protected function ViewTestBase::assertIdenticalResultset

Verifies that a result set returned by a View matches expected values.

The comparison is done on the string representation of the columns of the column map, taking the order of the rows into account, but not the order of the columns.


\Drupal\views\ViewExecutable $view: An executed View.

array $expected_result: An expected result set.

array $column_map: (optional) An associative array mapping the columns of the result set from the view (as keys) and the expected result set (as values).

string $message: (optional) A custom message to display with the assertion. Defaults to 'Identical result set.'

Return value

bool TRUE if the assertion succeeded, or FALSE otherwise.

14 calls to ViewTestBase::assertIdenticalResultset()
ArgumentDefaultTest::testArgumentDefaultPlugin in drupal/core/modules/views/lib/Drupal/views/Tests/Plugin/ArgumentDefaultTest.php
Tests the argument default test plugin.
ArgumentUserUIDTest::testCommentUserUIDTest in drupal/core/modules/views/lib/Drupal/views/Tests/Comment/ArgumentUserUIDTest.php
DefaultViewRecentComments::testBlockDisplay in drupal/core/modules/views/lib/Drupal/views/Tests/Comment/DefaultViewRecentComments.php
Tests the block defined by the comments_recent view.
DefaultViewRecentComments::testPageDisplay in drupal/core/modules/views/lib/Drupal/views/Tests/Comment/DefaultViewRecentComments.php
Tests the page defined by the comments_recent view.
FieldTypeTest::testFieldType in drupal/core/modules/views/lib/Drupal/views/Tests/Node/FieldTypeTest.php

... See full list


drupal/core/modules/views/lib/Drupal/views/Tests/ViewTestBase.php, line 83
Contains \Drupal\views\Tests\ViewTestBase.


Defines a base class for Views testing in the full web test environment.




protected function assertIdenticalResultset($view, $expected_result, $column_map = array(), $message = 'Identical result set.') {
  return $this
    ->assertIdenticalResultsetHelper($view, $expected_result, $column_map, $message, 'assertIdentical');