
Primary tabs

File name Location Namespacesort ascending Description
field.api.php drupal/modules/field/field.api.php Hooks provided by the Field module.
poll-bar--block.tpl.php drupal/modules/poll/poll-bar--block.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display the bar for a single choice in a poll.
update_test_2.module drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/update_test_2.module
field.install drupal/modules/field/field.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the field module.
poll-results--block.tpl.php drupal/modules/poll/poll-results--block.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display the poll results in a block.
graph.test drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/graph.test Provides unit tests for drupal/modules/field/ Field Info API, providing information about available fields and field types.
tracker.module drupal/modules/tracker/tracker.module Tracks recent content posted by a user or users. drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ name = "Module test" description = "Support module for module system testing." package = Testing version = VERSION core = 7.x hidden = TRUE drupal/modules/field/
tracker.test drupal/modules/tracker/tracker.test Tests for tracker.module.
image.test drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/image.test Tests for core image handling API. drupal/modules/field/ Field CRUD API, handling field and field instance creation and deletion. drupal/modules/tracker/ User page callbacks for tracker.module.
entity_crud_hook_test.module drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/entity_crud_hook_test.module Test module for the Entity CRUD API. drupal/modules/field/ Functions implementing Field API multilingual support. drupal/modules/tracker/ name = Tracker description = Enables tracking of recent content for users. dependencies[] = comment package = Core version = VERSION core = 7.x files[] = tracker.test
xmlrpc_test.module drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/xmlrpc_test.module
overlay.api.php drupal/modules/overlay/overlay.api.php Hooks provided by Overlay module.
tracker.install drupal/modules/tracker/tracker.install Install, update, and uninstall functions for tracker.module.
unicode.test drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/unicode.test Various unicode handling tests.
overlay.module drupal/modules/overlay/overlay.module Displays the Drupal administration interface in an overlay.
tracker.css drupal/modules/tracker/tracker.css .page-tracker td.replies { text-align: center; } .page-tracker table { width: 100%; } drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ name = Requirements 1 Test description = "Tests that a module is not installed when it fails hook_requirements('install')." package = Testing version = VERSION core = 7.x hidden = TRUE drupal/modules/overlay/ name = Overlay description = Displays the Drupal administration interface in an overlay. package = Core version = VERSION core = 7.x
toolbar-rtl.css drupal/modules/toolbar/toolbar-rtl.css #toolbar, #toolbar * { text-align: right; } #toolbar ul li { float: right; } #toolbar ul li a { display: inline-block; float: none; zoom: 1; } #toolbar div.toolbar-menu { padding: 5px 50px 5px 50px; } #toolbar-user { float:…
common.test drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test Tests for functionality.
overlay.tpl.php drupal/modules/overlay/overlay.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display a page in the overlay.
toolbar.css drupal/modules/toolbar/toolbar.css body.toolbar { padding-top: 2.2em; } body.toolbar-drawer { padding-top: 5.3em; } /** * Aggressive resets so we can achieve a consistent look in hostile CSS * environments. */ #toolbar, #toolbar * { border: 0; font-size: 100%; …
common_test.module drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/common_test.module Helper module for the Common tests.
overlay-child.css drupal/modules/overlay/overlay-child.css Basic styling for the Overlay child pages. drupal/modules/toolbar/ name = Toolbar description = Provides a toolbar that shows the top-level administration menu items and links from other modules. core = 7.x package = Core version = VERSION
batch_test.module drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/batch_test.module Helper module for the Batch API tests.
overlay.install drupal/modules/overlay/overlay.install Install, update, and uninstall functions for the Overlay module.
toolbar.tpl.php drupal/modules/toolbar/toolbar.tpl.php Default template for admin toolbar.
requirements2_test.module drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/requirements2_test.module Tests that a module is not installed when the one it depends on fails hook_requirements('install').
overlay-child-rtl.css drupal/modules/overlay/overlay-child-rtl.css RTL styling for Overlay child pages.
toolbar.module drupal/modules/toolbar/toolbar.module Administration toolbar for quick access to top level administration items.
entity_crud_hook_test.test drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/entity_crud_hook_test.test CRUD hook tests for the Entity CRUD API.
overlay-parent.css drupal/modules/overlay/overlay-parent.css Basic styling for the Overlay module. drupal/modules/translation/ User page callbacks for the Translation module.
trigger_test.module drupal/modules/trigger/tests/trigger_test.module Mock module to aid in testing trigger.module. drupal/modules/search/ name = Search description = Enables site-wide keyword searching. package = Core version = VERSION core = 7.x files[] = files[] = search.test configure = admin/config/search/settings stylesheets[all][] = search.css
translation.test drupal/modules/translation/translation.test Tests for the Translation module. drupal/modules/trigger/tests/ name = "Trigger Test" description = "Support module for Trigger tests." package = Testing core = 7.x hidden = TRUE
search-result.tpl.php drupal/modules/search/search-result.tpl.php Default theme implementation for displaying a single search result.
translation.module drupal/modules/translation/translation.module Manages content translations. drupal/modules/aggregator/tests/ name = "Aggregator module tests" description = "Support module for aggregator related testing." package = Testing version = VERSION core = 7.x hidden = TRUE
search.test drupal/modules/search/search.test Tests for search.module. drupal/modules/translation/ name = Content translation description = Allows content to be translated into different languages. dependencies[] = locale package = Core version = VERSION core = 7.x files[] = translation.test


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