
Tests for forum.module.




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 * @file
 * Tests for forum.module.
namespace Drupal\forum\Tests;

use Drupal\Core\Language\Language;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase;

 * Provides automated tests for the Forum module.
class ForumTest extends WebTestBase {

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = array(

   * A user with various administrative privileges.
  protected $admin_user;

   * A user that can create forum topics and edit its own topics.
  protected $edit_own_topics_user;

   * A user that can create, edit, and delete forum topics.
  protected $edit_any_topics_user;

   * A user with no special privileges.
  protected $web_user;

   * An array representing a forum container.
  protected $forumContainer;

   * An array representing a forum.
  protected $forum;

   * An array representing a root forum.
  protected $root_forum;

   * An array of forum topic node IDs.
  protected $nids;
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Forum functionality',
      'description' => 'Create, view, edit, delete, and change forum entries and verify its consistency in the database.',
      'group' => 'Forum',
  function setUp() {

    // Create users.
    $this->admin_user = $this
      'access administration pages',
      'administer modules',
      'administer blocks',
      'administer forums',
      'administer menu',
      'administer taxonomy',
      'create forum content',
      'access comments',
    $this->edit_any_topics_user = $this
      'access administration pages',
      'create forum content',
      'edit any forum content',
      'delete any forum content',
    $this->edit_own_topics_user = $this
      'create forum content',
      'edit own forum content',
      'delete own forum content',
    $this->web_user = $this
    $this->post_comment_user = $this
      'administer content types',
      'create forum content',
      'post comments',
      'skip comment approval',
      'access comments',

   * Tests disabling and re-enabling the Forum module.
  function testEnableForumField() {

    // Disable the Forum module.
    $edit = array();
    $edit['modules[Core][forum][enable]'] = FALSE;
      ->drupalPost('admin/modules', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
      ->assertText(t('The configuration options have been saved.'), 'Modules status has been updated.');
      ->assertFalse(module_exists('forum'), 'Forum module is not enabled.');

    // Attempt to re-enable the Forum module and ensure it does not try to
    // recreate the taxonomy_forums field.
    $edit = array();
    $edit['modules[Core][forum][enable]'] = 'forum';
      ->drupalPost('admin/modules', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
      ->assertText(t('The configuration options have been saved.'), 'Modules status has been updated.');
      ->assertTrue(module_exists('forum'), 'Forum module is enabled.');

   * Tests forum functionality through the admin and user interfaces.
  function testForum() {

    //Check that the basic forum install creates a default forum topic

    // Look for the "General discussion" default forum
      ->assertText(t("General discussion"), "Found the default forum at the /forum listing");

    // Do the admin tests.

    // Login an unprivileged user to view the forum topics and generate an
    // active forum topics list.

    // Verify that this user is shown a message that they may not post content.
      ->drupalGet('forum/' . $this->forum['tid']);
      ->assertText(t('You are not allowed to post new content in the forum'), "Authenticated user without permission to post forum content is shown message in local tasks to that effect.");

    // Log in, and do basic tests for a user with permission to edit any forum
    // content.
      ->doBasicTests($this->edit_any_topics_user, TRUE);

    // Create a forum node authored by this user.
    $any_topics_user_node = $this
      ->createForumTopic($this->forum, FALSE);

    // Log in, and do basic tests for a user with permission to edit only its
    // own forum content.
      ->doBasicTests($this->edit_own_topics_user, FALSE);

    // Create a forum node authored by this user.
    $own_topics_user_node = $this
      ->createForumTopic($this->forum, FALSE);

    // Verify that this user cannot edit forum content authored by another user.
      ->verifyForums($this->edit_any_topics_user, $any_topics_user_node, FALSE, 403);

    // Verify that this user is shown a local task to add new forum content.
      ->assertLink(t('Add new Forum topic'));
      ->drupalGet('forum/' . $this->forum['tid']);
      ->assertLink(t('Add new Forum topic'));

    // Login a user with permission to edit any forum content.

    // Verify that this user can edit forum content authored by another user.
      ->verifyForums($this->edit_own_topics_user, $own_topics_user_node, TRUE);

    // Verify the topic and post counts on the forum page.

    // Verify row for testing forum.
    $forum_arg = array(
      ':forum' => 'forum-list-' . $this->forum['tid'],

    // Topics cell contains number of topics and number of unread topics.
    $xpath = $this
      ->buildXPathQuery('//tr[@id=:forum]//td[@class="topics"]', $forum_arg);
    $topics = $this
    $topics = trim($topics[0]);
      ->assertEqual($topics, '6', 'Number of topics found.');

    // Verify the number of unread topics.
    $unread_topics = _forum_topics_unread($this->forum['tid'], $this->edit_any_topics_user->uid);
    $unread_topics = format_plural($unread_topics, '1 new post', '@count new posts');
    $xpath = $this
      ->buildXPathQuery('//tr[@id=:forum]//td[@class="topics"]//a', $forum_arg);
      ->assertFieldByXPath($xpath, $unread_topics, 'Number of unread topics found.');

    // Verify that the forum name is in the unread topics text.
    $xpath = $this
      ->buildXPathQuery('//tr[@id=:forum]//em[@class="placeholder"]', $forum_arg);
      ->assertFieldByXpath($xpath, $this->forum['name'], 'Forum name found in unread topics text.');

    // Verify total number of posts in forum.
    $xpath = $this
      ->buildXPathQuery('//tr[@id=:forum]//td[@class="posts"]', $forum_arg);
      ->assertFieldByXPath($xpath, '6', 'Number of posts found.');

    // Test loading multiple forum nodes on the front page.
      'administer content types',
      'create forum content',
      'post comments',
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/types/manage/forum', array(
      'node_options[promote]' => 'promote',
    ), t('Save content type'));
      ->createForumTopic($this->forum, FALSE);
      ->createForumTopic($this->forum, FALSE);

    // Test adding a comment to a forum topic.
    $node = $this
      ->createForumTopic($this->forum, FALSE);
    $edit = array();
    $edit['comment_body[' . Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED . '][0][value]'] = $this
      ->drupalPost("node/{$node->nid}", $edit, t('Save'));

    // Test editing a forum topic that has a comment.
      ->drupalGet('forum/' . $this->forum['tid']);
      ->drupalPost("node/{$node->nid}/edit", array(), t('Save'));

    // Test the root forum page title change.
      ->assertTitle(t('Forums | Drupal'));
    $vocabulary = entity_load('taxonomy_vocabulary', $this->forum['vid']);
      ->set('name', 'Discussions');
      ->assertTitle(t('Discussions | Drupal'));

   * Tests that forum nodes can't be added without a parent.
   * Verifies that forum nodes are not created without choosing "forum" from the
   * select list.
  function testAddOrphanTopic() {

    // Must remove forum topics to test creating orphan topics.
    $vid = config('forum.settings')
    $tids = \Drupal::entityQuery('taxonomy_term')
      ->condition('vid', $vid)
    entity_delete_multiple('taxonomy_term', $tids);

    // Create an orphan forum item.
      ->drupalPost('node/add/forum', array(
      'title' => $this
      'body[' . Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED . '][0][value]' => $this
    ), t('Save'));
    $nid_count = db_query('SELECT COUNT(nid) FROM {node}')
      ->assertEqual(0, $nid_count, 'A forum node was not created when missing a forum vocabulary.');

    // Reset the defaults for future tests.

   * Runs admin tests on the admin user.
   * @param object $user
   *   The logged-in user.
  private function doAdminTests($user) {

    // Login the user.

    // Retrieve forum menu id.
    $mlid = db_query_range("SELECT mlid FROM {menu_links} WHERE link_path = 'forum' AND menu_name = 'tools' AND module = 'system' ORDER BY mlid ASC", 0, 1)

    // Add forum to the Tools menu.
    $edit = array();
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/menu/manage/tools', $edit, t('Save'));

    // Edit forum taxonomy.
    // Restoration of the settings fails and causes subsequent tests to fail.
    $this->forumContainer = $this

    // Create forum container.
    $this->forumContainer = $this

    // Verify "edit container" link exists and functions correctly.
      ->clickLink('edit container');
      ->assertRaw('Edit container', 'Followed the link to edit the container');

    // Create forum inside the forum container.
    $this->forum = $this
      ->createForum('forum', $this->forumContainer['tid']);

    // Verify the "edit forum" link exists and functions correctly.
      ->clickLink('edit forum');
      ->assertRaw('Edit forum', 'Followed the link to edit the forum');

    // Navigate back to forum structure page.

    // Create second forum in container.
    $this->delete_forum = $this
      ->createForum('forum', $this->forumContainer['tid']);

    // Save forum overview.
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/forum/', array(), t('Save'));
      ->assertRaw(t('The configuration options have been saved.'));

    // Delete this second forum.

    // Create forum at the top (root) level.
    $this->root_forum = $this

    // Test vocabulary form alterations.
      ->assertFieldByName('op', t('Save'), 'Save button found.');
      ->assertNoFieldByName('op', t('Delete'), 'Delete button not found.');

    // Test term edit form alterations.
      ->drupalGet('taxonomy/term/' . $this->forumContainer['tid'] . '/edit');

    // Test parent field been hidden by forum module.
      ->assertNoField('parent[]', 'Parent field not found.');

    // Create a default vocabulary named "Tags".
    $description = 'Use tags to group articles on similar topics into categories.';
    $help = 'Enter a comma-separated list of words to describe your content.';
    $vocabulary = entity_create('taxonomy_vocabulary', array(
      'name' => 'Tags',
      'description' => $description,
      'vid' => 'tags',
      'langcode' => language_default()->langcode,
      'help' => $help,

    // Test tags vocabulary form is not affected.
      ->assertFieldByName('op', t('Save'), 'Save button found.');
      ->assertFieldByName('op', t('Delete'), 'Delete button found.');

    // Test tags vocabulary term form is not affected.
      ->assertField('parent[]', 'Parent field found.');

    // Test relations widget exists.
    $relations_widget = $this
      ->assertTrue(isset($relations_widget[0]), 'Relations widget element found.');

   * Edits the forum taxonomy.
  function editForumVocabulary() {

    // Backup forum taxonomy.
    $vid = config('forum.settings')
    $original_vocabulary = entity_load('taxonomy_vocabulary', $vid);

    // Generate a random name and description.
    $edit = array(
      'name' => $this
      'description' => $this

    // Edit the vocabulary.
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/' . $original_vocabulary
      ->id() . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
      ->assertRaw(t('Updated vocabulary %name.', array(
      '%name' => $edit['name'],
    )), 'Vocabulary was edited');

    // Grab the newly edited vocabulary.
    $current_vocabulary = entity_load('taxonomy_vocabulary', $vid);

    // Make sure we actually edited the vocabulary properly.
      ->assertEqual($current_vocabulary->name, $edit['name'], 'The name was updated');
      ->assertEqual($current_vocabulary->description, $edit['description'], 'The description was updated');

    // Restore the original vocabulary's name and description.
      ->set('name', $original_vocabulary->name);
      ->set('description', $original_vocabulary->description);

    // Reload vocabulary to make sure changes are saved.
    $current_vocabulary = entity_load('taxonomy_vocabulary', $vid);
      ->assertEqual($current_vocabulary->name, $original_vocabulary->name, 'The original vocabulary settings were restored');

   * Creates a forum container or a forum.
   * @param $type
   *   The forum type (forum container or forum).
   * @param $parent
   *   The forum parent. This defaults to 0, indicating a root forum.
   * @return
   *   The created taxonomy term data.
  function createForum($type, $parent = 0) {

    // Generate a random name/description.
    $name = $this
    $description = $this
    $edit = array(
      'name' => $name,
      'description' => $description,
      'parent[0]' => $parent,
      'weight' => '0',

    // Create forum.
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/forum/add/' . $type, $edit, t('Save'));
    $type = $type == 'container' ? 'forum container' : 'forum';
      ->assertRaw(t('Created new @type %term.', array(
      '%term' => $name,
      '@type' => t($type),
    )), format_string('@type was created', array(
      '@type' => ucfirst($type),

    // Verify forum.
    $term = db_query("SELECT * FROM {taxonomy_term_data} t WHERE t.vid = :vid AND = :name AND t.description = :desc", array(
      ':vid' => config('forum.settings')
      ':name' => $name,
      ':desc' => $description,
      ->assertTrue(!empty($term), 'The ' . $type . ' exists in the database');

    // Verify forum hierarchy.
    $tid = $term['tid'];
    $parent_tid = db_query("SELECT t.parent FROM {taxonomy_term_hierarchy} t WHERE t.tid = :tid", array(
      ':tid' => $tid,
      ->assertTrue($parent == $parent_tid, 'The ' . $type . ' is linked to its container');
    return $term;

   * Deletes a forum.
   * @param $tid
   *   The forum ID.
  function deleteForum($tid) {

    // Delete the forum.
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/forum/edit/forum/' . $tid, array(), t('Delete'));
      ->assertText('Are you sure you want to delete the forum');
      ->assertNoText('Add forum');
      ->assertNoText('Add forum container');
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Delete'));

    // Assert that the forum no longer exists.
      ->drupalGet('forum/' . $tid);
      ->assertResponse(404, 'The forum was not found');

    // Assert that the associated term has been removed from the
    // forum_containers variable.
    $containers = config('forum.settings')
      ->assertFalse(in_array($tid, $containers), 'The forum_containers variable has been updated.');

   * Runs basic tests on the indicated user.
   * @param $user
   *   The logged in user.
   * @param $admin
   *   User has 'access administration pages' privilege.
  private function doBasicTests($user, $admin) {

    // Login the user.

    // Attempt to create forum topic under a container.
      ->createForumTopic($this->forumContainer, TRUE);

    // Create forum node.
    $node = $this
      ->createForumTopic($this->forum, FALSE);

    // Verify the user has access to all the forum nodes.
      ->verifyForums($user, $node, $admin);

   * Tests a forum with a new post displays properly.
  function testForumWithNewPost() {

    // Login as the first user.

    // Create a forum container.
    $this->forumContainer = $this

    // Create a forum.
    $this->forum = $this

    // Create a topic.
    $node = $this
      ->createForumTopic($this->forum, FALSE);

    // Login as a second user.

    // Post a reply to the topic.
    $edit = array();
    $edit['subject'] = $this
    $edit['comment_body[' . Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED . '][0][value]'] = $this
      ->drupalPost("node/{$node->nid}", $edit, t('Save'));

    // Login as the first user.

    // Check that forum renders properly.

   * Creates a forum topic.
   * @param array $forum
   *   A forum array.
   * @param boolean $container
   *   TRUE if $forum is a container; FALSE otherwise.
   * @return object
   *   The created topic node.
  function createForumTopic($forum, $container = FALSE) {

    // Generate a random subject/body.
    $title = $this
    $body = $this
    $langcode = Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED;
    $edit = array(
      "title" => $title,
      "body[{$langcode}][0][value]" => $body,
    $tid = $forum['tid'];

    // Create the forum topic, preselecting the forum ID via a URL parameter.
      ->drupalPost('node/add/forum/' . $tid, $edit, t('Save'));
    $type = t('Forum topic');
    if ($container) {
        ->assertNoRaw(t('@type %title has been created.', array(
        '@type' => $type,
        '%title' => $title,
      )), 'Forum topic was not created');
        ->assertRaw(t('The item %title is a forum container, not a forum.', array(
        '%title' => $forum['name'],
      )), 'Error message was shown');
    else {
        ->assertRaw(t('@type %title has been created.', array(
        '@type' => $type,
        '%title' => $title,
      )), 'Forum topic was created');
        ->assertNoRaw(t('The item %title is a forum container, not a forum.', array(
        '%title' => $forum['name'],
      )), 'No error message was shown');

    // Retrieve node object, ensure that the topic was created and in the proper forum.
    $node = $this
      ->assertTrue($node != NULL, format_string('Node @title was loaded', array(
      '@title' => $title,
      ->assertEqual($node->taxonomy_forums[Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED][0]['tid'], $tid, 'Saved forum topic was in the expected forum');

    // View forum topic.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
      ->assertRaw($title, 'Subject was found');
      ->assertRaw($body, 'Body was found');
    return $node;

   * Verifies that the logged in user has access to a forum node.
   * @param $node_user
   *   The user who creates the node.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $node
   *   The node being checked.
   * @param $admin
   *   Boolean to indicate whether the user can 'access administration pages'.
   * @param $response
   *   The exptected HTTP response code.
  private function verifyForums($node_user, EntityInterface $node, $admin, $response = 200) {
    $response2 = $admin ? 200 : 403;

    // View forum help node.
    if ($response2 == 200) {
        ->assertTitle(t('Forum | Drupal'), 'Forum help title was displayed');
        ->assertText(t('Forum'), 'Forum help node was displayed');

    // View forum container page.

    // View forum page.
      ->verifyForumView($this->forum, $this->forumContainer);

    // View root forum page.

    // View forum node.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
      ->label() . ' | Drupal', 'Forum node was displayed');
    $breadcrumb = array(
      l(t('Home'), NULL),
      l(t('Forums'), 'forum'),
      l($this->forumContainer['name'], 'forum/' . $this->forumContainer['tid']),
      l($this->forum['name'], 'forum/' . $this->forum['tid']),
      ->assertRaw(theme('breadcrumb', array(
      'breadcrumb' => $breadcrumb,
    )), 'Breadcrumbs were displayed');

    // View forum edit node.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/edit');
    if ($response == 200) {
        ->assertTitle('Edit Forum topic ' . $node
        ->label() . ' | Drupal', 'Forum edit node was displayed');
    if ($response == 200) {

      // Edit forum node (including moving it to another forum).
      $edit = array();
      $langcode = Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED;
      $edit["title"] = 'node/' . $node->nid;
      $edit["body[{$langcode}][0][value]"] = $this

      // Assume the topic is initially associated with $forum.
      $edit["taxonomy_forums[{$langcode}]"] = $this->root_forum['tid'];
      $edit['shadow'] = TRUE;
        ->drupalPost('node/' . $node->nid . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
        ->assertRaw(t('Forum topic %title has been updated.', array(
        '%title' => $edit["title"],
      )), 'Forum node was edited');

      // Verify topic was moved to a different forum.
      $forum_tid = db_query("SELECT tid FROM {forum} WHERE nid = :nid AND vid = :vid", array(
        ':nid' => $node->nid,
        ':vid' => $node->vid,
        ->assertTrue($forum_tid == $this->root_forum['tid'], 'The forum topic is linked to a different forum');

      // Delete forum node.
        ->drupalPost('node/' . $node->nid . '/delete', array(), t('Delete'));
        ->assertRaw(t('Forum topic %title has been deleted.', array(
        '%title' => $edit['title'],
      )), 'Forum node was deleted');

   * Verifies the display of a forum page.
   * @param $forum
   *   A row from the taxonomy_term_data table in an array.
   * @param $parent
   *   (optional) An array representing the forum's parent.
  private function verifyForumView($forum, $parent = NULL) {

    // View forum page.
      ->drupalGet('forum/' . $forum['tid']);
      ->assertTitle($forum['name'] . ' | Drupal');
    $breadcrumb = array(
      l(t('Home'), NULL),
      l(t('Forums'), 'forum'),
    if (isset($parent)) {
      $breadcrumb[] = l($parent['name'], 'forum/' . $parent['tid']);
      ->assertRaw(theme('breadcrumb', array(
      'breadcrumb' => $breadcrumb,

   * Generates forum topics.
   * @param array $forum
   *   The forum array (a row from taxonomy_term_data table).
  private function generateForumTopics($forum) {
    $this->nids = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
      $node = $this
        ->createForumTopic($this->forum, FALSE);
      $this->nids[] = $node->nid;



Namesort descending Description
ForumTest Provides automated tests for the Forum module.