
Primary tabs

Name Location Description Direct usessort descending Strings
NODE_STICKY drupal/core/modules/node/node.module Denotes that the node is sticky at the top of the page. 2
NODE_ACCESS_ALLOW drupal/core/modules/node/node.module Denotes that access is allowed for a node. 2
NODE_ACCESS_DENY drupal/core/modules/node/node.module Denotes that access is denied for a node. 2
EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH drupal/core/modules/user/user.module Maximum length of user e-mail text field. 2 1
LOCALE_TRANSLATION_DOWNLOADED drupal/core/modules/locale/locale.module Translation source is a downloaded file. 2
FILTER_TYPE_MARKUP_LANGUAGE drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Non-HTML markup language filters that generate HTML. 2
FILTER_TYPE_TRANSFORM_REVERSIBLE drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Reversible transformation filters. 2
FILTER_TYPE_TRANSFORM_IRREVERSIBLE drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Irreversible transformation filters. 2
COMMENT_ANONYMOUS_MAYNOT_CONTACT drupal/core/modules/comment/comment.module Anonymous posters cannot enter their contact information. 2
COMMENT_ANONYMOUS_MAY_CONTACT drupal/core/modules/comment/comment.module Anonymous posters may leave their contact information. 2
BLOCK_VISIBILITY_LISTED drupal/core/modules/block/block.module Shows this block on only the listed pages. 2
BLOCK_VISIBILITY_PHP drupal/core/modules/block/block.module Shows this block if the associated PHP code returns TRUE. 2
FILE_URL_TEST_CDN_1 drupal/core/modules/file/tests/file_test/file_test.module 2
ENTITY_TEST_TYPES_REVISABLE drupal/core/modules/system/tests/modules/entity_test/entity_test.module Filter that limits test entity list to revisable ones. 2
ENTITY_TEST_TYPES_MULTILINGUAL drupal/core/modules/system/tests/modules/entity_test/entity_test.module Filter that limits test entity list to multilingual ones. 2
LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_INTERFACE drupal/core/modules/language/ The language is determined using the current interface language. 2
VIEWS_HANDLER_RENDER_TEXT_PHASE_EMPTY drupal/core/modules/views/lib/Drupal/views/Plugin/views/field/FieldPluginBase.php Indicator of the renderText() method for rendering the empty text. 2 1
REQUIREMENT_INFO drupal/core/includes/ Requirement severity -- Informational message only. 3
FILE_EXECUTABLE drupal/core/includes/ File permission check -- File is executable. 3
FILE_NOT_READABLE drupal/core/includes/ File permission check -- File is not readable. 3
FILE_NOT_EXECUTABLE drupal/core/includes/ File permission check -- File is not executable. 3
STREAM_WRAPPERS_LOCAL_HIDDEN drupal/core/includes/ Stream wrapper type flag -- hidden, readable and writeable using local files. 3 1
MARK_READ drupal/core/includes/ Mark content as read. 3
MARK_UPDATED drupal/core/includes/ Mark content as being updated. 3
DRUPAL_CACHE_PER_PAGE drupal/core/includes/ The block or element can change depending on the page being viewed. 3
MENU_IS_LOCAL_TASK drupal/core/includes/ Internal menu flag -- menu item is a local task. 3
INSTALL_TASK_SKIP drupal/core/includes/ Do not run the task during the current installation request. 3
INSTALL_TASK_RUN_IF_NOT_COMPLETED drupal/core/includes/ Run the task on each installation request until the database is set up. 3
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_DATABASE drupal/core/includes/ Fourth bootstrap phase: initialize database layer. 3
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_SESSION drupal/core/includes/ Sixth bootstrap phase: initialize session handling. 3
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_CODE drupal/core/includes/ Eighth bootstrap phase: load code for subsystems and modules. 3
DRUPAL_KILOBYTE drupal/core/includes/ The number of bytes in a kilobyte. 3
FIELD_BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT drupal/core/modules/field/field.module Value for field API concerning widget default and multiple value settings. 3
FIELD_LOAD_REVISION drupal/core/modules/field/field.module Load the version of an entity's field data specified in the entity. 3 1
TAXONOMY_HIERARCHY_DISABLED drupal/core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module Denotes that no term in the vocabulary has a parent. 3
AGGREGATOR_CLEAR_NEVER drupal/core/modules/aggregator/aggregator.module Denotes that a feed's items should never expire. 3
NODE_PROMOTED drupal/core/modules/node/node.module Denotes that the node is promoted to the front page. 3
NODE_NOT_STICKY drupal/core/modules/node/node.module Denotes that the node is not sticky at the top of the page. 3
LOCALE_TRANSLATION_USE_SOURCE_LOCAL drupal/core/modules/locale/locale.module Translation update mode: Use local files only. 3
LOCALE_TRANSLATION_OVERWRITE_NON_CUSTOMIZED drupal/core/modules/locale/locale.module UI option for override of existing translations. Only override non-customized translations. 3
LOCALE_TRANSLATION_OVERWRITE_NONE drupal/core/modules/locale/locale.module UI option for override of existing translations. Don't override existing translations. 3
FILE_URL_TEST_CDN_2 drupal/core/modules/file/tests/file_test/file_test.module 3
MAIL_LINE_ENDINGS drupal/core/includes/ Auto-detect appropriate line endings for e-mails. 3 1
LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL drupal/core/modules/language/ The language is determined using path prefix or domain. 3
MENU_MAX_MENU_NAME_LENGTH_UI drupal/core/modules/menu/menu.module Maximum length of menu name as entered by the user. Database length is 32 and we add a menu- prefix. 3
MARK_NEW drupal/core/includes/ Mark content as being new. 4
MENU_VISIBLE_IN_TREE drupal/core/includes/ Internal menu flag -- menu item is visible in the menu tree. 4
MENU_LINKS_TO_PARENT drupal/core/includes/ Internal menu flag -- menu item links back to its parent. 4
MENU_SITE_OFFLINE drupal/core/includes/ Internal menu status code -- Menu item inaccessible because site is offline. 4
MENU_SITE_ONLINE drupal/core/includes/ Internal menu status code -- Everything is working fine. 4


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