* Return an array of the modules to be enabled when this profile is installed.
* @return
* An array of modules to enable.
function example_profile_modules() {
// This example profile enables the same optional modules as default.profile,
// plus the 'locale' module. But however, any available modules may be added
// to the list, including contributed modules, which will be then reqired by
// the installer. Configuration of these modules may be handled later by tasks.
return array(
* Return a description of the profile for the initial installation screen.
* @return
* An array with keys 'name' and 'description' describing this profile,
* and optional 'language' to override the language selection for
* language-specific profiles.
function example_profile_details() {
return array(
// These two strings will be displayed on the initial profile-selecion
// page, as a radio-button label, and description below. Because the
// page is shown before language selection, there's no point to attempt
// translation in any way; it's always shown in English. But however,
// if the profile is focused to install Drupal in some other language,
// these strings may be provided in that language, assuming that the
// maintainer of the installed new Drupal site understands that better.
// To skip the untranslatable profile-selection page entirely, ensure
// that there's just one profile available, by deleting the default
// profile.
'name' => 'Example installation profile',
'description' => 'This is an example installation profile for Drupal 6.x, demonstrating some of the principles to developers.',
// This example profile is supposed to be language-focused, so we
// inject the language selection here, hiding the language selection
// screen from the user, and so saving one unnecessary, untranslatable
// step. Any profile focused to features rather than language, or
// expecting more languages to choose from, should omit the line below.
// We're using Czech as an example here; it only works if a valid file
// cs.po (with installer translations) is provided in the
// profiles/example/translations directory, otherwise default English
// will be used instead.
'language' => 'cs',
* Return a list of tasks that this profile supports.
* @return
* A keyed array of tasks the profile will perform during
* the final stage. The keys of the array will be used internally,
* while the values will be displayed to the user in the installer
* task list.
function example_profile_task_list() {
return array(
// Here we define names of the custom tasks we're about to perform,
// so that these will be shown in the tasks list on the
// installer UI. The keys may be anything (internal use only),
// excepting the reserved tasks (as listed in install_reserved_tasks()
// inside install.php). The strings may be translated with the st()
// wrapper (translations provided in the install profile's .po file),
// but sometimes there's no point in doing that, if the profile is
// only focused to a single language. We only need to list tasks,
// for which a page will be displayed; internally, unlisted keys
// may be well used too. It's also possible to return dynamic data
// here, adding/removing tasks on-the-fly depending on previous
// steps.
'task1' => st('Example question'),
'task2' => st('Example summary'),
* Perform any final installation tasks for this profile.
* The installer goes through the profile-select -> locale-select
* -> requirements -> database -> locale-initial-batch -> configure
* -> locale-remaining-batch -> finished -> done tasks in this order,
* if you don't implement this function in your profile.
* If this function is implemented, you can have any number of
* custom tasks to perform after 'configure', implementing a state
* machine here to walk the user through those tasks. First time,
* this function gets called with $task set to 'profile', and you
* can advance to further tasks by setting $task to your tasks'
* identifiers, used as array keys in the hook_profile_task_list()
* above. You must avoid the reserved tasks listed in
* install_reserved_tasks(). If you implement your custom tasks,
* this function will get called in every HTTP request (for form
* processing, printing your information screens and so on) until
* you advance to the 'profile-finished' task, with which you
* hand control back to the installer. Each custom page you
* return needs to provide a way to continue, such as a form
* submission or a link. You should also set custom page titles.
* You should define the list of custom tasks you implement by
* returning an array of them in hook_profile_task_list(), as these
* show up in the list of tasks on the installer user interface.
* Remember that the user will be able to reload the pages multiple
* times, so you might want to use variable_set() and variable_get()
* to remember your data and control further processing, if $task
* is insufficient. Should a profile want to display a form here,
* it can; the form should set '#redirect' to FALSE, and rely on
* an action in the submit handler, such as variable_set(), to
* detect submission and proceed to further tasks. See the configuration
* form handling code in install_tasks() for an example.
* Important: Any temporary variables should be removed using
* variable_del() before advancing to the 'profile-finished' phase.
* @param $task
* The current $task of the install system. When hook_profile_tasks()
* is first called, this is 'profile'.
* @param $url
* Complete URL to be used for a link or form action on a custom page,
* if providing any, to allow the user to proceed with the installation.
* @return
* An optional HTML string to display to the user. Only used if you
* modify the $task, otherwise discarded.
function example_profile_tasks(&$task, $url) {
// First time, this function will be called with the 'profile' task.
// In this case, we advance the pointer to our first custom task, to
// indicate that this profile needs more runs to complete, and we
// also perform some initial settings.
if ($task == 'profile') {
$task = 'task1';
// The following part is a verbatim from default.profile, doing some
// basic settings, that may be easily customized here. For a simple
// profile, with no need for custom UI screens, this will be the
// only code inside hook_profile_tasks(); in that case there's
// no need to modify $task, as demonstrated in default.profile:
// If $task is not changed, this function gets only called once.
// Insert default user-defined node types into the database. For a complete
// list of available node type attributes, refer to the node type API
// documentation at: http://api.drupal.org/api/HEAD/function/hook_node_info.
$types = array(
'type' => 'page',
'name' => st('Page'),
'module' => 'node',
'description' => st("A <em>page</em>, similar in form to a <em>story</em>, is a simple method for creating and displaying information that rarely changes, such as an \"About us\" section of a website. By default, a <em>page</em> entry does not allow visitor comments and is not featured on the site's initial home page."),
'custom' => TRUE,
'modified' => TRUE,
'locked' => FALSE,
'help' => '',
'min_word_count' => '',
'type' => 'story',
'name' => st('Story'),
'module' => 'node',
'description' => st("A <em>story</em>, similar in form to a <em>page</em>, is ideal for creating and displaying content that informs or engages website visitors. Press releases, site announcements, and informal blog-like entries may all be created with a <em>story</em> entry. By default, a <em>story</em> entry is automatically featured on the site's initial home page, and provides the ability to post comments."),
'custom' => TRUE,
'modified' => TRUE,
'locked' => FALSE,
'help' => '',
'min_word_count' => '',
foreach ($types as $type) {
$type = (object) _node_type_set_defaults($type);
// Default page to not be promoted and have comments disabled.
variable_set('node_options_page', array(
variable_set('comment_page', COMMENT_NODE_DISABLED);
// Don't display date and author information for page nodes by default.
$theme_settings = variable_get('theme_settings', array());
$theme_settings['toggle_node_info_page'] = FALSE;
variable_set('theme_settings', $theme_settings);
// Update the menu router information.
// (End of verbatim from default.profile)
// Our custom tasks now follow. Just like install.php, we use a construct
// of if() statements here, to allow passing from one task to another in
// the same request, after the $task pointer got modified, and ensure
// that correct code gets executed on page reloads.
// Our first custom task displays a form.
if ($task == 'task1') {
// FAPI takes care of most of the operations, as page reloads go.
// We pass the $url to the form definition, to be used for form action.
$output = drupal_get_form('example_form', $url);
// The forms inside installer profiles may not use redirection, because
// that will break the installer workflow. So we need an other way to
// detect whether the form was successfully submitted, meaning that
// the submit handler already performed it's job. This depends on the
// exact use case; in this example profile, we check whether some
// user-submitted text was already stored into our variable.
if (!variable_get('example_submitted_text', FALSE)) {
// The variable is still empty, meaning that the drupal_get_form()
// call above haven't finished the form yet. We set a page-title
// here, and return the rendered form to the installer, to be
// shown to the user. Since $task is still set to 'task1', this
// code will be re-run on next page request, proceeding further
// if possible.
drupal_set_title(st('Example question'));
return $output;
else {
// The form was submitted, so now we advance to the next task.
$task = 'task2';
// Our second custom task shows a simple page, summarizing the previous
// step.
if ($task == 'task2') {
// To display a simple HTML page through the installer, we just set
// title, and return the content. But since this code is now run on
// every page request (until we change the $task), we need to detect
// whether the user already decided to finish this task by clicking
// to the provided link (as opposed to showing the page first time,
// or a reload). This is done through an extra GET string added to
// the link.
if (empty($_GET['example_finished'])) {
// The GET string is not present, meaning that this page request
// is not coming from the link being clicked, and so we need to
// render the page.
$output = '<p>' . st('This page is a demonstration of custom page shown by a custom task of installer profile.') . '</p>';
$output .= '<p>' . st('On the previous page, the following text was entered: %text.', array(
'%text' => variable_get('example_submitted_text', ''),
)) . '</p>';
// We build the link from $url provided by the installer, adding
// the extra GET string mentioned above.
$output .= '<p><a href="' . $url . '&example_finished=yes">' . st('Click here to continue') . '</a></p>';
drupal_set_title(st('Example summary'));
return $output;
else {
// The GET string is present, meaning that the user already
// reviewed the page and clicked the link. We can advance to
// further tasks now, but since we haven't any left, we just
// finish our business here:
// The variable 'example_submitted_text' was just a temporary
// storage for our testing. Variables may be used for such
// purposes here, but we should remove them before passing
// control back to installer, to avoid leaving useless temporary
// data in the variables table of the newly installed Drupal
// site.
// By advancing to the 'profile-finished' task, we hand control
// back to the installer, when we are done.
$task = 'profile-finished';
* Form API array definition for the example form.
function example_form(&$form_state, $url) {
// This is just a very simple form with one textfield, and a
// submit button.
$form['example_text'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => st('Testing text'),
'#default_value' => '',
'#size' => 45,
'#maxlength' => 45,
'#required' => TRUE,
'#description' => st('This is an example form demonstrating forms usage in the installer profiles tasks. Enter any text to see what happens.'),
$form['continue'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => st('Continue'),
// Note that #action is set to the url passed through from
// installer, ensuring that it points to the same page, and
// #redirect is FALSE to avoid broken installer workflow.
$form['errors'] = array();
$form['#action'] = $url;
$form['#redirect'] = FALSE;
return $form;
* Form API submit for the example form.
function example_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
// This code is executed, while the form is submitted. There's
// a wide range of possible operations to execute here, such as
// process and store settings, enable extra modules, or save
// contents to the new site (unless the operations are too
// expensive: the Batch API is a good choice for such operations,
// but it needs to be coded inside hook_profile_tasks(), not
// here).
// In this example profile, we just store the submitted text to
// a temporary variable, to be used in further tasks.
variable_set('example_submitted_text', $form_state['values']['example_text']);
* Implementation of hook_form_alter().
* Allows the profile to alter the site-configuration form. This is
* called through custom invocation, so $form_state is not populated.
function example_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
if ($form_id == 'install_configure') {
// Here we can play with the site configuration form provided
// by the installer, by changing the prepopulated $form array.
// See install_configure_form() inside install.php for its
// default content.
// Set default for site name field.
$form['site_information']['site_name']['#default_value'] = 'Drupal example';
// Set default for administrator account name.
$form['admin_account']['account']['name']['#default_value'] = 'admin';
// Remove the timezone setting, as this profile is supposed to be
// focused on Czech language as an example, where the timezone is
// obvious.
// Define the timezone as fixed value instead, so that the submit
// handler of the site configuration form may still process it.
$form['date_default_timezone'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => '3600',
Name | Description |
example_form | Form API array definition for the example form. |
example_form_alter | Implementation of hook_form_alter(). |
example_form_submit | Form API submit for the example form. |
example_profile_details | Return a description of the profile for the initial installation screen. |
example_profile_modules | Return an array of the modules to be enabled when this profile is installed. |
example_profile_tasks | Perform any final installation tasks for this profile. |
example_profile_task_list | Return a list of tasks that this profile supports. |