
Definition of Drupal\Core\Entity\Field\FieldItemInterface.




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 * @file
 * Definition of Drupal\Core\Entity\Field\FieldItemInterface.
namespace Drupal\Core\Entity\Field;

use Drupal\Core\TypedData\ComplexDataInterface;
use Drupal\Core\TypedData\ContextAwareInterface;
use Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataInterface;

 * Interface for entity field items, which are complex data objects
 * containing the values.
 * When implementing this interface which extends Traversable, make sure to list
 * IteratorAggregate or Iterator before this interface in the implements clause.
 * @see \Drupal\Core\Entity\Field\FieldInterface
 * @see \Drupal\Core\Entity\Field\FieldItemBase
interface FieldItemInterface extends ComplexDataInterface, ContextAwareInterface, TypedDataInterface {

   * Magic getter: Get the property value.
   * @param $property_name
   *   The name of the property to get; e.g., 'title' or 'name'.
   * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
   *   If a not existing property is accessed.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataInterface
   *   The property object.
  public function __get($property_name);

   * Magic setter: Set the property value.
   * @param $property_name
   *   The name of the property to set; e.g., 'title' or 'name'.
   * @param $value
   *   The value to set, or NULL to unset the property. Optionally, a typed
   *   data object implementing Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedDataInterface may be
   *   passed instead of a plain value.
   * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
   *   If a not existing property is set.
  public function __set($property_name, $value);

   * Magic method for isset().
   * @param $property_name
   *   The name of the property to get; e.g., 'title' or 'name'.
   * @return boolean
   *   Returns TRUE if the property exists and is set, FALSE otherwise.
  public function __isset($property_name);

   * Magic method for unset().
   * @param $property_name
   *   The name of the property to get; e.g., 'title' or 'name'.
  public function __unset($property_name);



Namesort descending Description
FieldItemInterface Interface for entity field items, which are complex data objects containing the values.