
Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
views_form drupal/core/modules/views/views.module This is the entry function. Just gets the form for the current step. The form is always assumed to be multistep, even if it has only one step (the default 'views_form_views_form' step). That way it is actually possible for modules to have a… 4
views_forms drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Implements hook_forms().
views_form_id drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Returns a form ID for a Views form using the name and display of the View. 1
views_form_views_exposed_form_alter drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Implement hook_form_alter for the exposed form.
views_form_views_form drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Callback for the main step of a Views form. Invoked by views_form(). 2
views_form_views_form_submit drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Submit handler for the first step of the views form. Calls any existing views_form_submit functions located on the views fields. 1
views_form_views_form_validate drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Validate handler for the first step of the views form. Calls any existing views_form_validate functions located on the views fields. 1
views_get_all_views drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Returns an array of all views as fully loaded $view objects. 8
views_get_applicable_views drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Return a list of all views and display IDs that have a particular setting in their display's plugin settings. 1
views_get_current_view drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Find out what, if any, current view is currently in use. Please note that this returns a reference, so be careful! You can unintentionally modify the $view object. 1
views_get_disabled_views drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Returns an array of all disabled views, as fully loaded $view objects. 1
views_get_enabled_display_extenders drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Get enabled display extenders. 3
views_get_enabled_views drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Returns an array of all enabled views, as fully loaded $view objects. 2
views_get_handler drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Fetch a handler from the data cache. 14
views_get_page_view drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Find out what, if any, page view is currently in use. Please note that this returns a reference, so be careful! You can unintentionally modify the $view object. 3
views_get_plugin drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Get an instance of a plugin. 2
views_get_plugin_definitions drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Gets all the views plugin definitions. 3
views_get_view drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Loads a view from configuration. 163 2
views_get_views_as_options drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Return an array of view as options array, that can be used by select, checkboxes and radios as #options. 2
views_get_view_result drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Get the result of a view.
views_handler_field_custom_pre_render_move_text drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Prerender function to move the textarea to the top. 1
views_hook_info drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Implements hook_hook_info().
views_import_access drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Access callback to determine if the user can import Views.
views_include drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Include views .inc files as necessary. 4
views_install drupal/core/modules/views/views.install Implements hook_install().
views_invalidate_cache drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Invalidate the views cache, forcing a rebuild on the next grab of table data. 5
views_language_list drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Prepares a list of language names. 3
views_library_info drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Implements hook_library_info().
views_menu drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Implement hook_menu().
views_menu_alter drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Implement hook_menu_alter().
views_new_view drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Create an empty view to work with. 1
views_page drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Page callback: Displays a page view, given a name and display id. 1
views_page_alter drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Implements hook_page_alter().
views_permission drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Implement hook_permission().
views_plugin_list drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Returns a list of plugins and metadata about them. 1
views_preprocess_comment drupal/core/modules/views/views.module A theme preprocess function to automatically allow view-based node templates if called from a view.
views_preprocess_html drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Implements MODULE_preprocess_HOOK().
views_preprocess_node drupal/core/modules/views/views.module A theme preprocess function to automatically allow view-based node templates if called from a view.
views_pre_render_view_element drupal/core/modules/views/views.module View element pre render callback. 1
views_process_check_options drupal/core/modules/views/views.module #process callback to see if we need to check_plain() the options.
views_query_views_alter drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Implements hook_query_TAG_alter(). 1
views_schema drupal/core/modules/views/views.install Implements hook_schema().
views_set_current_view drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Set the current 'current view' that is being built/rendered so that it is easy for other modules or items in drupal_eval to identify 3
views_set_page_view drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Set the current 'page view' that is being displayed so that it is easy for other modules or the theme to identify. 2
views_taxonomy_set_breadcrumb drupal/core/modules/taxonomy/ Helper function to set a breadcrumb for taxonomy. 2
views_test_data_element_form drupal/core/modules/views/tests/views_test_data/views_test_data.module Simple form page callback to test the view element. 2
views_test_data_handler_test_access_callback drupal/core/modules/views/tests/views_test_data/views_test_data.module 1
views_test_data_handler_test_access_callback_argument drupal/core/modules/views/tests/views_test_data/views_test_data.module Access callback with an argument for the generic handler test. 1
views_test_data_install drupal/core/modules/views/tests/views_test_data/views_test_data.install Implements hook_install().
views_test_data_menu drupal/core/modules/views/tests/views_test_data/views_test_data.module Implements hook_menu().


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