
Definition of Drupal\system\Tests\Common\SizeUnitTest.




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 * @file
 * Definition of Drupal\system\Tests\Common\SizeUnitTest.
namespace Drupal\system\Tests\Common;

use Drupal\simpletest\UnitTestBase;

 * Tests file size parsing and formatting functions.
class SizeUnitTest extends UnitTestBase {
  protected $exact_test_cases;
  protected $rounded_test_cases;
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Size parsing test',
      'description' => 'Parse a predefined amount of bytes and compare the output with the expected value.',
      'group' => 'Common',
  function setUp() {
    $this->exact_test_cases = array(
      '1 byte' => 1,
      '1 KB' => $kb,
      '1 MB' => $kb * $kb,
      '1 GB' => $kb * $kb * $kb,
      '1 TB' => $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb,
      '1 PB' => $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb,
      '1 EB' => $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb,
      '1 ZB' => $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb,
      '1 YB' => $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb,
    $this->rounded_test_cases = array(
      '2 bytes' => 2,
      '1 MB' => $kb * $kb - 1,
      // rounded to 1 MB (not 1000 or 1024 kilobyte!)
      round(3623651 / $this->exact_test_cases['1 MB'], 2) . ' MB' => 3623651,
      // megabytes
      round(67234178751368124 / $this->exact_test_cases['1 PB'], 2) . ' PB' => 67234178751368124,
      // petabytes
      round(2.3534682382112583E+26 / $this->exact_test_cases['1 YB'], 2) . ' YB' => 2.3534682382112583E+26,

   * Checks that format_size() returns the expected string.
  function testCommonFormatSize() {
    foreach (array(
    ) as $test_cases) {
      foreach ($test_cases as $expected => $input) {
          ->assertEqual($result = format_size($input, NULL), $expected, $expected . ' == ' . $result . ' (' . $input . ' bytes)');

   * Checks that parse_size() returns the proper byte sizes.
  function testCommonParseSize() {
    foreach ($this->exact_test_cases as $string => $size) {
        ->assertEqual($parsed_size = parse_size($string), $size, $size . ' == ' . $parsed_size . ' (' . $string . ')');

    // Some custom parsing tests
    $string = '23476892 bytes';
      ->assertEqual($parsed_size = parse_size($string), $size = 23476892, $string . ' == ' . $parsed_size . ' bytes');
    $string = '76MRandomStringThatShouldBeIgnoredByParseSize.';

    // 76 MB
      ->assertEqual($parsed_size = parse_size($string), $size = 79691776, $string . ' == ' . $parsed_size . ' bytes');
    $string = '76.24 Giggabyte';

    // Misspeld text -> 76.24 GB
      ->assertEqual($parsed_size = parse_size($string), $size = 81862076662, $string . ' == ' . $parsed_size . ' bytes');

   * Cross-tests parse_size() and format_size().
  function testCommonParseSizeFormatSize() {
    foreach ($this->exact_test_cases as $size) {
        ->assertEqual($size, $parsed_size = parse_size($string = format_size($size, NULL)), $size . ' == ' . $parsed_size . ' (' . $string . ')');



Namesort ascending Description
SizeUnitTest Tests file size parsing and formatting functions.