Performs access checks.
This method is supposed to be overwritten by extending classes that do their own custom access checking.
\Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity: The entity for which to check 'create' access.
string $operation: The entity operation. Usually one of 'view', 'edit', 'create' or 'delete'.
string $langcode: The language code for which to check access.
\Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface; $account: The user for which to check access.
bool|null TRUE if access was granted, FALSE if access was denied and NULL if access could not be determined.
Overrides EntityAccessController::checkAccess
protected function checkAccess(EntityInterface $entity, $operation, $langcode, AccountInterface $account) {
if ($operation === 'view') {
return TRUE;
elseif (in_array($operation, array(
))) {
return user_access('administer blocks', $account);