public function Date::format

Formats a date, using a date type or a custom date format string.


int $timestamp: A UNIX timestamp to format.

string $type: (optional) The format to use, one of:

  • One of the built-in formats: 'short', 'medium', 'long', 'html_datetime', 'html_date', 'html_time', 'html_yearless_date', 'html_week', 'html_month', 'html_year'.
  • The name of a date type defined by a module in hook_date_format_types(), if it's been assigned a format.
  • The machine name of an administrator-defined date format.
  • 'custom', to use $format.

Defaults to 'medium'.

string $format: (optional) If $type is 'custom', a PHP date format string suitable for input to date(). Use a backslash to escape ordinary text, so it does not get interpreted as date format characters.

string $timezone: (optional) Time zone identifier, as described at Defaults to the time zone used to display the page.

string $langcode: (optional) Language code to translate to. Defaults to the language used to display the page.

Return value

string A translated date string in the requested format.


drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Datetime/Date.php, line 85
Contains \Drupal\Component\Datetime\Date.


Provides a service to handler various date related functionality.




public function format($timestamp, $type = 'medium', $format = '', $timezone = NULL, $langcode = NULL) {
  if (!isset($timezone)) {
    $timezone = date_default_timezone_get();

  // Store DateTimeZone objects in an array rather than repeatedly
  // constructing identical objects over the life of a request.
  if (!isset($this->timezones[$timezone])) {
    $this->timezones[$timezone] = timezone_open($timezone);
  if (empty($langcode)) {
    $langcode = $this->languageManager

  // Create a DrupalDateTime object from the timestamp and timezone.
  $date = new DrupalDateTime($timestamp, $this->timezones[$timezone]);

  // Find the appropriate format type.
  $key = $date
    ->canUseIntl() ? DrupalDateTime::INTL : DrupalDateTime::PHP;

  // If we have a non-custom date format use the provided date format pattern.
  $config = $this->configFactory
  if ($type != 'custom') {
    $format = $config
      ->get('formats.' . $type . '.pattern.' . $key);

  // Fall back to medium if a format was not found.
  if (empty($format)) {
    $format = $config
      ->get('formats.medium.pattern.' . $key);

  // Call $date->format().
  $settings = array(
    'langcode' => $langcode,
    'format_string_type' => $key,
  return Xss::filter($date
    ->format($format, $settings));