protected function HttpCache::lookup

Lookups a Response from the cache for the given Request.

When a matching cache entry is found and is fresh, it uses it as the response without forwarding any request to the backend. When a matching cache entry is found but is stale, it attempts to "validate" the entry with the backend using conditional GET. When no matching cache entry is found, it triggers "miss" processing.


Request $request A Request instance:

Boolean $catch whether to process exceptions:

Return value

Response A Response instance

2 calls to HttpCache::lookup()
HttpCache::handle in drupal/core/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpCache/HttpCache.php
HttpCache::lock in drupal/core/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpCache/HttpCache.php
Locks a Request during the call to the backend.


drupal/core/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpCache/HttpCache.php, line 292


Cache provides HTTP caching.




protected function lookup(Request $request, $catch = false) {

  // if allow_reload and no-cache Cache-Control, allow a cache reload
  if ($this->options['allow_reload'] && $request
    ->isNoCache()) {
      ->record($request, 'reload');
    return $this
  try {
    $entry = $this->store
  } catch (\Exception $e) {
      ->record($request, 'lookup-failed');
    if ($this->options['debug']) {
      throw $e;
    return $this
      ->pass($request, $catch);
  if (null === $entry) {
      ->record($request, 'miss');
    return $this
      ->fetch($request, $catch);
  if (!$this
    ->isFreshEnough($request, $entry)) {
      ->record($request, 'stale');
    return $this
      ->validate($request, $entry, $catch);
    ->record($request, 'fresh');
    ->set('Age', $entry
  return $entry;