protected function DBLogTestCase::getLogEntries

Gets the database log event information from the browser page.

Return value

array List of log events where each event is an array with following keys:

  • severity: (int) A database log severity constant.
  • type: (string) The type of database log event.
  • message: (string) The message for this database log event.
  • user: (string) The user associated with this database log event.
1 call to DBLogTestCase::getLogEntries()
DBLogTestCase::getTypeCount in drupal/modules/dblog/dblog.test
Gets the count of database log entries by database log event type.


drupal/modules/dblog/dblog.test, line 560
Tests for dblog.module.


Tests logging messages to the database.


protected function getLogEntries() {
  $entries = array();
  if ($table = $this
    ->xpath('.//table[@id="admin-dblog"]')) {
    $table = array_shift($table);
    foreach ($table->tbody->tr as $row) {
      $entries[] = array(
        'severity' => $this
        'type' => $this
        'message' => $this
        'user' => $this
  return $entries;