function RdfTrackerAttributesTestCase::_testBasicTrackerRdfaMarkup

Helper function for testAttributesInTracker().

Tests the tracker page for RDFa markup.


$node: The node just created.

1 call to RdfTrackerAttributesTestCase::_testBasicTrackerRdfaMarkup()
RdfTrackerAttributesTestCase::testAttributesInTracker in drupal/modules/rdf/rdf.test
Create nodes as both admin and anonymous user and test for correct RDFa markup on the tracker page for those nodes and their comments.


drupal/modules/rdf/rdf.test, line 623
Tests for rdf.module.




function _testBasicTrackerRdfaMarkup($node) {
  $url = url('node/' . $node->nid);
  $user = $node->uid == 0 ? 'Anonymous user' : 'Registered user';

  // Navigate to tracker page.

  // Tests whether the about property is applied. This is implicit in the
  // success of the following tests, but making it explicit will make
  // debugging easier in case of failure.
  $tracker_about = $this
    ->xpath('//tr[@about=:url]', array(
    ':url' => $url,
    ->assertTrue(!empty($tracker_about), format_string('About attribute found on table row for @user content.', array(
    '@user' => $user,

  // Tests whether the title has the correct property attribute.
  $tracker_title = $this
    ->xpath('//tr[@about=:url]/td[@property="dc:title" and @datatype=""]', array(
    ':url' => $url,
    ->assertTrue(!empty($tracker_title), format_string('Title property attribute found on @user content.', array(
    '@user' => $user,

  // Tests whether the relationship between the content and user has been set.
  $tracker_user = $this
    ->xpath('//tr[@about=:url]//td[contains(@rel, "sioc:has_creator")]//*[contains(@typeof, "sioc:UserAccount") and contains(@property, "foaf:name")]', array(
    ':url' => $url,
    ->assertTrue(!empty($tracker_user), format_string('Typeof and name property attributes found on @user.', array(
    '@user' => $user,

  // There should be an about attribute on logged in users and no about
  // attribute for anonymous users.
  $tracker_user = $this
    ->xpath('//tr[@about=:url]//td[@rel="sioc:has_creator"]/*[@about]', array(
    ':url' => $url,
  if ($node->uid == 0) {
      ->assertTrue(empty($tracker_user), format_string('No about attribute is present on @user.', array(
      '@user' => $user,
  elseif ($node->uid > 0) {
      ->assertTrue(!empty($tracker_user), format_string('About attribute is present on @user.', array(
      '@user' => $user,

  // Tests whether the property has been set for number of comments.
  $tracker_replies = $this
    ->xpath('//tr[@about=:url]//td[contains(@property, "sioc:num_replies") and contains(@content, "0") and @datatype="xsd:integer"]', array(
    ':url' => $url,
    ->assertTrue($tracker_replies, format_string('Num replies property and content attributes found on @user content.', array(
    '@user' => $user,

  // Tests that the appropriate RDFa markup to annotate the latest activity
  // date has been added to the tracker output before comments have been
  // posted, meaning the latest activity reflects changes to the node itself.
  $isoDate = date('c', $node->changed);
  $tracker_activity = $this
    ->xpath('//tr[@about=:url]//td[contains(@property, "dc:modified") and contains(@property, "sioc:last_activity_date") and contains(@datatype, "xsd:dateTime") and @content=:date]', array(
    ':url' => $url,
    ':date' => $isoDate,
    ->assertTrue(!empty($tracker_activity), format_string('Latest activity date and changed properties found when there are no comments on @user content. Latest activity date content is correct.', array(
    '@user' => $user,

  // Tests that the appropriate RDFa markup to annotate the latest activity
  // date has been added to the tracker output after a comment is posted.
  $comment = array(
    'subject' => $this
    'comment_body[' . LANGUAGE_NONE . '][0][value]' => $this
    ->drupalPost('comment/reply/' . $node->nid, $comment, t('Save'));

  // Tests whether the property has been set for number of comments.
  $tracker_replies = $this
    ->xpath('//tr[@about=:url]//td[contains(@property, "sioc:num_replies") and contains(@content, "1") and @datatype="xsd:integer"]', array(
    ':url' => $url,
    ->assertTrue($tracker_replies, format_string('Num replies property and content attributes found on @user content.', array(
    '@user' => $user,

  // Need to query database directly to obtain last_activity_date because
  // it cannot be accessed via node_load().
  $result = db_query('SELECT t.changed FROM {tracker_node} t WHERE t.nid = (:nid)', array(
    ':nid' => $node->nid,
  foreach ($result as $node) {
    $expected_last_activity_date = $node->changed;
  $isoDate = date('c', $expected_last_activity_date);
  $tracker_activity = $this
    ->xpath('//tr[@about=:url]//td[@property="sioc:last_activity_date" and @datatype="xsd:dateTime" and @content=:date]', array(
    ':url' => $url,
    ':date' => $isoDate,
    ->assertTrue(!empty($tracker_activity), format_string('Latest activity date found when there are comments on @user content. Latest activity date content is correct.', array(
    '@user' => $user,