_destination drupal/includes/ Determines the destination path for a file. 3
file_create_filename drupal/includes/ Creates a full file path from a directory and filename. 3
xmlrpc_message drupal/includes/ Constructs an object representing an XML-RPC message. 3
xmlrpc_message_parse drupal/includes/ Parses an XML-RPC message. 3
xmlrpc_date drupal/includes/ Converts a PHP or ISO date/time to an XML-RPC object. 3
language_negotiation_get drupal/includes/ Checks whether a language negotiation provider is enabled for a language type. 3
language_negotiation_get_switch_links drupal/includes/ Returns the language switch links for the given language. 3
_theme_registry_callback drupal/includes/ Sets the callback that will be used by theme_get_registry(). 3
drupal_find_base_themes drupal/includes/ Find all the base themes for the specified theme. 3
drupal_find_theme_templates drupal/includes/ Allows themes and/or theme engines to easily discover overridden templates. 3
actions_get_all_actions drupal/includes/ Retrieves all action instances from the database. 3
actions_actions_map drupal/includes/ Creates an associative array keyed by hashes of function names or IDs. 3
drupal_get_region_content drupal/includes/ Gets assigned content for a given region. 3
drupal_encode_path drupal/includes/ Encodes a Drupal path for use in a URL. 3
drupal_clear_css_cache drupal/includes/ Deletes old cached CSS files. 3 1
drupal_js_defaults drupal/includes/ Constructs an array of the defaults that are used for JavaScript items. 3
drupal_process_attached drupal/includes/ Adds attachments to a render() structure. 3
drupal_render_cid_parts drupal/includes/ Returns cache ID parts for building a cache ID. 3
_drupal_schema_initialize drupal/includes/ Fills in required default values for table definitions from hook_schema(). 3
archiver_get_extensions drupal/includes/ Returns a string of supported archive extensions. 3
drupal_get_updaters drupal/includes/ Assembles the Drupal Updater registry. 3
menu_unserialize drupal/includes/ Unserializes menu data, using a map to replace path elements. 3
menu_tree drupal/includes/ Renders a menu tree based on the current path. 3 1
menu_tree_page_data drupal/includes/ Gets the data structure for a named menu tree, based on the current page. 3 1
menu_build_tree drupal/includes/ Builds a menu tree, translates links, and checks access. 3
menu_tree_collect_node_links drupal/includes/ Collects node links from a given menu tree recursively. 3
menu_tree_check_access drupal/includes/ Checks access and performs dynamic operations for each link in the tree. 3
menu_get_custom_theme drupal/includes/ Gets the custom theme for the current page, if there is one. 3
menu_cache_clear drupal/includes/ Clears the cached data for a single named menu. 3
menu_reset_static_cache drupal/includes/ Resets the menu system static cache. 3
_menu_router_cache drupal/includes/ Stores the menu router if we have it in memory. 3
menu_delete_links drupal/includes/ Deletes all links for a menu. 3
_menu_delete_item drupal/includes/ Deletes a single menu link. 3
_menu_clear_page_cache drupal/includes/ Clears the page and block caches at most twice per page load. 3
menu_link_maintain drupal/includes/ Inserts, updates, or deletes an uncustomized menu link related to a module. 3
menu_link_children_relative_depth drupal/includes/ Finds the depth of an item's children relative to its depth. 3
_menu_update_parental_status drupal/includes/ Checks and updates the 'has_children' status for the parent of a link. 3
_drupal_render_exception_safe drupal/includes/ Renders an exception error message without further exceptions. 3
drupal_build_form drupal/includes/ Builds and process a form based on a form id. 3
drupal_retrieve_form drupal/includes/ Retrieves the structured array that defines a given form. 3
form_execute_handlers drupal/includes/ Executes custom validation and submission handlers for a given form. 3
form_clear_error drupal/includes/ Clears all errors against all form elements made by form_set_error(). 3
form_builder drupal/includes/ Builds and processes all elements in the structured form array. 3
form_options_flatten drupal/includes/ Allows PHP array processing of multiple select options with the same value. 3
_batch_queue drupal/includes/ Returns a queue object for a batch set. 3
install_redirect_url drupal/includes/ Returns the URL that should be redirected to during an installation request. 3
variable_initialize drupal/includes/ Loads the persistent variable table. 3
bootstrap_invoke_all drupal/includes/ Invokes a bootstrap hook in all bootstrap modules that implement it. 3
_drupal_set_preferred_header_name drupal/includes/ Sets the preferred name for the HTTP header. 3
drupal_generate_test_ua drupal/includes/ Generates a user agent string with a HMAC and timestamp for simpletest. 3


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