
Definition of Drupal\aggregator\Tests\FeedParserTest.




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 * @file
 * Definition of Drupal\aggregator\Tests\FeedParserTest.
namespace Drupal\aggregator\Tests;

 * Tests feed parsing in the Aggregator module.
class FeedParserTest extends AggregatorTestBase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Feed parser functionality',
      'description' => 'Test the built-in feed parser with valid feed samples.',
      'group' => 'Aggregator',
  function setUp() {

    // Do not remove old aggregator items during these tests, since our sample
    // feeds have hardcoded dates in them (which may be expired when this test
    // is run).
      ->set('items.expire', AGGREGATOR_CLEAR_NEVER)

   * Tests a feed that uses the RSS 0.91 format.
  function testRSS091Sample() {
    $feed = $this
      ->drupalGet('aggregator/sources/' . $feed
      ->assertResponse(200, format_string('Feed %name exists.', array(
      '%name' => $feed
      ->assertText('First example feed item title');
      ->assertText('First example feed item description.');

    // Several additional items that include elements over 255 characters.
      ->assertRaw("Second example feed item title.");
      ->assertText('Long link feed item title');
      ->assertText('Long link feed item description');
      ->assertText('Long author feed item title');
      ->assertText('Long author feed item description');

   * Tests a feed that uses the Atom format.
  function testAtomSample() {
    $feed = $this
      ->drupalGet('aggregator/sources/' . $feed
      ->assertResponse(200, format_string('Feed %name exists.', array(
      '%name' => $feed
      ->assertText('Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok');
      ->assertText('Some text.');
      ->assertEqual('urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a', db_query('SELECT guid FROM {aggregator_item} WHERE link = :link', array(
      ':link' => 'http://example.org/2003/12/13/atom03',
      ->fetchField(), 'Atom entry id element is parsed correctly.');

   * Tests a feed that uses HTML entities in item titles.
  function testHtmlEntitiesSample() {
    $feed = $this
      ->drupalGet('aggregator/sources/' . $feed
      ->assertResponse(200, format_string('Feed %name exists.', array(
      '%name' => $feed
      ->assertRaw("Quote&quot; Amp&amp;");

   * Tests error handling when an invalid feed is added.
  function testRedirectFeed() {

    // Simulate a typo in the URL to force a curl exception.
    $invalid_url = url('aggregator/redirect', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    $feed = entity_create('aggregator_feed', array(
      'url' => $invalid_url,

    // Make sure that the feed URL was updated correctly.
      ->assertEqual($feed->url->value, url('aggregator/test-feed', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,

   * Tests error handling when an invalid feed is added.
  function testInvalidFeed() {

    // Simulate a typo in the URL to force a curl exception.
    $invalid_url = 'http:/www.drupal.org';
    $feed = entity_create('aggregator_feed', array(
      'url' => $invalid_url,
      'title' => $this

    // Update the feed. Use the UI to be able to check the message easily.
      ->clickLink(t('Update items'));
      ->assertRaw(t('The feed from %title seems to be broken because of error', array(
      '%title' => $feed



Namesort descending Description
FeedParserTest Tests feed parsing in the Aggregator module.