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 * This file is part of Twig.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
class Twig_Tests_Node_IfTest extends Twig_Test_NodeTestCase {

   * @covers Twig_Node_If::__construct
  public function testConstructor() {
    $t = new Twig_Node(array(
      new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant(true, 1),
      new Twig_Node_Print(new Twig_Node_Expression_Name('foo', 1), 1),
    ), array(), 1);
    $else = null;
    $node = new Twig_Node_If($t, $else, 1);
      ->assertEquals($t, $node
      ->assertEquals(null, $node
    $else = new Twig_Node_Print(new Twig_Node_Expression_Name('bar', 1), 1);
    $node = new Twig_Node_If($t, $else, 1);
      ->assertEquals($else, $node

   * @covers Twig_Node_If::compile
   * @dataProvider getTests
  public function testCompile($node, $source, $environment = null) {
    parent::testCompile($node, $source, $environment);
  public function getTests() {
    $tests = array();
    $t = new Twig_Node(array(
      new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant(true, 1),
      new Twig_Node_Print(new Twig_Node_Expression_Name('foo', 1), 1),
    ), array(), 1);
    $else = null;
    $node = new Twig_Node_If($t, $else, 1);
    $tests[] = array(
// line 1
if (true) {
    echo {<span class="php-variable">$this</span>
  -&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant function member-of-self">getVariableGetter</span>(<span class="php-string">'foo'</span>)};
    $t = new Twig_Node(array(
      new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant(true, 1),
      new Twig_Node_Print(new Twig_Node_Expression_Name('foo', 1), 1),
      new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant(false, 1),
      new Twig_Node_Print(new Twig_Node_Expression_Name('bar', 1), 1),
    ), array(), 1);
    $else = null;
    $node = new Twig_Node_If($t, $else, 1);
    $tests[] = array(
// line 1
if (true) {
    echo {<span class="php-variable">$this</span>
  -&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant function member-of-self">getVariableGetter</span>(<span class="php-string">'foo'</span>)};
} elseif (false) {
    echo {<span class="php-variable">$this</span>
  -&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant function member-of-self">getVariableGetter</span>(<span class="php-string">'bar'</span>)};
    $t = new Twig_Node(array(
      new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant(true, 1),
      new Twig_Node_Print(new Twig_Node_Expression_Name('foo', 1), 1),
    ), array(), 1);
    $else = new Twig_Node_Print(new Twig_Node_Expression_Name('bar', 1), 1);
    $node = new Twig_Node_If($t, $else, 1);
    $tests[] = array(
// line 1
if (true) {
    echo {<span class="php-variable">$this</span>
  -&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant function member-of-self">getVariableGetter</span>(<span class="php-string">'foo'</span>)};
} else {
    echo {<span class="php-variable">$this</span>
  -&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant function member-of-self">getVariableGetter</span>(<span class="php-string">'bar'</span>)};
    return $tests;

