function LocaleJavascriptTranslation::testFileParsing


drupal/core/modules/locale/lib/Drupal/locale/Tests/LocaleJavascriptTranslation.php, line 32
Definition of Drupal\locale\Tests\LocaleJavascriptTranslation.


Functional tests for JavaScript parsing for translatable strings.




function testFileParsing() {
  $filename = drupal_get_path('module', 'locale') . '/tests/locale_test.js';

  // Parse the file to look for source strings.

  // Get all of the source strings that were found.
  $strings = $this->container
    'type' => 'javascript',
    'name' => $filename,
  foreach ($strings as $string) {
    $source_strings[$string->source] = $string->context;

  // List of all strings that should be in the file.
  $test_strings = array(
    "Standard Call t" => '',
    "Whitespace Call t" => '',
    "Single Quote t" => '',
    "Single Quote \\'Escaped\\' t" => '',
    "Single Quote Concat strings t" => '',
    "Double Quote t" => '',
    "Double Quote \\\"Escaped\\\" t" => '',
    "Double Quote Concat strings t" => '',
    "Context !key Args t" => "Context string",
    "Context Unquoted t" => "Context string unquoted",
    "Context Single Quoted t" => "Context string single quoted",
    "Context Double Quoted t" => "Context string double quoted",
    "Standard Call plural" => '',
    "Standard Call @count plural" => '',
    "Whitespace Call plural" => '',
    "Whitespace Call @count plural" => '',
    "Single Quote plural" => '',
    "Single Quote @count plural" => '',
    "Single Quote \\'Escaped\\' plural" => '',
    "Single Quote \\'Escaped\\' @count plural" => '',
    "Double Quote plural" => '',
    "Double Quote @count plural" => '',
    "Double Quote \\\"Escaped\\\" plural" => '',
    "Double Quote \\\"Escaped\\\" @count plural" => '',
    "Context !key Args plural" => "Context string",
    "Context !key Args @count plural" => "Context string",
    "Context Unquoted plural" => "Context string unquoted",
    "Context Unquoted @count plural" => "Context string unquoted",
    "Context Single Quoted plural" => "Context string single quoted",
    "Context Single Quoted @count plural" => "Context string single quoted",
    "Context Double Quoted plural" => "Context string double quoted",
    "Context Double Quoted @count plural" => "Context string double quoted",

  // Assert that all strings were found properly.
  foreach ($test_strings as $str => $context) {
    $args = array(
      '%source' => $str,
      '%context' => $context,

    // Make sure that the string was found in the file.
      ->assertTrue(isset($source_strings[$str]), t("Found source string: %source", $args));

    // Make sure that the proper context was matched.
      ->assertTrue(isset($source_strings[$str]) && $source_strings[$str] === $context, strlen($context) > 0 ? t("Context for %source is %context", $args) : t("Context for %source is blank", $args));
    ->assertEqual(count($source_strings), count($test_strings), t("Found correct number of source strings."));