function RdfaMarkupTest::testAttributesInMarkupFile

Tests if file fields in teasers have correct resources.

Ensure that file fields have the correct resource as the object in RDFa when displayed as a teaser.


drupal/core/modules/rdf/lib/Drupal/rdf/Tests/RdfaMarkupTest.php, line 101
Definition of Drupal\rdf\Tests\RdfaMarkupTest.


Tests RDFa markup generation.




function testAttributesInMarkupFile() {

  // Create a user to post the image.
  $admin_user = $this
    'edit own article content',
    'revert article revisions',
    'administer content types',
  $langcode = Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED;
  $bundle_name = "article";
  $field_name = 'file_test';
  $field = array(
    'field_name' => $field_name,
    'type' => 'file',
  $instance = array(
    'field_name' => $field_name,
    'entity_type' => 'node',
    'bundle' => $bundle_name,
  entity_get_form_display('node', $bundle_name, 'default')
    ->setComponent($field_name, array(
    'type' => 'file_generic',
  entity_get_display('node', $bundle_name, 'teaser')
    ->setComponent($field_name, array(
    'type' => 'file_default',

  // Set the RDF mapping for the new field.
  $rdf_mapping = rdf_mapping_load('node', $bundle_name);
  $rdf_mapping += array(
    $field_name => array(
      'predicates' => array(
      'type' => 'rel',
  $rdf_mapping_save = array(
    'mapping' => $rdf_mapping,
    'type' => 'node',
    'bundle' => $bundle_name,

  // Get the test file that simpletest provides.
  $file = current($this

  // Prepare image variables.
  $image_field = "field_image";

  // Get the test image that simpletest provides.
  $image = current($this

  // Create an array for drupalPost with the field names as the keys and
  // the URIs for the test files as the values.
  $edit = array(
    "files[" . $field_name . "_" . $langcode . "_0]" => drupal_realpath($file->uri),
    "files[" . $image_field . "_" . $langcode . "_0]" => drupal_realpath($image->uri),

  // Create node and save, then edit node to upload files.
  $node = $this
    'type' => 'article',
    'promote' => 1,
    ->drupalPost('node/' . $node->nid . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));

  // Prepares filenames for lookup in RDF graph.
  $node = node_load($node->nid);
  $node_uri = url('node/' . $node->nid, array(
    'absolute' => TRUE,
  $file_uri = file_create_url(file_load($node->file_test['und'][0]['fid'])->uri);
  $image_uri = image_style_url('medium', file_load($node->field_image['und'][0]['fid'])->uri);
  $base_uri = url('<front>', array(
    'absolute' => TRUE,

  // Edits the node to add tags.
  $tag1 = $this
  $tag2 = $this
  $edit = array();
  $edit['field_tags[' . Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED . ']'] = "{$tag1}, {$tag2}";
    ->drupalPost('node/' . $node->nid . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
  $term_1_id = key(taxonomy_term_load_multiple_by_name($tag1));
  $taxonomy_term_1_uri = url('taxonomy/term/' . $term_1_id, array(
    'absolute' => TRUE,
  $term_2_id = key(taxonomy_term_load_multiple_by_name($tag2));
  $taxonomy_term_2_uri = url('taxonomy/term/' . $term_2_id, array(
    'absolute' => TRUE,

  // Parses front page where the node is displayed in its teaser form.
  $parser = new \EasyRdf_Parser_Rdfa();
  $graph = new \EasyRdf_Graph();
    ->parse($graph, $this
    ->drupalGet('node'), 'rdfa', $base_uri);
  $rdf_output = $graph

  // Inspects RDF graph output.
  // Node relations to attached file.
  $expected_value = array(
    'type' => 'uri',
    'value' => $file_uri,
    ->hasProperty($node_uri, '', $expected_value), 'Node to file relation found in RDF output (rdfs:seeAlso).');

  // Node relations to attached image.
  $expected_value = array(
    'type' => 'uri',
    'value' => $image_uri,
    ->hasProperty($node_uri, '', $expected_value), 'Node to file relation found in RDF output (rdfs:seeAlso).');
  $expected_value = array(
    'type' => 'uri',
    'value' => $image_uri,
    ->hasProperty($node_uri, '', $expected_value), 'Node to file relation found in RDF output (og:image).');

  // Image type.
  $expected_value = array(
    'type' => 'uri',
    'value' => '',
    ->hasProperty($image_uri, '', $expected_value), 'Image type found in RDF output (foaf:Image).');

  // Node relations to taxonomy terms.
  $expected_value = array(
    'type' => 'uri',
    'value' => $taxonomy_term_1_uri,
    ->hasProperty($node_uri, '', $expected_value), 'Node to term relation found in RDF output (dc:subject).');
  $expected_value = array(
    'type' => 'uri',
    'value' => $taxonomy_term_2_uri,
    ->hasProperty($node_uri, '', $expected_value), 'Node to term relation found in RDF output (dc:subject).');

  // Taxonomy terms triples.
  // Term 1.
  $expected_value = array(
    'type' => 'uri',
    'value' => '',
    ->hasProperty($taxonomy_term_1_uri, '', $expected_value), 'Taxonomy term type found in RDF output (skos:Concept).');
  $expected_value = array(
    'type' => 'literal',
    'value' => $tag1,
    'lang' => 'en',
    ->hasProperty($taxonomy_term_1_uri, '', $expected_value), 'Taxonomy term name found in RDF output (rdfs:label).');
  $expected_value = array(
    'type' => 'literal',
    'value' => $tag1,
    'lang' => 'en',
    ->hasProperty($taxonomy_term_1_uri, '', $expected_value), 'Taxonomy term name found in RDF output (skos:prefLabel).');

  // Term 2.
  $expected_value = array(
    'type' => 'uri',
    'value' => '',
    ->hasProperty($taxonomy_term_2_uri, '', $expected_value), 'Taxonomy term type found in RDF output (skos:Concept).');
  $expected_value = array(
    'type' => 'literal',
    'value' => $tag2,
    'lang' => 'en',
    ->hasProperty($taxonomy_term_2_uri, '', $expected_value), 'Taxonomy term name found in RDF output (rdfs:label).');
  $expected_value = array(
    'type' => 'literal',
    'value' => $tag2,
    'lang' => 'en',
    ->hasProperty($taxonomy_term_2_uri, '', $expected_value), 'Taxonomy term name found in RDF output (skos:prefLabel).');