function _DiffEngine::_lcs_pos

1 call to _DiffEngine::_lcs_pos()
_DiffEngine::_diag in drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Diff/DiffEngine.php
Divide the Largest Common Subsequence (LCS) of the sequences [XOFF, XLIM) and [YOFF, YLIM) into NCHUNKS approximately equally sized segments.


drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Diff/DiffEngine.php, line 347
A PHP diff engine for phpwiki. (Taken from phpwiki-1.3.3)


Class used internally by Diff to actually compute the diffs.


function _lcs_pos($ypos) {
  $end = $this->lcs;
  if ($end == 0 || $ypos > $this->seq[$end]) {
    $this->seq[++$this->lcs] = $ypos;
    $this->in_seq[$ypos] = 1;
    return $this->lcs;
  $beg = 1;
  while ($beg < $end) {
    $mid = (int) (($beg + $end) / 2);
    if ($ypos > $this->seq[$mid]) {
      $beg = $mid + 1;
    else {
      $end = $mid;
  USE_ASSERTS && assert($ypos != $this->seq[$end]);
  $this->in_seq[$this->seq[$end]] = FALSE;
  $this->seq[$end] = $ypos;
  $this->in_seq[$ypos] = 1;
  return $end;