
Primary tabs

Name Locationsort descending Description Direct uses Strings
user_category_load drupal/modules/user/user.module Return a user object after checking if any profile category in the path exists.
user_uid_optional_to_arg drupal/modules/user/user.module Returns $arg or the user ID of the current user if $arg is '%' or empty. 1
user_menu_title drupal/modules/user/user.module Menu item title callback for the 'user' path. 1
user_page_title drupal/modules/user/user.module Menu item title callback - use the user name. 1
user_get_authmaps drupal/modules/user/user.module Discover which external authentication module(s) authenticated a username. 1
user_set_authmaps drupal/modules/user/user.module Save mappings of which external authentication module(s) authenticated a user. Maps external usernames to user ids in the users table. 3
user_login drupal/modules/user/user.module Form builder; the main user login form. 5
user_login_default_validators drupal/modules/user/user.module Set up a series for validators which check for blocked users, then authenticate against local database, then return an error if authentication fails. Distributed authentication modules are welcome to use hook_form_alter() to change this series in… 2
user_login_name_validate drupal/modules/user/user.module A FAPI validate handler. Sets an error if supplied username has been blocked. 1 1
user_login_authenticate_validate drupal/modules/user/user.module A validate handler on the login form. Check supplied username/password against local users table. If successful, $form_state['uid'] is set to the matching user ID. 1
user_login_final_validate drupal/modules/user/user.module The final validation handler on the login form. 1
user_authenticate drupal/modules/user/user.module Try to validate the user's login credentials locally. 1
user_login_finalize drupal/modules/user/user.module Finalize the login process. Must be called when logging in a user. 3
user_login_submit drupal/modules/user/user.module Submit handler for the login form. Load $user object and perform standard login tasks. The user is then redirected to the My Account page. Setting the destination in the query string overrides the redirect. 3 1
user_external_login_register drupal/modules/user/user.module Helper function for authentication modules. Either logs in or registers the current user, based on username. Either way, the global $user object is populated and login tasks are performed.
user_pass_reset_url drupal/modules/user/user.module Generates a unique URL for a user to login and reset their password. 3
user_cancel_url drupal/modules/user/user.module Generates a URL to confirm an account cancellation request. 1
user_pass_rehash drupal/modules/user/user.module Creates a unique hash value for use in time-dependent per-user URLs. 13
user_cancel drupal/modules/user/user.module Cancel a user account. 3
_user_cancel drupal/modules/user/user.module Implements callback_batch_operation(). 1
user_delete drupal/modules/user/user.module Delete a user. 5 4
user_delete_multiple drupal/modules/user/user.module Delete multiple user accounts. 1
user_view_page drupal/modules/user/user.module Page callback wrapper for user_view(). 1
user_view drupal/modules/user/user.module Generate an array for rendering the given user. 1 3
user_build_content drupal/modules/user/user.module Builds a structured array representing the profile content. 1
user_mail drupal/modules/user/user.module Implements hook_mail(). 2
_user_mail_text drupal/modules/user/user.module Returns a mail string for a variable name. 2
user_mail_tokens drupal/modules/user/user.module Token callback to add unsafe tokens for user mails. 1
user_roles drupal/modules/user/user.module Retrieve an array of roles matching specified conditions. 19
user_role_load drupal/modules/user/user.module Fetches a user role by role ID. 2
user_role_load_by_name drupal/modules/user/user.module Fetches a user role by role name. 3
user_role_save drupal/modules/user/user.module Save a user role to the database. 4
user_role_delete drupal/modules/user/user.module Delete a user role from database. 2
user_role_edit_access drupal/modules/user/user.module Menu access callback for user role editing. 1
user_permission_get_modules drupal/modules/user/user.module Determine the modules that permissions belong to. 1
user_role_change_permissions drupal/modules/user/user.module Change permissions for a user role. 16
user_role_grant_permissions drupal/modules/user/user.module Grant permissions to a user role. 14
user_role_revoke_permissions drupal/modules/user/user.module Revoke permissions from a user role. 5
user_user_operations drupal/modules/user/user.module Implements hook_user_operations().
user_user_operations_unblock drupal/modules/user/user.module Callback function for admin mass unblocking users. 2
user_user_operations_block drupal/modules/user/user.module Callback function for admin mass blocking users. 2
user_multiple_role_edit drupal/modules/user/user.module Callback function for admin mass adding/deleting a user role. 1
user_multiple_cancel_confirm drupal/modules/user/user.module 1
user_multiple_cancel_confirm_submit drupal/modules/user/user.module Submit handler for mass-account cancellation form.
_user_categories drupal/modules/user/user.module Retrieve a list of all user setting/information categories and sort them by weight. 2
_user_sort drupal/modules/user/user.module 1
user_filters drupal/modules/user/user.module List user administration filters that can be applied. 3
user_build_filter_query drupal/modules/user/user.module Extends a query object for user administration filters based on session. 2
user_comment_view drupal/modules/user/user.module Implements hook_comment_view().
theme_user_signature drupal/modules/user/user.module Returns HTML for a user signature.


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