Helper for assertUniqueText and assertNoUniqueText.
It is not recommended to call this function directly.
$text: Plain text to look for.
$message: Message to display.
$group: The group this message belongs to.
$be_unique: TRUE if this text should be found only once, FALSE if it should be found more than once.
TRUE on pass, FALSE on fail.
protected function assertUniqueTextHelper($text, $message = '', $group, $be_unique) {
if ($this->plainTextContent === FALSE) {
$this->plainTextContent = filter_xss($this
->drupalGetContent(), array());
if (!$message) {
$message = '"' . $text . '"' . ($be_unique ? ' found only once' : ' found more than once');
$first_occurance = strpos($this->plainTextContent, $text);
if ($first_occurance === FALSE) {
return $this
->assert(FALSE, $message, $group);
$offset = $first_occurance + strlen($text);
$second_occurance = strpos($this->plainTextContent, $text, $offset);
return $this
->assert($be_unique == ($second_occurance === FALSE), $message, $group);