
Primary tabs

File name Locationsort descending Namespace Description
README.txt drupal/sites/README.txt This directory structure contains the settings and configuration files specific to your site or sites and is an integral part of multisite configuration. The sites/all/ subdirectory structure should be used to place your custom and downloaded… drupal/themes/bartik/ name = Bartik description = A flexible, recolorable theme with many regions. package = Core version = VERSION core = 7.x stylesheets[all][] = css/layout.css stylesheets[all][] = css/style.css stylesheets[all][] = css/colors.css stylesheets[print][] =… drupal/themes/bartik/color/
preview.css drupal/themes/bartik/color/preview.css /* ---------- Color form ----------- */ #color_scheme_form #palette .form-item { width: 25em; } #color_scheme_form #palette .form-item label { width: 15em; } /* ---------- Preview Styles ----------- */ html.js #preview { clear: both; float:…
preview.html drupal/themes/bartik/color/preview.html
colors.css drupal/themes/bartik/css/colors.css /* ---------- Color Module Styles ----------- */ body, body.overlay { color: #3b3b3b; } .comment .comment-arrow { border-color: #ffffff; } #page, #main-wrapper, #main-menu-links li, #main-menu-links a { background:…
ie-rtl.css drupal/themes/bartik/css/ie-rtl.css fieldset legend { left: 6px; } ul.action-links li a, #user-login-form li.openid-link a, #user-login li.openid-link a { zoom: 1; } .comment .attribution { float: right; } .comment .comment-arrow { position: absolute; right:…
ie.css drupal/themes/bartik/css/ie.css .block { zoom: 1; } #password-strength-text { margin-top: 0; } fieldset legend { left: -8px; padding: 0; } #footer-wrapper #footer .block { height: 100%; } .comment .attribution { display: inline-block; position: relative; float: left;…
ie6.css drupal/themes/bartik/css/ie6.css #content { overflow: hidden; } .form-item-search-block-form { width: 50%; } .tabs ul.primary, .region-header .block-menu li a, .comment-form .form-item { zoom: 1; } #block-search-form .form-item-search-block-form input { width:…
layout-rtl.css drupal/themes/bartik/css/layout-rtl.css /* ---------- Basic Layout RTL Styles -----------…
layout.css drupal/themes/bartik/css/layout.css /* ---------- Basic Layout Styles ----------- */ html, body, #page { height: 100%; } #page-wrapper { min-height: 100%; min-width: 960px; } #header div.section, #featured div.section, #messages…
maintenance-page.css drupal/themes/bartik/css/maintenance-page.css body.maintenance-page { background-color: #fff; color: #000; } .maintenance-page #page-wrapper { background: #fff; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; min-width: 0; min-height: 0; width: 800px; border: 1px solid #ddd; …
print.css drupal/themes/bartik/css/print.css /* ---------- General Layout ---------- */ body, input, textarea, select { color: #000; background: none; } body.two-sidebars, body.sidebar-first, body.sidebar-second, body { width:…
style-rtl.css drupal/themes/bartik/css/style-rtl.css /* ------------------ Reset Styles ------------------ */ caption, th, td { text-align: right; } blockquote { border-left: none; border-right: 4px solid #afafaf; } blockquote:before { content: "\201D"; } blockquote:after { content:…
style.css drupal/themes/bartik/css/style.css /* ---------- Overall Specifications ---------- */ body { line-height: 1.5; font-size: 87.5%; word-wrap: break-word; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; outline: 0; } a:link, a:visited { text-decoration:…
template.php drupal/themes/bartik/template.php
comment-wrapper.tpl.php drupal/themes/bartik/templates/comment-wrapper.tpl.php Bartik's theme implementation to provide an HTML container for comments.
comment.tpl.php drupal/themes/bartik/templates/comment.tpl.php Bartik's theme implementation for comments.
maintenance-page.tpl.php drupal/themes/bartik/templates/maintenance-page.tpl.php Implementation to display a single Drupal page while offline.
node.tpl.php drupal/themes/bartik/templates/node.tpl.php Bartik's theme implementation to display a node.
page.tpl.php drupal/themes/bartik/templates/page.tpl.php Bartik's theme implementation to display a single Drupal page.
phptemplate.engine drupal/themes/engines/phptemplate/phptemplate.engine Handles integration of PHP templates with the Drupal theme system. drupal/themes/garland/color/
preview.css drupal/themes/garland/color/preview.css /* Positioning */ #preview { overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } #preview, #preview #img { width: 600px; height: 371px; } #preview #gradient-0 { position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 19px; height: 120px; z-index:…
comment.tpl.php drupal/themes/garland/comment.tpl.php
fix-ie-rtl.css drupal/themes/garland/fix-ie-rtl.css body { /* Center layout */ text-align: center; } #squeeze { zoom: 1; direction: ltr; } #squeeze .left-corner { direction: rtl } #header-region, #wrapper #container { /* Reset text alignment */ text-align: right; } #wrapper #container…
fix-ie.css drupal/themes/garland/fix-ie.css body { /* Center layout */ text-align: center; } #header-region, #wrapper #container { /* Reset text alignment */ text-align: left; /* LTR */ } #wrapper #container #center { /* Reduce amount of damage done by extremely wide content */ … drupal/themes/garland/ name = Garland description = A multi-column theme which can be configured to modify colors and switch between fixed and fluid width layouts. package = Core version = VERSION core = 7.x stylesheets[all][] = style.css stylesheets[print][] =…
maintenance-page.tpl.php drupal/themes/garland/maintenance-page.tpl.php Override of the default maintenance page.
node.tpl.php drupal/themes/garland/node.tpl.php
page.tpl.php drupal/themes/garland/page.tpl.php
print.css drupal/themes/garland/print.css body, input, textarea, select { color: #000; background: none; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 11pt; } ul.main-menu, ul.secondary-menu, #header-region, .sidebar { display:…
style-rtl.css drupal/themes/garland/style-rtl.css html { direction: rtl; } /** * Generic elements */ body { direction: rtl; } ul, .block ul, ol { padding: 0 1.5em 0 0; }, .item-list ul { margin: 0.35em -0.5em 0 0; } ol li, ul li, li, .item-list ul li, li.leaf { margin:…
style.css drupal/themes/garland/style.css /** * Generic elements */ body { margin: 0; padding: 0; background: #edf5fa; font: 76%/170% Verdana, sans-serif; color: #494949; } input { font: 1em/100% Verdana, sans-serif; color: #494949; } textarea, select { font: 1em/160%…
template.php drupal/themes/garland/template.php
theme-settings.php drupal/themes/garland/theme-settings.php Theme setting callbacks for the garland theme.
README.txt drupal/themes/README.txt This directory is reserved for core theme files. Custom or contributed themes should be placed in their own subdirectory of the sites/all/themes directory. For multisite installations, they can also be placed in a subdirectory…
ie.css drupal/themes/seven/ie.css /* IE7 renders legends in nested fieldsets without a width. */ fieldset legend { height: 1%; } /* IE renders absolute positioned legend where fieldset content starts. */ fieldset .fieldset-legend { left: 0; top: 0; } /* IE renders monospace…
ie6.css drupal/themes/seven/ie6.css li, li a, ul.links li, ul.links li a, .action-links, #page { height: 1%; } #block-system-main ul.admin-list li a { height: 1px; position: relative; display: block; } #block-system-main ul.admin-list li div.description a { …
ie7.css drupal/themes/seven/ie7.css ul.tabs.primary { padding: 0; } ul.primary li, ul.primary li a, ul.primary a { float: none !important; display: inline; } ul.primary li, ul.primary li a, ul.primary li, ul.primary li a:active, ul.primary li…
jquery.ui.theme.css drupal/themes/seven/jquery.ui.theme.css Seven styles for jQuery UI. Overrides /misc/ui/ui.theme.css.
maintenance-page.tpl.php drupal/themes/seven/maintenance-page.tpl.php
page.tpl.php drupal/themes/seven/page.tpl.php
reset.css drupal/themes/seven/reset.css /** * Reset CSS styles. * * Based on Eric Meyer's "Reset CSS 1.0" tool from * drupal/themes/seven/ name = Seven description = A simple one-column, tableless, fluid width administration theme. package = Core version = VERSION core = 7.x stylesheets[screen][] = reset.css stylesheets[screen][] = style.css settings[shortcut_module_link] =…
style-rtl.css drupal/themes/seven/style-rtl.css /** * Generic elements. */ dl dd, dl dl { margin-right: 20px; } ul, .block ul, .item-list ul { margin: 0.25em 1.5em 0.25em 0; } ol { margin: 0.25em 2em 0.25em 0; } /** * Skip link. */ #skip-link { right: 50%; margin-right:…
style.css drupal/themes/seven/style.css /** * Generic elements. */ body { color: #000; background: #fff; font: normal 81.3%/1.538em "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", sans-serif; } a { color: #0074BD; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { text-decoration:…
template.php drupal/themes/seven/template.php
vertical-tabs-rtl.css drupal/themes/seven/vertical-tabs-rtl.css /** * Override of misc/vertical-tabs-rtl.css. */ div.vertical-tabs { background: #fff url(images/fc-rtl.png) repeat-y right 0; } div.vertical-tabs .vertical-tabs-list { float: right; margin: 0 0 -1px -100%; } div.vertical-tabs ul li.selected…
vertical-tabs.css drupal/themes/seven/vertical-tabs.css /** * Override of misc/vertical-tabs.css. */ div.vertical-tabs { background: #fff url(images/fc.png) repeat-y 0 0; /* LTR */ border: 1px solid #ccc; margin: 10px 0; position: relative; } fieldset.vertical-tabs-pane { border: 0; padding:…


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