
Tests for the module API.


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 * @file
 * Tests for the module API.

 * Unit tests for the module API.
class ModuleUnitTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Module API',
      'description' => 'Test low-level module functions.',
      'group' => 'Module',

   * The basic functionality of module_list().
  function testModuleList() {

    // Build a list of modules, sorted alphabetically.
    $profile_info = install_profile_info('standard', 'en');
    $module_list = $profile_info['dependencies'];

    // Installation profile is a module that is expected to be loaded.
    $module_list[] = 'standard';

    // Compare this list to the one returned by module_list(). We expect them
    // to match, since all default profile modules have a weight equal to 0
    // (except for block.module, which has a lower weight but comes first in
    // the alphabet anyway).
      ->assertModuleList($module_list, t('Standard profile'));

    // Try to install a new module.
    $module_list[] = 'contact';
      ->assertModuleList($module_list, t('After adding a module'));

    // Try to mess with the module weights.
      'weight' => 20,
      ->condition('name', 'contact')
      ->condition('type', 'module')

    // Reset the module list.

    // Move contact to the end of the array.
    unset($module_list[array_search('contact', $module_list)]);
    $module_list[] = 'contact';
      ->assertModuleList($module_list, t('After changing weights'));

    // Test the fixed list feature.
    $fixed_list = array(
      'system' => array(
        'filename' => drupal_get_path('module', 'system'),
      'menu' => array(
        'filename' => drupal_get_path('module', 'menu'),
    module_list(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, $fixed_list);
    $new_module_list = array_combine(array_keys($fixed_list), array_keys($fixed_list));
      ->assertModuleList($new_module_list, t('When using a fixed list'));

    // Reset the module list.
      ->assertModuleList($module_list, t('After reset'));

   * Assert that module_list() return the expected values.
   * @param $expected_values
   *   The expected values, sorted by weight and module name.
  protected function assertModuleList(array $expected_values, $condition) {
    $expected_values = array_combine($expected_values, $expected_values);
      ->assertEqual($expected_values, module_list(), format_string('@condition: module_list() returns correct results', array(
      '@condition' => $condition,
      ->assertIdentical($expected_values, module_list(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), format_string('@condition: module_list() returns correctly sorted results', array(
      '@condition' => $condition,

   * Test module_implements() caching.
  function testModuleImplements() {

    // Clear the cache.
    cache_clear_all('module_implements', 'cache_bootstrap');
      ->assertFalse(cache_get('module_implements', 'cache_bootstrap'), 'The module implements cache is empty.');
      ->assertTrue(cache_get('module_implements', 'cache_bootstrap'), 'The module implements cache is populated after requesting a page.');

    // Test again with an authenticated user.
    $this->user = $this
    cache_clear_all('module_implements', 'cache_bootstrap');
      ->assertTrue(cache_get('module_implements', 'cache_bootstrap'), 'The module implements cache is populated after requesting a page.');

    // Make sure group include files are detected properly even when the file is
    // already loaded when the cache is rebuilt.
    // For that activate the module_test which provides the file to load.
    module_load_include('inc', 'module_test', 'module_test.file');
    $modules = module_implements('test_hook');
    $static = drupal_static('module_implements');
      ->assertTrue(in_array('module_test', $modules), 'Hook found.');
      ->assertEqual($static['test_hook']['module_test'], 'file', 'Include file detected.');

   * Test that module_invoke() can load a hook defined in hook_hook_info().
  function testModuleInvoke() {
    ), FALSE);
      ->assertText('success!', 'module_invoke() dynamically loads a hook defined in hook_hook_info().');

   * Test that module_invoke_all() can load a hook defined in hook_hook_info().
  function testModuleInvokeAll() {
    ), FALSE);
      ->assertText('success!', 'module_invoke_all() dynamically loads a hook defined in hook_hook_info().');

   * Test dependency resolution.
  function testDependencyResolution() {

    // Enable the test module, and make sure that other modules we are testing
    // are not already enabled. (If they were, the tests below would not work
    // correctly.)
    ), FALSE);
      ->assertTrue(module_exists('module_test'), 'Test module is enabled.');
      ->assertFalse(module_exists('forum'), 'Forum module is disabled.');
      ->assertFalse(module_exists('poll'), 'Poll module is disabled.');
      ->assertFalse(module_exists('php'), 'PHP module is disabled.');

    // First, create a fake missing dependency. Forum depends on poll, which
    // depends on a made-up module, foo. Nothing should be installed.
    variable_set('dependency_test', 'missing dependency');
    $result = module_enable(array(
      ->assertFalse($result, 'module_enable() returns FALSE if dependencies are missing.');
      ->assertFalse(module_exists('forum'), 'module_enable() aborts if dependencies are missing.');

    // Now, fix the missing dependency. Forum module depends on poll, but poll
    // depends on the PHP module. module_enable() should work.
    variable_set('dependency_test', 'dependency');
    $result = module_enable(array(
      ->assertTrue($result, 'module_enable() returns the correct value.');

    // Verify that the fake dependency chain was installed.
      ->assertTrue(module_exists('poll') && module_exists('php'), 'Dependency chain was installed by module_enable().');

    // Verify that the original module was installed.
      ->assertTrue(module_exists('forum'), 'Module installation with unlisted dependencies succeeded.');

    // Finally, verify that the modules were enabled in the correct order.
      ->assertEqual(variable_get('test_module_enable_order', array()), array(
    ), 'Modules were enabled in the correct order by module_enable().');

    // Now, disable the PHP module. Both forum and poll should be disabled as
    // well, in the correct order.
      ->assertTrue(!module_exists('forum') && !module_exists('poll'), 'Depedency chain was disabled by module_disable().');
      ->assertFalse(module_exists('php'), 'Disabling a module with unlisted dependents succeeded.');
      ->assertEqual(variable_get('test_module_disable_order', array()), array(
    ), 'Modules were disabled in the correct order by module_disable().');

    // Disable a module that is listed as a dependency by the installation
    // profile. Make sure that the profile itself is not on the list of
    // dependent modules to be disabled.
    $profile = drupal_get_profile();
    $info = install_profile_info($profile);
      ->assertTrue(in_array('comment', $info['dependencies']), 'Comment module is listed as a dependency of the installation profile.');
      ->assertTrue(module_exists('comment'), 'Comment module is enabled.');
      ->assertFalse(module_exists('comment'), 'Comment module was disabled.');
    $disabled_modules = variable_get('test_module_disable_order', array());
      ->assertTrue(in_array('comment', $disabled_modules), 'Comment module is in the list of disabled modules.');
      ->assertFalse(in_array($profile, $disabled_modules), 'The installation profile is not in the list of disabled modules.');

    // Try to uninstall the PHP module by itself. This should be rejected,
    // since the modules which it depends on need to be uninstalled first, and
    // that is too destructive to perform automatically.
    $result = drupal_uninstall_modules(array(
      ->assertFalse($result, 'Calling drupal_uninstall_modules() on a module whose dependents are not uninstalled fails.');
    foreach (array(
    ) as $module) {
        ->assertNotEqual(drupal_get_installed_schema_version($module), SCHEMA_UNINSTALLED, format_string('The @module module was not uninstalled.', array(
        '@module' => $module,

    // Now uninstall all three modules explicitly, but in the incorrect order,
    // and make sure that drupal_uninstal_modules() uninstalled them in the
    // correct sequence.
    $result = drupal_uninstall_modules(array(
      ->assertTrue($result, 'drupal_uninstall_modules() returns the correct value.');
    foreach (array(
    ) as $module) {
        ->assertEqual(drupal_get_installed_schema_version($module), SCHEMA_UNINSTALLED, format_string('The @module module was uninstalled.', array(
        '@module' => $module,
      ->assertEqual(variable_get('test_module_uninstall_order', array()), array(
    ), 'Modules were uninstalled in the correct order by drupal_uninstall_modules().');

    // Uninstall the profile module from above, and make sure that the profile
    // itself is not on the list of dependent modules to be uninstalled.
    $result = drupal_uninstall_modules(array(
      ->assertTrue($result, 'drupal_uninstall_modules() returns the correct value.');
      ->assertEqual(drupal_get_installed_schema_version('comment'), SCHEMA_UNINSTALLED, 'Comment module was uninstalled.');
    $uninstalled_modules = variable_get('test_module_uninstall_order', array());
      ->assertTrue(in_array('comment', $uninstalled_modules), 'Comment module is in the list of uninstalled modules.');
      ->assertFalse(in_array($profile, $uninstalled_modules), 'The installation profile is not in the list of uninstalled modules.');

    // Enable forum module again, which should enable both the poll module and
    // php module. But, this time do it with poll module declaring a dependency
    // on a specific version of php module in its info file. Make sure that
    // module_enable() still works.
    variable_set('dependency_test', 'version dependency');
    $result = module_enable(array(
      ->assertTrue($result, 'module_enable() returns the correct value.');

    // Verify that the fake dependency chain was installed.
      ->assertTrue(module_exists('poll') && module_exists('php'), 'Dependency chain was installed by module_enable().');

    // Verify that the original module was installed.
      ->assertTrue(module_exists('forum'), 'Module installation with version dependencies succeeded.');

    // Finally, verify that the modules were enabled in the correct order.
    $enable_order = variable_get('test_module_enable_order', array());
    $php_position = array_search('php', $enable_order);
    $poll_position = array_search('poll', $enable_order);
    $forum_position = array_search('forum', $enable_order);
    $php_before_poll = $php_position !== FALSE && $poll_position !== FALSE && $php_position < $poll_position;
    $poll_before_forum = $poll_position !== FALSE && $forum_position !== FALSE && $poll_position < $forum_position;
      ->assertTrue($php_before_poll && $poll_before_forum, 'Modules were enabled in the correct order by module_enable().');


 * Unit tests for module installation.
class ModuleInstallTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Module installation',
      'description' => 'Tests the installation of modules.',
      'group' => 'Module',
  function setUp() {

   * Test that calls to drupal_write_record() work during module installation.
   * This is a useful function to test because modules often use it to insert
   * initial data in their database tables when they are being installed or
   * enabled. Furthermore, drupal_write_record() relies on the module schema
   * information being available, so this also checks that the data from one of
   * the module's hook implementations, in particular hook_schema(), is
   * properly available during this time. Therefore, this test helps ensure
   * that modules are fully functional while Drupal is installing and enabling
   * them.
  function testDrupalWriteRecord() {

    // Check for data that was inserted using drupal_write_record() while the
    // 'module_test' module was being installed and enabled.
    $data = db_query("SELECT data FROM {module_test}")
      ->assertTrue(in_array('Data inserted in hook_install()', $data), 'Data inserted using drupal_write_record() in hook_install() is correctly saved.');
      ->assertTrue(in_array('Data inserted in hook_enable()', $data), 'Data inserted using drupal_write_record() in hook_enable() is correctly saved.');


 * Unit tests for module uninstallation and related hooks.
class ModuleUninstallTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Module uninstallation',
      'description' => 'Tests the uninstallation of modules.',
      'group' => 'Module',
  function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('module_test', 'user');

   * Tests the hook_modules_uninstalled() of the user module.
  function testUserPermsUninstalled() {

    // Uninstalls the module_test module, so hook_modules_uninstalled()
    // is executed.

    // Are the perms defined by module_test removed from {role_permission}.
    $count = db_query("SELECT COUNT(rid) FROM {role_permission} WHERE permission = :perm", array(
      ':perm' => 'module_test perm',
      ->assertEqual(0, $count, 'Permissions were all removed.');

class ModuleImplementsAlterTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Module implements alter',
      'description' => 'Tests hook_module_implements_alter().',
      'group' => 'Module',

   * Tests hook_module_implements_alter() adding an implementation.
  function testModuleImplementsAlter() {
    ), FALSE);
      ->assertTrue(module_exists('module_test'), 'Test module is enabled.');

    // Assert that module_test.module is now included.
      ->assertTrue(function_exists('module_test_permission'), 'The file module_test.module was successfully included.');
    $modules = module_implements('permission');
      ->assertTrue(in_array('module_test', $modules), 'module_test implements hook_permission.');
    $modules = module_implements('module_implements_alter');
      ->assertTrue(in_array('module_test', $modules), 'module_test implements hook_module_implements_alter().');

    // Assert that is not included yet.
      ->assertFalse(function_exists('module_test_altered_test_hook'), 'The file is not included yet.');

    // Assert that module_test_module_implements_alter(*, 'altered_test_hook')
    // has added an implementation
      ->assertTrue(in_array('module_test', module_implements('altered_test_hook')), 'module_test implements hook_altered_test_hook().');

    // Assert that was included as part of the process.
      ->assertTrue(function_exists('module_test_altered_test_hook'), 'The file was included.');



Namesort ascending Description
ModuleUnitTest Unit tests for the module API.
ModuleUninstallTestCase Unit tests for module uninstallation and related hooks.
ModuleInstallTestCase Unit tests for module installation.