
Definition of Drupal\system\Tests\Upgrade\UpgradePathTestBase.




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 * @file
 * Definition of Drupal\system\Tests\Upgrade\UpgradePathTestBase.
namespace Drupal\system\Tests\Upgrade;

use Drupal\Component\Utility\Crypt;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;
use Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel;
use Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

 * Perform end-to-end tests of the upgrade path.
abstract class UpgradePathTestBase extends WebTestBase {

   * @var array
  protected $configDirectories;

   * The file path(s) to the dumped database(s) to load into the child site.
   * @var array
  var $databaseDumpFiles = array();

   * Flag that indicates whether the child site has been upgraded.
  var $upgradedSite = FALSE;

   * Array of errors triggered during the upgrade process.
  var $upgradeErrors = array();

   * Flag to indicate whether there are pending updates or not.
  var $pendingUpdates = TRUE;

   * Prepares the appropriate session for the release of Drupal being upgraded.
  protected function prepareD8Session() {

    // We need an IP when storing sessions
    // so add a dummy request in the container.
    $request = Request::create('http://example.com/');
      ->set('REMOTE_ADDR', '');
      ->set('request', $request);

    // Generate and set a D7-compatible session cookie.
    $sid = Crypt::hashBase64(uniqid(mt_rand(), TRUE) . Crypt::randomBytes(55));
    curl_setopt($this->curlHandle, CURLOPT_COOKIE, rawurlencode(session_name()) . '=' . rawurlencode($sid));

    // Force our way into the session of the child site.
    _drupal_session_write($sid, '');

   * Checks that zlib is enabled in order to run the upgrade tests.
  protected function checkRequirements() {
    if (!function_exists('gzopen')) {
      return array(
        'Missing zlib requirement for upgrade tests.',
    return parent::checkRequirements();

   * Overrides Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase::setUp() for upgrade testing.
   * @see Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase::prepareDatabasePrefix()
   * @see Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase::changeDatabasePrefix()
   * @see Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase::prepareEnvironment()
  protected function setUp() {
    global $user, $conf;

    // Load the Update API.
    require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/includes/update.inc';

    // Reset flags.
    $this->upgradedSite = FALSE;
    $this->upgradeErrors = array();

    // Create the database prefix for this test.

    // Prepare the environment for running tests.
    if (!$this->setupEnvironment) {
      return FALSE;

    // Reset all statics and variables to perform tests in a clean environment.
    $conf = array();

    // Build a minimal, partially mocked environment for unit tests.

    // Make sure it survives kernel rebuilds.
    $conf['container_bundles'][] = 'Drupal\\simpletest\\TestBundle';

    // Change the database prefix.
    // All static variables need to be reset before the database prefix is
    // changed, since Drupal\Core\Utility\CacheArray implementations attempt to
    // write back to persistent caches when they are destructed.
    if (!$this->setupDatabasePrefix) {
      return FALSE;

    // Load the database from the portable PHP dump.
    // The files may be gzipped.
    foreach ($this->databaseDumpFiles as $file) {
      if (substr($file, -3) == '.gz') {
        $file = "compress.zlib://{$file}";
      require $file;

    // Set path variables.
      ->variable_set('file_public_path', $this->public_files_directory);
      ->variable_set('file_private_path', $this->private_files_directory);
      ->variable_set('file_temporary_path', $this->temp_files_directory);
      ->pass('Finished loading the dump.');

    // Ensure that the session is not written to the new environment and replace
    // the global $user session with uid 1 from the new test site.

    // Login as uid 1.
    $user = db_query('SELECT * FROM {users} WHERE uid = :uid', array(
      ':uid' => 1,

    // Load roles for the user object.
    $roles = array(
    $result = db_query('SELECT rid, uid FROM {users_roles} WHERE uid = :uid', array(
      ':uid' => 1,
    foreach ($result as $record) {
      $roles[$record->rid] = $record->rid;
    $user->roles = $roles;

    // Generate and set a D8-compatible session cookie.

    // Restore necessary variables.
      ->variable_set('site_mail', 'simpletest@example.com');
    $this->setup = TRUE;

   * Overrides \Drupal\simpletest\TestBase::prepareConfigDirectories().
  protected function prepareConfigDirectories() {

    // The configuration directories are prepared as part of the first access to
    // update.php.

   * Specialized variable_set() that works even if the child site is not upgraded.
   * @param $name
   *   The name of the variable to set.
   * @param $value
   *   The value to set. This can be any PHP data type; these functions take care
   *   of serialization as necessary.
   * @todo Update for D8 configuration system.
  protected function variable_set($name, $value) {
      ->condition('name', $name)
      'name' => $name,
      'value' => serialize($value),
    try {
    } catch (\Exception $e) {

   * Specialized refreshVariables().
  protected function refreshVariables() {

    // Refresh the variables only if the site was already upgraded.
    if ($this->upgradedSite) {
      global $conf;
      $conf = variable_initialize();
      $container = drupal_container();
      if ($container
        ->has('config.factory')) {

   * Perform the upgrade.
   * @param $register_errors
   *   Register the errors during the upgrade process as failures.
   * @return
   *   TRUE if the upgrade succeeded, FALSE otherwise.
  protected function performUpgrade($register_errors = TRUE) {

    // Load the first update screen.
    if (!$this
      ->assertResponse(200)) {
      throw new \Exception('Initial GET to update.php did not return HTTP 200 status.');

    // Ensure that the first update screen appeared correctly.
    if (!$this
      ->assertFieldByXPath('//input[@type="submit"]')) {
      throw new \Exception('An error was encountered during the first access to update.php.');

    // Initialize config directories and rebuild the service container after
    // creating them in the first step.

    // Continue.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Continue'));
    if (!$this
      ->assertResponse(200)) {
      throw new \Exception('POST to continue update.php did not return HTTP 200 status.');

    // The test should pass if there are no pending updates.
    $content = $this
    if (strpos($content, t('No pending updates.')) !== FALSE) {
        ->pass('No pending updates and therefore no upgrade process to test.');
      $this->pendingUpdates = FALSE;
      return TRUE;

    // Go!
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Apply pending updates'));
    if (!$this
      ->assertResponse(200)) {
      throw new \Exception('POST to update.php to apply pending updates did not return HTTP 200 status.');
    if (!$this
      ->assertNoText(t('An unrecoverable error has occurred.'))) {

      // Error occured during update process.
      throw new \Exception('POST to update.php to apply pending updates detected an unrecoverable error.');

    // Check for errors during the update process.
    foreach ($this
      ->xpath('//li[@class=:class]', array(
      ':class' => 'failure',
    )) as $element) {
      $message = strip_tags($element
      $this->upgradeErrors[] = $message;
      if ($register_errors) {
    if (!empty($this->upgradeErrors)) {

      // Upgrade failed, the installation might be in an inconsistent state,
      // don't process.
      throw new \Exception('Errors during update process.');

    // Allow tests to check the completion page.

    // Check if there still are pending updates.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Continue'));
    if (!$this
      ->assertText(t('No pending updates.'), 'No pending updates at the end of the update process.')) {
      throw new \Exception('update.php still shows pending updates after execution.');

    // Upgrade succeed, rebuild the environment so that we can call the API
    // of the child site directly from this request.
    $this->upgradedSite = TRUE;

    // Force a variable refresh as we only just enabled it.

    // Reload module list for modules that are enabled in the test database
    // but not on the test client.

    // Rebuild the container and all caches.
    return TRUE;

   * Overrides some core services for the upgrade tests.
  public function containerBuild(ContainerBuilder $container) {

    // Keep the container object around for tests.
    $this->container = $container;
      ->register('config.storage', 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\FileStorage')
    if ($this->container
      ->hasDefinition('path_processor_alias')) {

      // Prevent the alias-based path processor, which requires a url_alias db
      // table, from being registered to the path processor manager. We do this
      // by removing the tags that the compiler pass looks for. This means the
      // url generator can safely be used within upgrade path tests.
      $definition = $this->container

   * Gets update.php without calling url().
   * Required since WebTestBase::drupalGet() calls t(), which calls into
   * system_list(), from the parent site/test runner, before update.php is even
   * executed.
   * @see WebTestBase::drupalGet()
  protected function getUpdatePhp() {
    $path = $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/core/update.php';
    $out = $this
      CURLOPT_URL => $path,

    // Ensure that any changes to variables in the other thread are picked up.

    // Replace original page output with new output from redirected page(s).
    if ($new = $this
      ->checkForMetaRefresh()) {
      $out = $new;
      ->verbose('GET request to: ' . $path . '<hr />Ending URL: ' . $this
      ->getUrl() . '<hr />' . $out);
    return $out;

   * Checks the update.php completion page.
   * Invoked by UpgradePathTestBase::performUpgrade() to allow upgrade tests to
   * check messages and other output on the final confirmation page.
  protected function checkCompletionPage() {



Namesort descending Description
UpgradePathTestBase Perform end-to-end tests of the upgrade path.