function BlockUiTest::testBlockAdminUiPage

Test block admin page exists and functions correctly.


drupal/core/modules/block/lib/Drupal/block/Tests/BlockUiTest.php, line 73
Contains \Drupal\block\Tests\BlockUiTest.


Tests the block configuration UI.




function testBlockAdminUiPage() {

  // Visit the blocks admin ui.

  // Look for the blocks table.
  $blocks_table = $this
    ->assertTrue(!empty($blocks_table), 'The blocks table is being rendered.');

  // Look for test blocks in the table.
  foreach ($this->testBlocks as $values) {
    $element = $this
      ->xpath('//*[@id="blocks"]/tbody/tr[' . $values['tr'] . ']/td[1]/text()');
      ->assertTrue((string) $element[0] == $values['label'], 'The "' . $values['label'] . '" block title is set inside the ' . $values['settings']['region'] . ' region.');

    // Look for a test block region select form element.
      ->assertField('blocks[stark.' . $values['settings']['machine_name'] . '][region]', 'The block "' . $values['label'] . '" has a region assignment field.');

    // Move the test block to the header region.
    $edit['blocks[stark.' . $values['settings']['machine_name'] . '][region]'] = 'header';

    // Look for a test block weight select form element.
      ->assertField('blocks[stark.' . $values['settings']['machine_name'] . '][weight]', 'The block "' . $values['label'] . '" has a weight assignment field.');

    // Change the test block's weight.
    $edit['blocks[stark.' . $values['settings']['machine_name'] . '][weight]'] = $values['test_weight'];
    ->drupalPost('admin/structure/block', $edit, t('Save blocks'));
  foreach ($this->testBlocks as $values) {

    // Check if the region and weight settings changes have persisted.
      ->assertOptionSelected('edit-blocks-stark' . $values['settings']['machine_name'] . '-region', 'header', 'The block "' . $values['label'] . '" has the correct region assignment (header).');
      ->assertOptionSelected('edit-blocks-stark' . $values['settings']['machine_name'] . '-weight', $values['test_weight'], 'The block "' . $values['label'] . '" has the correct weight assignment (' . $values['test_weight'] . ').');