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namespace Guzzle\Http\Curl;

use Guzzle\Common\AbstractHasDispatcher;
use Guzzle\Http\Exception\MultiTransferException;
use Guzzle\Http\Exception\CurlException;
use Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface;

 * Send {@see RequestInterface} objects in parallel using curl_multi
 * This implementation allows callers to send blocking requests that return back to the caller when their requests
 * complete, regardless of whether or not previously sending requests in the curl_multi object have completed.  The
 * implementation relies on managing the recursion scope in which a caller adds a request to the CurlMulti object, and
 * tracking the requests in the current scope until they complete.  Although the CurlMulti object only tracks whether
 * or not requests in the current scope have completed, it still sends all requests added to the object in parallel.
class CurlMulti extends AbstractHasDispatcher implements CurlMultiInterface {

   * @var resource cURL multi handle.
  protected $multiHandle;

   * @var string The current state of the pool
  protected $state = self::STATE_IDLE;

   * @var array Attached {@see RequestInterface} objects.
  protected $requests;

   * @var array Cache of all requests currently in any scope
  protected $requestCache;

   * @var \SplObjectStorage {@see RequestInterface} to {@see CurlHandle} storage
  protected $handles;

   * @var array Hash mapping curl handle resource IDs to request objects
  protected $resourceHash;

   * @var array Queued exceptions
  protected $exceptions = array();

   * @var array Queue of handles to remove once everything completes
  protected $removeHandles;

   * @var array cURL multi error values and codes
  protected $multiErrors = array(
    CURLM_BAD_HANDLE => array(
      'The passed-in handle is not a valid CURLM handle.',
      "An easy handle was not good/valid. It could mean that it isn't an easy handle at all, or possibly that the handle already is in used by this or another multi handle.",
    CURLM_OUT_OF_MEMORY => array(
      'You are doomed.',
      'This can only be returned if libcurl bugs. Please report it to us!',

   * @var CurlMulti
  private static $instance;

   * @var int
  private $scope = -1;

   * Get a cached instance of the curl multi object
   * @return CurlMulti
  public static function getInstance() {

    // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
    if (!self::$instance) {
      self::$instance = new self();

    // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
    return self::$instance;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function getAllEvents() {
    return array(
      // A request was added
      // A request was removed
      // Requests are about to be sent
      // The pool finished sending the requests
      // A request is still polling (sent to request's event dispatchers)
      // A request exception occurred

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function __construct() {

    // You can get some weird "Too many open files" errors when sending a large amount of requests in parallel.These
    // two statements autoload classes before a system runs out of file descriptors so that you can get back
    // valuable error messages if you run out.

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function __destruct() {
    if (is_resource($this->multiHandle)) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
   * Adds a request to a batch of requests to be sent in parallel.
   * Async requests adds a request to the current scope to be executed in parallel with any currently executing cURL
   * handles. You may only add an async request while other requests are transferring. Attempting to add an async
   * request while no requests are transferring will add the request normally in the next available scope (e.g. 0).
   * @param RequestInterface $request Request to add
   * @param bool             $async   Set to TRUE to add to the current scope
   * @return self
  public function add(RequestInterface $request, $async = false) {
    if ($async && $this->state != self::STATE_SENDING) {
      $async = false;
    $this->requestCache = null;
    $scope = $async ? $this->scope : $this->scope + 1;
    if (!isset($this->requests[$scope])) {
      $this->requests[$scope] = array(
    else {
      $this->requests[$scope][] = $request;
      ->dispatch(self::ADD_REQUEST, array(
      'request' => $request,

    // If requests are currently transferring and this is async, then the
    // request must be prepared now as the send() method is not called.
    if ($async && $this->state == self::STATE_SENDING) {
    return $this;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function all() {
    if (!$this->requestCache) {
      $this->requestCache = empty($this->requests) ? array() : call_user_func_array('array_merge', $this->requests);
    return $this->requestCache;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getState() {
    return $this->state;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function remove(RequestInterface $request) {
    $this->requestCache = null;
    foreach ($this->requests as $scope => $scopedRequests) {
      $pos = array_search($request, $scopedRequests, true);
      if ($pos !== false) {
      ->dispatch(self::REMOVE_REQUEST, array(
      'request' => $request,
    return $this;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function reset($hard = false) {

    // Remove each request
    foreach ($this
      ->all() as $request) {
    $this->requests = array();
    $this->exceptions = array();
    $this->state = self::STATE_IDLE;
    $this->scope = -1;
    $this->requestCache = null;

    // Remove any curl handles that were queued for removal
    if ($this->scope == -1 || $hard) {
      foreach ($this->removeHandles as $handle) {
        curl_multi_remove_handle($this->multiHandle, $handle
      $this->removeHandles = array();
    if ($hard) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function send() {
    $this->state = self::STATE_SENDING;
    $requestsInScope = empty($this->requests[$this->scope]) ? array() : $this->requests[$this->scope];

    // Only prepare and send requests that are in the current recursion scope
    // Only enter the main perform() loop if there are requests in scope
    if ($requestsInScope) {

      // Any exceptions thrown from this event should break the entire flow of sending requests
        ->dispatch(self::BEFORE_SEND, array(
        'requests' => $this->requests[$this->scope],
      foreach ($this->requests[$this->scope] as $request) {
        if ($request
          ->getState() != RequestInterface::STATE_TRANSFER) {
      try {
      } catch (\Exception $e) {
        $this->exceptions[] = array(
          'request' => null,
          'exception' => $e,

    // Aggregate exceptions into a MultiTransferException if needed
    $multiException = $this

    // Complete the transfer if this is not a nested scope
    if ($this->scope == -1) {
      $this->state = self::STATE_COMPLETE;

    // Throw any exceptions that were encountered
    if ($multiException) {
      throw $multiException;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function count() {
    return count($this

   * Build a MultiTransferException if needed
   * @param array $requestsInScope All requests in the previous scope
   * @return MultiTransferException|null
  protected function buildMultiTransferException(array $requestsInScope) {
    if (empty($this->exceptions)) {
      return null;

    // Keep a list of all requests, and remove errored requests from the list
    $store = new \SplObjectStorage();
    foreach ($requestsInScope as $request) {
    $multiException = new MultiTransferException('Errors during multi transfer');
    while ($e = array_shift($this->exceptions)) {
      if (isset($e['request'])) {

        // Remove from the total list so that it becomes a list of successful requests

    // Add successful requests
    foreach ($store as $request) {
    return $multiException;

   * Prepare for sending
   * @param RequestInterface $request Request to prepare
  protected function beforeSend(RequestInterface $request) {
    try {
        ->dispatch('request.before_send', array(
        'request' => $request,
      if ($request
        ->getState() != RequestInterface::STATE_TRANSFER) {

        // Requests might decide they don't need to be sent just before transfer (e.g. CachePlugin)
      elseif ($request
        ->get('queued_response')) {

        // Queued responses do not need to be sent using curl
      else {

        // Add the request's curl handle to the multi handle
          ->checkCurlResult(curl_multi_add_handle($this->multiHandle, $this
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        ->removeErroredRequest($request, $e);

   * Create a curl handle for a request
   * @param RequestInterface $request Request
   * @return CurlHandle
  protected function createCurlHandle(RequestInterface $request) {
    $wrapper = CurlHandle::factory($request);
      ->attach($request, $wrapper);
    $this->resourceHash[(int) $wrapper
      ->getHandle()] = $request;
    return $wrapper;

   * Get the data from the multi handle
  protected function perform() {

    // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
    // Weird things can happen when making HTTP requests in __destruct methods
    if (!$this->multiHandle) {

    // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
    // If there are no requests to send, then exit from the function
    if ($this->scope <= 0) {
      if ($this
        ->count() == 0) {
    elseif (empty($this->requests[$this->scope])) {

    // Create the polling event external to the loop
    $event = array(
      'curl_multi' => $this,
    $active = $this
    while (1) {

      // Exit the function if there are no more requests to send
      if (!($scopedPolling = $this->scope <= 0 ? $this
        ->all() : $this->requests[$this->scope])) {

      // Notify each request as polling
      $blocking = $total = 0;
      foreach ($scopedPolling as $request) {
        $event['request'] = $request;
          ->dispatch(self::POLLING_REQUEST, $event);

        // The blocking variable just has to be non-falsey to block the loop
        if ($request
          ->hasKey(self::BLOCKING)) {
      if ($blocking == $total) {

        // Sleep to prevent eating CPU because no requests are actually pending a select call
      else {

        // Select the curl handles until there is any activity on any of the open file descriptors
        // See
        $active = $this
          ->executeHandles(true, 0.02, $active);

   * Process any received curl multi messages
  private function processMessages() {

    // Get messages from curl handles
    while ($done = curl_multi_info_read($this->multiHandle)) {
      try {
        $request = $this->resourceHash[(int) $done['handle']];
        $handle = $this->handles[$request];
          ->processResponse($request, $handle, $done);
      } catch (\Exception $e) {
          ->removeErroredRequest($request, $e);

   * Execute and select curl handles until there is activity
   * @param bool $select  Set to TRUE to select the file descriptors
   * @param int  $timeout Select timeout in seconds
   * @param int  $active  Previous active value
   * @return int Returns the number of active handles
  private function executeHandles($select = false, $timeout = 1, $active = 0) {
    do {

      // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
      if ($select && $active && curl_multi_select($this->multiHandle, $timeout) == -1) {

        // Perform a usleep if a previously executed select returned -1
        // @see

      // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
      do {
        $mrc = curl_multi_exec($this->multiHandle, $active);
      } while ($mrc == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM);

      // Check the return value to ensure an error did not occur

      // Poll once if not selecting, or poll until there are no handles with activity
    } while ($select && $active);
    return $active;

   * Remove a request that encountered an exception
   * @param RequestInterface $request Request to remove
   * @param \Exception       $e       Exception encountered
  protected function removeErroredRequest(RequestInterface $request, \Exception $e) {
    $this->exceptions[] = array(
      'request' => $request,
      'exception' => $e,
      ->dispatch(self::MULTI_EXCEPTION, array(
      'exception' => $e,
      'all_exceptions' => $this->exceptions,

   * Check for errors and fix headers of a request based on a curl response
   * @param RequestInterface $request Request to process
   * @param CurlHandle       $handle  Curl handle object
   * @param array            $curl    Array returned from curl_multi_info_read
   * @throws CurlException on Curl error
  protected function processResponse(RequestInterface $request, CurlHandle $handle, array $curl) {

    // Set the transfer stats on the response

    // Check if a cURL exception occurred, and if so, notify things
    $curlException = $this
      ->isCurlException($request, $handle, $curl);

    // Always remove completed curl handles.  They can be added back again
    // via events if needed (e.g. ExponentialBackoffPlugin)
    if (!$curlException) {
        ->setState(RequestInterface::STATE_COMPLETE, array(
        'handle' => $handle,

      // Only remove the request if it wasn't resent as a result of the state change
      if ($request
        ->getState() != RequestInterface::STATE_TRANSFER) {
    else {

      // Set the state of the request to an error

      // Notify things that listen to the request of the failure
        ->dispatch('request.exception', array(
        'request' => $this,
        'exception' => $curlException,

      // Allow things to ignore the error if possible
      $state = $request
      if ($state != RequestInterface::STATE_TRANSFER) {

      // The error was not handled, so fail
      if ($state == RequestInterface::STATE_ERROR) {

        /** @var $curlException \Exception */
        throw $curlException;

   * Remove a curl handle from the curl multi object
   * Nasty things (bus errors, segmentation faults) can sometimes occur when removing curl handles when in a callback
   * or a recursive scope.  Here we are queueing all curl handles that need to be removed and closed so that this
   * happens only in the outermost scope when everything has completed sending.
   * @param RequestInterface $request Request that owns the handle
  protected function removeHandle(RequestInterface $request) {
    if ($this->handles
      ->contains($request)) {
      $handle = $this->handles[$request];
      unset($this->resourceHash[(int) $handle
      $this->removeHandles[] = $handle;

   * Check if a cURL transfer resulted in what should be an exception
   * @param RequestInterface $request Request to check
   * @param CurlHandle       $handle  Curl handle object
   * @param array            $curl    Array returned from curl_multi_info_read
   * @return \Exception|bool
  private function isCurlException(RequestInterface $request, CurlHandle $handle, array $curl) {
    if (CURLM_OK == $curl['result'] || CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM == $curl['result']) {
      return false;
    $e = new CurlException(sprintf('[curl] %s: %s [url] %s', $handle
      ->getErrorNo(), $handle
      ->getError(), $handle
      ->getError(), $handle
    return $e;

   * Throw an exception for a cURL multi response if needed
   * @param int $code Curl response code
   * @throws CurlException
  private function checkCurlResult($code) {
    if ($code != CURLM_OK && $code != CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM) {
      throw new CurlException(isset($this->multiErrors[$code]) ? "cURL error: {$code} ({$this->multiErrors[$code][0]}): cURL message: {$this->multiErrors[$code][1]}" : 'Unexpected cURL error: ' . $code);

   * Create the new cURL multi handle with error checking
  private function createMultiHandle() {
    if ($this->multiHandle && is_resource($this->multiHandle)) {
    $this->requests = array();
    $this->multiHandle = curl_multi_init();
    $this->handles = new \SplObjectStorage();
    $this->resourceHash = array();
    $this->removeHandles = array();

    // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
    if ($this->multiHandle === false) {
      throw new CurlException('Unable to create multi handle');

    // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd



Namesort descending Description
CurlMulti Send { This implementation allows callers to send blocking requests that return back to the caller when their requests complete, regardless of whether or not previously sending requests in the curl_multi object have completed. The implementation…