
Primary tabs

File name Location Namespacesort descending Description
language.api.php drupal/modules/system/language.api.php Hooks provided by the base system for language support.
jquery.ui.core.css drupal/misc/ui/jquery.ui.core.css /* * jQuery UI CSS Framework 1.8.7 * * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt ( * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * * * */ /* Layout…
css_input_with_import.css.optimized.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/css_input_with_import.css.optimized.css @import url("");@import url("//");ul,select{font:1em/160% Verdana,sans-serif;color:#494949;}.ui-icon{background-image:url(images/icon.png);}.data…
authorize.php drupal/authorize.php Administrative script for running authorized file operations.
system.install drupal/modules/system/system.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the system module.
farbtastic.css drupal/misc/farbtastic/farbtastic.css .farbtastic { position: relative; } .farbtastic * { position: absolute; cursor: crosshair; } .farbtastic, .farbtastic .wheel { width: 195px; height: 195px; } .farbtastic .color, .farbtastic .overlay { top: 47px; left: 47px; width:…
css_input_without_import.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/css_input_without_import.css Basic css that does not use import
INSTALL.sqlite.txt drupal/INSTALL.sqlite.txt SQLITE REQUIREMENTS ------------------- To use SQLite with your Drupal installation, the following requirements must be met: Server has PHP 5.2 or later with PDO, and the PDO SQLite driver must be enabled. SQLITE DATABASE…
system.base-rtl.css drupal/modules/system/system.base-rtl.css Generic theme-independent base styles.
comment_hacks.css.unoptimized.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/comment_hacks.css.unoptimized.css /* * A sample css file, designed to test the effectiveness and stability * of function <code>drupal_load_stylesheet_content()</code>. * */ /* A large comment block to test for segfaults and speed. This is 60K a's. Extreme but useful…
install.php drupal/install.php Initiates a browser-based installation of Drupal.
system.admin.css drupal/modules/system/system.admin.css Styles for administration pages.
css_input_without_import.css.optimized.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/css_input_without_import.css.optimized.css body{margin:0;padding:0;background:#edf5fa;font:76%/170% Verdana,sans-serif;color:#494949;}.this .is .a .test{font:1em/100% Verdana,sans-serif;color:#494949;}.this .is .a .test{font:1em/100% Verdana,sans-serif;color:#494949;}some :pseudo…
INSTALL.pgsql.txt drupal/INSTALL.pgsql.txt CREATE THE PostgreSQL DATABASE ------------------------------ Note that the database must be created with UTF-8 (Unicode) encoding. 1. CREATE DATABASE USER This step is only necessary if you don't already have a user set up (e.g., by … drupal/modules/system/ GD2 toolkit for image manipulation within Drupal.
css_input_with_import.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/css_input_with_import.css @import url(""); @import url("//"); @import "import1.css"; @import "import2.css"; body { margin: 0; padding: 0; background: #edf5fa; font: 76%/170%…
CHANGELOG.txt drupal/CHANGELOG.txt Drupal 7.xx, xxxx-xx-xx (development version) ----------------------- - File upload validation functions and hook_file_validate() implementations are now always passed the correct file URI. - The default form cache expiration of 6 hours is now… drupal/modules/system/ Drupal core implementations of MailSystemInterface.
css_input_with_import.css.unoptimized.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/css_input_with_import.css.unoptimized.css @import url(""); @import url("//"); ul, select { font: 1em/160% Verdana, sans-serif; color: #494949; } .ui-icon{background-image: url(images/icon.png);} /* Test data URI images…
INSTALL.txt drupal/INSTALL.txt CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Requirements and notes * Optional server requirements * Installation * Building and customizing your site * Multisite configuration * More information REQUIREMENTS AND…
system.module drupal/modules/system/system.module Configuration system that lets administrators modify the workings of the site.
preview.css drupal/themes/garland/color/preview.css /* Positioning */ #preview { overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } #preview, #preview #img { width: 600px; height: 371px; } #preview #gradient-0 { position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 19px; height: 120px; z-index:…
comment_hacks.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/comment_hacks.css /* * A sample css file, designed to test the effectiveness and stability * of function <code>drupal_load_stylesheet_content()</code>. * */ /* A large comment block to test for segfaults and speed. This is 60K a's. Extreme but useful…
update.php drupal/update.php Administrative page for handling updates from one Drupal version to another.
system.theme.css drupal/modules/system/system.theme.css Basic styling for common markup. drupal/themes/garland/color/
comment_hacks.css.optimized.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/comment_hacks.css.optimized.css .test1{display:block;}html .clear-block{height:1%;}.clear-block{display:block;font:italic bold 12px/30px…
COPYRIGHT.txt drupal/COPYRIGHT.txt All Drupal code is Copyright 2001 - 2013 by the original authors. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2…
system.messages.css drupal/modules/system/system.messages.css Styles for system messages.
comment.tpl.php drupal/themes/bartik/templates/comment.tpl.php Bartik's theme implementation for comments.
import2.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/import2.css p, select { font: 1em/160% Verdana, sans-serif; color: #494949; }
LICENSE.txt drupal/LICENSE.txt GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this…
system.admin-rtl.css drupal/modules/system/system.admin-rtl.css RTL styles for administration pages.
comment-wrapper.tpl.php drupal/themes/bartik/templates/comment-wrapper.tpl.php Bartik's theme implementation to provide an HTML container for comments.
import1.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/import1.css ul, select { font: 1em/160% Verdana, sans-serif; color: #494949; } .ui-icon{background-image: url(images/icon.png);} /* Test data URI images with different quote styles. */ .data .double-quote { /* */ …
xmlrpc.php drupal/xmlrpc.php PHP page for handling incoming XML-RPC requests from clients.
system.menus-rtl.css drupal/modules/system/system.menus-rtl.css RTL styles for menus and navigation markup.
node.tpl.php drupal/themes/bartik/templates/node.tpl.php Bartik's theme implementation to display a node.
drupal-7.field.database.php drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/drupal-7.field.database.php
UPGRADE.txt drupal/UPGRADE.txt INTRODUCTION ------------ This document describes how to: * Update your Drupal site from one minor 7.x version to another minor 7.x version; for example, from 7.8 to 7.9, or from 7.6 to 7.10. * Upgrade your Drupal site's major version…
system.messages-rtl.css drupal/modules/system/system.messages-rtl.css RTL Styles for system messages.
maintenance-page.tpl.php drupal/themes/bartik/templates/maintenance-page.tpl.php Implementation to display a single Drupal page while offline.
update.user.test drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/update.user.test Provides update path tests for the User module.
index.php drupal/index.php The PHP page that serves all page requests on a Drupal installation.
maintenance-page.tpl.php drupal/modules/system/maintenance-page.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display a single Drupal page while offline.
page.tpl.php drupal/themes/bartik/templates/page.tpl.php Bartik's theme implementation to display a single Drupal page.
upgrade.comment.test drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/upgrade.comment.test
INSTALL.mysql.txt drupal/INSTALL.mysql.txt CREATE THE MySQL DATABASE -------------------------- This step is only necessary if you don't already have a database set up (e.g., by your host). In the following examples, 'username' is an example MySQL user which has the CREATE and…
page.tpl.php drupal/modules/system/page.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display a single Drupal page.
preview.css drupal/themes/bartik/color/preview.css /* ---------- Color form ----------- */ #color_scheme_form #palette .form-item { width: 25em; } #color_scheme_form #palette .form-item label { width: 15em; } /* ---------- Preview Styles ----------- */ html.js #preview { clear: both; float:…


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