public function testPathUI() {
// Add a new page display and check the appearing text.
->drupalPost(NULL, array(), 'Add Page');
->assertText(t('No path is set'), 'The right text appears if no path was set.');
->assertNoLink(t('View @display', array(
'@display' => 'page',
)), 'No view page link found on the page.');
// Save a path and make sure the summary appears as expected.
$random_path = $this
->drupalPost('admin/structure/views/nojs/display/test_view/page_1/path', array(
'path' => $random_path,
), t('Apply'));
->assertText('/' . $random_path, 'The custom path appears in the summary.');
->assertLink(t('View @display', array(
'@display' => 'Page',
)), 0, 'view page link found on the page.');