
Primary tabs

Namesort ascending Location Description Direct uses Strings
variable_get drupal/includes/ Returns a persistent variable. 639 1
variable_del drupal/includes/ Unsets a persistent variable. 81
vancode2int drupal/modules/comment/comment.module Decode vancode back to an integer. 1
valid_url drupal/includes/ Verifies the syntax of the given URL. 11
valid_email_address drupal/includes/ Verifies the syntax of the given e-mail address. 8
user_view_page drupal/modules/user/user.module Page callback wrapper for user_view(). 1
user_view_access drupal/modules/user/user.module User view access callback. 2 1
user_view drupal/modules/user/user.module Generate an array for rendering the given user. 1 3
user_validate_picture drupal/modules/user/user.module Validates an image uploaded by a user. 1
user_validate_name drupal/modules/user/user.module Verify the syntax of the given name. 3
user_validate_mail drupal/modules/user/user.module Validates a user's email address. 4
user_validate_current_pass drupal/modules/user/user.module Form validation handler for the current password on the user_account_form(). 2
user_user_view drupal/modules/user/user.module Implements hook_user_view().
user_user_presave drupal/modules/user/user.module Implements hook_user_presave().
user_user_operations_unblock drupal/modules/user/user.module Callback function for admin mass unblocking users. 2
user_user_operations_block drupal/modules/user/user.module Callback function for admin mass blocking users. 2
user_user_operations drupal/modules/user/user.module Implements hook_user_operations().
user_user_categories drupal/modules/user/user.module Implements hook_user_categories().
user_uri drupal/modules/user/user.module Implements callback_entity_info_uri(). 1
user_update_dependencies drupal/modules/user/user.install Implements hook_update_dependencies().
user_update_7019 drupal/modules/user/user.install Ensure there is a combined index on {authmap}.uid and {authmap}.module.
user_update_7018 drupal/modules/user/user.install Ensure there is an index on {users}.picture.
user_update_7017 drupal/modules/user/user.install Update email templates to use new tokens.
user_update_7016 drupal/modules/user/user.install Update the database to match the schema.
user_update_7015 drupal/modules/user/user.install Change {users}.signature_format into varchar.
user_update_7014 drupal/modules/user/user.install Rename the 'post comments without approval' permission.
user_update_7013 drupal/modules/user/user.install Add user module file usage entries.
user_update_7012 drupal/modules/user/user.install Add the user's pictures to the {file_managed} table and make them managed files.
user_update_7011 drupal/modules/user/user.install Placeholder function.
user_update_7010 drupal/modules/user/user.install Update the {user}.signature_format column.
user_update_7009 drupal/modules/user/user.install Converts fields that store serialized variables from text to blob.
user_update_7008 drupal/modules/user/user.install If 'user_register' variable was unset in Drupal 6, set it to be the same as the Drupal 6 default setting.
user_update_7007 drupal/modules/user/user.install Add a weight column to user roles.
user_update_7006 drupal/modules/user/user.install Add module data to {role_permission}.
user_update_7005 drupal/modules/user/user.install Changes the users table to allow longer e-mail addresses.
user_update_7003 drupal/modules/user/user.install Update user settings for cancelling user accounts.
user_update_7002 drupal/modules/user/user.install Convert user time zones from time zone offsets to time zone names.
user_update_7001 drupal/modules/user/user.install Remove the 'threshold', 'mode' and 'sort' columns from the {users} table.
user_update_7000 drupal/modules/user/user.install Increase the length of the password field to accommodate better hashes.
user_uid_optional_to_arg drupal/modules/user/user.module Returns $arg or the user ID of the current user if $arg is '%' or empty. 1
user_uid_optional_load drupal/modules/user/user.module Load either a specified or the current user account.
user_uid_only_optional_to_arg drupal/modules/user/user.module Returns $arg or the user ID of the current user if $arg is '%' or empty.
user_translated_menu_link_alter drupal/modules/user/user.module Implements hook_translated_menu_link_alter().
user_token_info drupal/modules/user/ Implements hook_token_info().
user_tokens drupal/modules/user/ Implements hook_tokens().
user_theme drupal/modules/user/user.module Implements hook_theme().
user_system_info_alter drupal/modules/user/user.module Implements hook_system_info_alter().
user_set_authmaps drupal/modules/user/user.module Save mappings of which external authentication module(s) authenticated a user. Maps external usernames to user ids in the users table. 3
user_search_info drupal/modules/user/user.module Implements hook_search_info().
user_search_execute drupal/modules/user/user.module Implements hook_search_execute().


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