
Primary tabs

Name Location Description Direct usessort ascending Strings
country_get_list drupal/includes/ Get list of all predefined and custom countries. 2
xmlrpc_server_output drupal/includes/ Sends XML-RPC output to the browser. 2
xmlrpc_server_set drupal/includes/ Stores a copy of an XML-RPC request temporarily. 2
xmlrpc_server_call drupal/includes/ Dispatches an XML-RPC request and any parameters to the appropriate handler. 2
batch_load drupal/includes/ Loads a batch from the database. 2
_batch_progress_page_nojs drupal/includes/ Outputs a batch processing page without JavaScript support. 2
_batch_api_percentage drupal/includes/ Formats the percent completion for a batch set. 2
_batch_finished drupal/includes/ Ends the batch processing. 2
file_create_htaccess drupal/includes/ Creates a .htaccess file in the given directory. 2
file_space_used drupal/includes/ Determines total disk space used by a single user or the whole filesystem. 2
file_validate drupal/includes/ Checks that a file meets the criteria specified by the validators. 2
file_validate_extensions drupal/includes/ Checks that the filename ends with an allowed extension. 2
file_transfer drupal/includes/ Transfers a file to the client using HTTP. 2
xmlrpc_value drupal/includes/ Turns a data structure into objects with 'data' and 'type' attributes. 2
xmlrpc_value_get_xml drupal/includes/ Generates XML representing the given value. 2
language_types_set drupal/includes/ Updates the language type configuration. 2
language_negotiation_get_any drupal/includes/ Checks if the language negotiation provider is enabled for any language type. 2
language_provider_weight drupal/includes/ Returns the passed language negotiation provider weight or a default value. 2
language_initialize drupal/includes/ Chooses a language based on language negotiation provider settings. 2
_drupal_theme_initialize drupal/includes/ Initializes the theme system given already loaded information. 2
_theme_build_registry drupal/includes/ Builds the theme registry cache. 2
drupal_find_theme_functions drupal/includes/ Allows themes and/or theme engines to discover overridden theme functions. 2
_theme_table_cell drupal/includes/ Returns HTML output for a single table cell for theme_table(). 2
actions_delete drupal/includes/ Deletes a single action from the database. 2
format_rss_channel drupal/includes/ Formats an RSS channel. 2
format_rss_item drupal/includes/ Formats a single RSS item. 2
_drupal_build_css_path drupal/includes/ Prefixes all paths within a CSS file for drupal_build_css_cache(). 2 2
drupal_clean_css_identifier drupal/includes/ Prepares a string for use as a CSS identifier (element, class, or ID name). 2
drupal_region_class drupal/includes/ Provides a standard HTML class name that identifies a page region. 2
drupal_build_js_cache drupal/includes/ Aggregates JavaScript files into a cache file in the files directory. 2
drupal_render_page drupal/includes/ Renders the page, including all theming. 2
drupal_render_cache_get drupal/includes/ Gets the rendered output of a renderable element from the cache. 2
drupal_render_cid_create drupal/includes/ Creates the cache ID for a renderable element. 2
element_child drupal/includes/ Checks if the key is a child. 2
drupal_array_nested_key_exists drupal/includes/ Determines whether a nested array contains the requested keys. 2
drupal_install_schema drupal/includes/ Creates all tables defined in a module's hook_schema(). 2
drupal_parse_info_format drupal/includes/ Parses data in Drupal's .info format. 2
watchdog_severity_levels drupal/includes/ Returns a list of severity levels, as defined in RFC 3164. 2
_drupal_flush_css_js drupal/includes/ Changes the dummy query string added to all CSS and JavaScript files. 2
drupal_check_incompatibility drupal/includes/ Checks whether a version is compatible with a given dependency. 2
archiver_get_info drupal/includes/ Retrieves a list of all available archivers. 2
drupal_get_filetransfer_info drupal/includes/ Assembles the Drupal FileTransfer registry. 2
menu_get_ancestors drupal/includes/ Returns the ancestors (and relevant placeholders) for any given path. 2
_menu_load_objects drupal/includes/ Loads objects into the map as defined in the $item['load_functions']. 2
_menu_check_access drupal/includes/ Checks access to a menu item using the access callback. 2
_menu_item_localize drupal/includes/ Localizes the router item title using t() or another callback. 2
_menu_link_map_translate drupal/includes/ Translates the path elements in the map using any to_arg helper function. 2
menu_tree_set_path drupal/includes/ Sets the path for determining the active trail of the specified menu tree. 2
menu_get_names drupal/includes/ Build a list of named menus. 2 1
menu_navigation_links drupal/includes/ Returns an array of links for a navigation menu. 2


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