class EntityManager

Manages entity type plugin definitions.

Each entity type definition array is set in the entity type plugin's annotation and altered by hook_entity_info_alter(). The definition includes the following keys:

  • module: The name of the module providing the type.
  • class: The name of the entity type class. Defaults to Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity.
  • base_table: The name of the entity type's base table. Used by Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageController.
  • controller_class: The name of the class that is used to load the objects. The class must implement Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageControllerInterface. Defaults to Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageController.
  • fieldable: (optional) Boolean indicating whether fields can be attached to entities of this type. Defaults to FALSE.
  • field_cache: (optional) Boolean indicating whether the Field API's Field API's persistent cache of field data should be used. The persistent cache should usually only be disabled if a higher level persistent cache is available for the entity type. Defaults to TRUE.
  • form_controller_class: (optional) An associative array where the keys are the names of the different form operations (such as 'create', 'edit', or 'delete') and the values are the names of the controller classes for those operations. The name of the operation is passed also to the form controller's constructor, so that one class can be used for multiple entity forms when the forms are similar. Defaults to Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFormController.
  • label: The human-readable name of the type.
  • label_callback: (optional) A function taking an entity and optional langcode argument, and returning the label of the entity. If langcode is omitted, the entity's default language is used. The entity label is the main string associated with an entity; for example, the title of a node or the subject of a comment. If there is an entity object property that defines the label, use the 'label' element of the 'entity_keys' return value component to provide this information (see below). If more complex logic is needed to determine the label of an entity, you can instead specify a callback function here, which will be called to determine the entity label. See also the Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity::label() method, which implements this logic.
  • list_controller_class: (optional) The name of the class that provides listings of the entities. The class must implement Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityListControllerInterface. Defaults to Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityListController.
  • render_controller_class: The name of the class that is used to render the entities. Defaults to Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityRenderController.
  • access_controller_class: The name of the class that is used for access checks. The class must implement Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityAccessControllerInterface. Defaults to Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityAccessController.
  • translation_controller_class: (optional) The name of the translation controller class that should be used to handle the translation process. See Drupal\translation_entity\EntityTranslationControllerInterface for more information.
  • static_cache: (optional) Boolean indicating whether entities should be statically cached during a page request. Used by Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageController. Defaults to TRUE.
  • translation: (optional) An associative array of modules registered as field translation handlers. Array keys are the module names, and array values can be any data structure the module uses to provide field translation. If the value is empty, the module will not be used as a translation handler.
  • entity_keys: An array describing how the Field API can extract certain information from objects of this entity type. Elements:

    • id: The name of the property that contains the primary ID of the entity. Every entity object passed to the Field API must have this property and its value must be numeric.
    • revision: (optional) The name of the property that contains the revision ID of the entity. The Field API assumes that all revision IDs are unique across all entities of a type. This entry can be omitted if the entities of this type are not versionable.
    • bundle: (optional) The name of the property that contains the bundle name for the entity. The bundle name defines which set of fields are attached to the entity (e.g. what nodes call "content type"). This entry can be omitted if this entity type exposes a single bundle (such that all entities have the same collection of fields). The name of this single bundle will be the same as the entity type.
    • label: The name of the property that contains the entity label. For example, if the entity's label is located in $entity->subject, then 'subject' should be specified here. If complex logic is required to build the label, a 'label_callback' should be defined instead (see the 'label_callback' section above for details).
    • uuid (optional): The name of the property that contains the universally unique identifier of the entity, which is used to distinctly identify an entity across different systems.
  • bundle_keys: An array describing how the Field API can extract the information it needs from the bundle objects for this type (e.g Vocabulary objects for terms; not applicable for nodes). This entry can be omitted if this type's bundles do not exist as standalone objects. Elements:

    • bundle: The name of the property that contains the name of the bundle object.
  • bundles: An array describing all bundles for this object type. Keys are bundle machine names, as found in the objects' 'bundle' property (defined in the 'entity_keys' entry for the entity type in the EntityManager). Elements:

    • label: The human-readable name of the bundle.
    • uri_callback: The same as the 'uri_callback' key defined for the entity type in the EntityManager, but for the bundle only. When determining the URI of an entity, if a 'uri_callback' is defined for both the entity type and the bundle, the one for the bundle is used.
    • admin: An array of information that allows Field UI pages to attach themselves to the existing administration pages for the bundle. Elements:

      • path: the path of the bundle's main administration page, as defined in hook_menu(). If the path includes a placeholder for the bundle, the 'bundle argument', 'bundle helper' and 'real path' keys below are required.
      • bundle argument: The position of the placeholder in 'path', if any.
      • real path: The actual path (no placeholder) of the bundle's main administration page. This will be used to generate links.
      • access callback: As in hook_menu(). 'user_access' will be assumed if no value is provided.
      • access arguments: As in hook_menu().
  • view_modes: An array describing the view modes for the entity type. View modes let entities be displayed differently depending on the context. For instance, a node can be displayed differently on its own page ('full' mode), on the home page or taxonomy listings ('teaser' mode), or in an RSS feed ('rss' mode). Modules taking part in the display of the entity (notably the Field API) can adjust their behavior depending on the requested view mode. An additional 'default' view mode is available for all entity types. This view mode is not intended for actual entity display, but holds default display settings. For each available view mode, administrators can configure whether it should use its own set of field display settings, or just replicate the settings of the 'default' view mode, thus reducing the amount of display configurations to keep track of. Keys of the array are view mode names. Each view mode is described by an array with the following key/value pairs:

    • label: The human-readable name of the view mode.
    • custom_settings: A boolean specifying whether the view mode should by default use its own custom field display settings. If FALSE, entities displayed in this view mode will reuse the 'default' display settings by default (e.g. right after the module exposing the view mode is enabled), but administrators can later use the Field UI to apply custom display settings specific to the view mode.
  • menu_base_path: (optional) The base menu router path to which the entity administration user interface responds. It can be used to generate UI links and to attach additional router items to the entity UI in a generic fashion.
  • menu_view_path: (optional) The menu router path to be used to view the entity.
  • menu_edit_path: (optional) The menu router path to be used to edit the entity.
  • menu_path_wildcard: (optional) A string identifying the menu loader in the router path.

The defaults for the plugin definition are provided in \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityManager::defaults.


Expanded class hierarchy of EntityManager

See also





drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityManager.php, line 171
Contains \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityManager.


View source
class EntityManager extends PluginManagerBase {

   * The cache bin used for entity plugin definitions.
   * @var string
  protected $cacheBin = 'cache';

   * The cache key used for entity plugin definitions.
   * @var string
  protected $cacheKey = 'entity_info';

   * The cache expiration for entity plugin definitions.
   * @var int
  protected $cacheExpire = CacheBackendInterface::CACHE_PERMANENT;

   * The cache tags used for entity plugin definitions.
   * @var array
  protected $cacheTags = array(
    'entity_info' => TRUE,

   * The default values for optional keys of the entity plugin definition.
   * @var array
  protected $defaults = array(
    'class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Entity\\Entity',
    'controller_class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Entity\\DatabaseStorageController',
    'entity_keys' => array(
      'revision' => '',
      'bundle' => '',
    'fieldable' => FALSE,
    'field_cache' => TRUE,
    'form_controller_class' => array(
      'default' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Entity\\EntityFormController',
    'list_controller_class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Entity\\EntityListController',
    'render_controller_class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Entity\\EntityRenderController',
    'access_controller_class' => 'Drupal\\Core\\Entity\\EntityAccessController',
    'static_cache' => TRUE,
    'translation' => array(),
    'bundles' => array(),
    'view_modes' => array(),

   * Constructs a new Entity plugin manager.
  public function __construct() {

    // Allow the plugin definition to be altered by hook_entity_info_alter().
    $this->discovery = new AnnotatedClassDiscovery('Core', 'Entity');
    $this->discovery = new InfoHookDecorator($this->discovery, 'entity_info');
    $this->discovery = new AlterDecorator($this->discovery, 'entity_info');

    // @todo Run process before altering, see
    $this->discovery = new ProcessDecorator($this->discovery, array(
    $this->factory = new DefaultFactory($this);

    // Entity type plugins includes translated strings, so each language is
    // cached separately.
    $this->cacheKey .= ':' . language(LANGUAGE_TYPE_INTERFACE)->langcode;

   * Overrides Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginManagerBase::getDefinition().
  public function getDefinition($plugin_id) {
    $definitions = $this
    return isset($definitions[$plugin_id]) ? $definitions[$plugin_id] : NULL;

   * Overrides Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginManagerBase::getDefinitions().
  public function getDefinitions() {

    // Because \Drupal\Core\Plugin\Discovery\CacheDecorator runs before
    // definitions are processed and does not support cache tags, we perform our
    // own caching.
    if ($cache = cache($this->cacheBin)
      ->get($this->cacheKey)) {
      return $cache->data;
    else {

      // @todo Remove array_filter() once is
      //   resolved.
      $definitions = array_filter(parent::getDefinitions());
        ->set($this->cacheKey, $definitions, $this->cacheExpire, $this->cacheTags);
      return $definitions;

   * Overrides Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginManagerBase::processDefinition().
  public function processDefinition(&$definition, $plugin_id) {
    parent::processDefinition($definition, $plugin_id);

    // @todo Remove this check once is resolved.
    if (!module_exists($definition['module'])) {
      $definition = NULL;
    foreach ($definition['view_modes'] as $view_mode => $view_mode_info) {
      $definition['view_modes'][$view_mode] += array(
        'custom_settings' => FALSE,

    // If no bundle key is provided, assume a single bundle, named after
    // the entity type.
    if (empty($definition['entity_keys']['bundle']) && empty($definition['bundles'])) {
      $definition['bundles'] = array(
        $plugin_id => array(
          'label' => $definition['label'],

    // Prepare entity schema fields SQL info for
    // Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageControllerInterface::buildQuery().
    if (isset($definition['base_table'])) {
      $definition['schema_fields_sql']['base_table'] = drupal_schema_fields_sql($definition['base_table']);
      if (isset($definition['revision_table'])) {
        $definition['schema_fields_sql']['revision_table'] = drupal_schema_fields_sql($definition['revision_table']);



Name Modifierssort descending Type Description Overrides
EntityManager::$cacheBin protected property The cache bin used for entity plugin definitions.
EntityManager::$cacheKey protected property The cache key used for entity plugin definitions.
EntityManager::$cacheExpire protected property The cache expiration for entity plugin definitions.
EntityManager::$cacheTags protected property The cache tags used for entity plugin definitions.
EntityManager::$defaults protected property The default values for optional keys of the entity plugin definition. Overrides PluginManagerBase::$defaults
PluginManagerBase::$discovery protected property The object that discovers plugins managed by this manager.
PluginManagerBase::$factory protected property The object that instantiates plugins managed by this manager.
PluginManagerBase::$mapper protected property The object that returns the preconfigured plugin instance appropriate for a particular runtime condition.
EntityManager::__construct public function Constructs a new Entity plugin manager.
EntityManager::getDefinition public function Overrides Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginManagerBase::getDefinition(). Overrides PluginManagerBase::getDefinition
EntityManager::getDefinitions public function Overrides Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginManagerBase::getDefinitions(). Overrides PluginManagerBase::getDefinitions
EntityManager::processDefinition public function Overrides Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginManagerBase::processDefinition(). Overrides PluginManagerBase::processDefinition
PluginManagerBase::clearCachedDefinitions public function Implements \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Discovery\CachedDiscoveryInterface::clearCachedDefinitions(). Overrides CachedDiscoveryInterface::clearCachedDefinitions
PluginManagerBase::createInstance public function Implements Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginManagerInterface::createInstance(). Overrides FactoryInterface::createInstance 1
PluginManagerBase::getInstance public function Implements Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginManagerInterface::getInstance(). Overrides MapperInterface::getInstance 3