public function DrupalDateTime::format

Overrides format().

Uses the IntlDateFormatter to display the format, if possible. Adds an optional array of settings that provides the information the IntlDateFormatter will need.


string $format: A format string using either PHP's date() or the IntlDateFormatter() format.

array $settings:

  • format_string_type: (optional) DateTimePlus::PHP or DateTimePlus::INTL. Identifies the pattern used by the format string. When using the Intl formatter, the format string must use the Intl pattern, which is different from the pattern used by the DateTime format function. Defaults to DateTimePlus::PHP.
  • timezone: (optional) String timezone name. Defaults to the timezone of the date object.
  • langcode: (optional) String two letter language code to construct the locale string by the intlDateFormatter class. Used to control the result of the format() method if that class is available. Defaults to NULL.
  • country: (optional) String two letter country code to construct the locale string by the intlDateFormatter class. Used to control the result of the format() method if that class is available. Defaults to NULL.
  • calendar: (optional) String calendar name to use for the date, Defaults to DateTimePlus::CALENDAR.
  • date_type: (optional) Integer date type to use in the formatter, defaults to IntlDateFormatter::FULL.
  • time_type: (optional) Integer date type to use in the formatter, defaults to IntlDateFormatter::FULL.
  • lenient: (optional) Boolean choice of whether or not to use lenient processing in the intl formatter. Defaults to FALSE;

Return value

string The formatted value of the date.

Overrides DateTimePlus::format


drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Datetime/DrupalDateTime.php, line 123
Definition of Drupal\Core\Datetime\DrupalDateTime.


Extends DateTimePlus().




public function format($format, $settings = array()) {
  $format_string_type = isset($settings['format_string_type']) ? $settings['format_string_type'] : static::PHP;
  $settings['calendar'] = !empty($settings['calendar']) ? $settings['calendar'] : $this->calendar;
  $settings['langcode'] = !empty($settings['langcode']) ? $settings['langcode'] : $this->langcode;
  $settings['country'] = !empty($settings['country']) ? $settings['country'] : $this->country;

  // Format the date and catch errors.
  try {

    // If we have what we need to use the IntlDateFormatter, do so.
    if ($this
      ->canUseIntl($settings['calendar'], $settings['langcode'], $settings['country']) && $format_string_type == parent::INTL) {
      $value = parent::format($format, $settings);
    else {

      // Encode markers that should be translated. 'A' becomes
      // '\xEF\AA\xFF'. xEF and xFF are invalid UTF-8 sequences,
      // and we assume they are not in the input string.
      // Paired backslashes are isolated to prevent errors in
      // read-ahead evaluation. The read-ahead expression ensures that
      // A matches, but not \A.
      $format = preg_replace(array(
      ), array(
      ), $format);

      // Call date_format().
      $format = parent::format($format);

      // Pass the langcode to _format_date_callback().
      _format_date_callback(NULL, $settings['langcode']);

      // Translate the marked sequences.
      $value = preg_replace_callback('/\\xEF([AaeDlMTF]?)(.*?)\\xFF/', '_format_date_callback', $format);
  } catch (\Exception $e) {
    $this->errors[] = $e
  return $value;