public static property Process::$exitCodes

Exit codes translation table.

User-defined errors must use exit codes in the 64-113 range.

Type: array


drupal/core/vendor/symfony/process/Symfony/Component/Process/Process.php, line 75


Process is a thin wrapper around proc_* functions to ease start independent PHP processes.




public static $exitCodes = array(
  0 => 'OK',
  1 => 'General error',
  2 => 'Misuse of shell builtins',
  126 => 'Invoked command cannot execute',
  127 => 'Command not found',
  128 => 'Invalid exit argument',
  // signals
  129 => 'Hangup',
  130 => 'Interrupt',
  131 => 'Quit and dump core',
  132 => 'Illegal instruction',
  133 => 'Trace/breakpoint trap',
  134 => 'Process aborted',
  135 => 'Bus error: "access to undefined portion of memory object"',
  136 => 'Floating point exception: "erroneous arithmetic operation"',
  137 => 'Kill (terminate immediately)',
  138 => 'User-defined 1',
  139 => 'Segmentation violation',
  140 => 'User-defined 2',
  141 => 'Write to pipe with no one reading',
  142 => 'Signal raised by alarm',
  143 => 'Termination (request to terminate)',
  // 144 - not defined
  145 => 'Child process terminated, stopped (or continued*)',
  146 => 'Continue if stopped',
  147 => 'Stop executing temporarily',
  148 => 'Terminal stop signal',
  149 => 'Background process attempting to read from tty ("in")',
  150 => 'Background process attempting to write to tty ("out")',
  151 => 'Urgent data available on socket',
  152 => 'CPU time limit exceeded',
  153 => 'File size limit exceeded',
  154 => 'Signal raised by timer counting virtual time: "virtual timer expired"',
  155 => 'Profiling timer expired',
  // 156 - not defined
  157 => 'Pollable event',
  // 158 - not defined
  159 => 'Bad syscall',