public function EasyRdf_GraphStore::replace

Replace the contents of a graph in the graph store with new data

The $graph parameter is the EasyRdf_Graph object to be sent to the graph store. Alternatively it can be a string, already serialised.

The URI can either be a full absolute URI or a URI relative to the URI of the graph store.

The $format parameter can be given to specify the serialisation used to send the graph data to the graph store.


object EasyRdfGraph $graph The URI of graph desired:

string $uriRef The URI of graph to be replaced:

string $format The format of the data to send to the graph store:

Return value

object EasyRdf_Http_Response The response from the graph store


drupal/core/vendor/easyrdf/easyrdf/lib/EasyRdf/GraphStore.php, line 145


A class for fetching, saving and deleting graphs to a Graph Store. Implementation of the SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol.


public function replace($graph, $uriRef = null, $format = 'ntriples') {
  return $this
    ->sendGraph('PUT', $graph, $uriRef, $format);