
Primary tabs

File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
comment.api.php drupal/modules/comment/comment.api.php Hooks provided by the Comment module.
comment.css drupal/modules/comment/comment.css #comments { margin-top: 15px; } .indented { margin-left: 25px; /* LTR */ } .comment-unpublished { background-color: #fff4f4; } .comment-preview { background-color: #ffffea; } drupal/modules/comment/ name = Comment description = Allows users to comment on and discuss published content. package = Core version = VERSION core = 7.x dependencies[] = text files[] = comment.module files[] = comment.test configure =…
comment.install drupal/modules/comment/comment.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the comment module.
comment.module drupal/modules/comment/comment.module Enables users to comment on published content. drupal/modules/comment/ User page callbacks for the comment module.
comment.test drupal/modules/comment/comment.test Tests for comment.module. drupal/modules/comment/ Builds placeholder replacement tokens for comment-related data.
comment.tpl.php drupal/themes/bartik/templates/comment.tpl.php Bartik's theme implementation for comments.
comment.tpl.php drupal/themes/garland/comment.tpl.php
comment.tpl.php drupal/modules/comment/comment.tpl.php Default theme implementation for comments.
comment_hacks.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/comment_hacks.css /* * A sample css file, designed to test the effectiveness and stability * of function <code>drupal_load_stylesheet_content()</code>. * */ /* A large comment block to test for segfaults and speed. This is 60K a's. Extreme but useful…
comment_hacks.css.optimized.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/comment_hacks.css.optimized.css .test1{display:block;}html .clear-block{height:1%;}.clear-block{display:block;font:italic bold 12px/30px…
comment_hacks.css.unoptimized.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/comment_hacks.css.unoptimized.css /* * A sample css file, designed to test the effectiveness and stability * of function <code>drupal_load_stylesheet_content()</code>. * */ /* A large comment block to test for segfaults and speed. This is 60K a's. Extreme but useful… drupal/includes/ Common functions that many Drupal modules will need to reference.
common.test drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test Tests for functionality.
common_test.css drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/common_test.css /* This file is for testing CSS file inclusion, no contents are necessary. */ drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ name = "Common Test" description = "Support module for Common tests." package = Testing version = VERSION core = 7.x stylesheets[all][] = common_test.css stylesheets[print][] = common_test.print.css hidden = TRUE
common_test.module drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/common_test.module Helper module for the Common tests.
common_test.print.css drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/common_test.print.css /* This file is for testing CSS file inclusion, no contents are necessary. */ drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ name = "Common Test Cron Helper" description = "Helper module for CronRunTestCase::testCronExceptions()." package = Testing version = VERSION core = 7.x hidden = TRUE
common_test_cron_helper.module drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/common_test_cron_helper.module Helper module for the testCronExceptions in addition to common_test module.
common_test_info.txt drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/common_test_info.txt ; Test parsing with a simple string. simple_string = A simple string ; Test that constants can be used as values. simple_constant = WATCHDOG_INFO ; After parsing the .info file, 'double_colon' should hold the literal value. ; Parsing… drupal/modules/contact/ Admin page callbacks for the Contact module. drupal/modules/contact/ name = Contact description = Enables the use of both personal and site-wide contact forms. package = Core version = VERSION core = 7.x files[] = contact.test configure = admin/structure/contact
contact.install drupal/modules/contact/contact.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the contact module.
contact.module drupal/modules/contact/contact.module Enables the use of personal and site-wide contact forms. drupal/modules/contact/ Page callbacks for the Contact module.
contact.test drupal/modules/contact/contact.test Tests for the Contact module. drupal/modules/node/ Content type editing user interface.
contextual-rtl.css drupal/modules/contextual/contextual-rtl.css Stylesheet specific to right-to-left languages.
contextual.api.php drupal/modules/contextual/contextual.api.php Hooks provided by Contextual module.
contextual.css drupal/modules/contextual/contextual.css Stylesheet for the Contextual module. drupal/modules/contextual/ name = Contextual links description = Provides contextual links to perform actions related to elements on a page. package = Core version = VERSION core = 7.x files[] = contextual.test
contextual.module drupal/modules/contextual/contextual.module Adds contextual links to perform actions related to elements on a page.
contextual.test drupal/modules/contextual/contextual.test Tests for contextual.module.
COPYRIGHT.txt drupal/COPYRIGHT.txt All Drupal code is Copyright 2001 - 2013 by the original authors. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2… drupal/scripts/ #!/bin/sh curl --silent --compressed drupal/scripts/ #!/bin/sh /usr/bin/lynx -source > /dev/null 2>&1
cron.php drupal/cron.php Handles incoming requests to fire off regularly-scheduled tasks (cron jobs). drupal/modules/system/tests/ name = Cron Queue test description = 'Support module for the cron queue runner.' package = Testing version = VERSION core = 7.x hidden = TRUE
cron_queue_test.module drupal/modules/system/tests/cron_queue_test.module
css_input_without_import.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/css_input_without_import.css Basic css that does not use import
css_input_without_import.css.optimized.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/css_input_without_import.css.optimized.css body{margin:0;padding:0;background:#edf5fa;font:76%/170% Verdana,sans-serif;color:#494949;}.this .is .a .test{font:1em/100% Verdana,sans-serif;color:#494949;}.this .is .a .test{font:1em/100% Verdana,sans-serif;color:#494949;}some :pseudo…
css_input_without_import.css.unoptimized.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/css_input_without_import.css.unoptimized.css Basic css that does not use import
css_input_with_import.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/css_input_with_import.css @import url(""); @import url("//"); @import "import1.css"; @import "import2.css"; body { margin: 0; padding: 0; background: #edf5fa; font: 76%/170%…
css_input_with_import.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/css_subfolder/css_input_with_import.css @import "../import1.css"; @import "../import2.css"; body { margin: 0; padding: 0; background: #edf5fa; font: 76%/170% Verdana, sans-serif; color: #494949; } .this .is .a .test { font: 1em/100% Verdana, sans-serif; …
css_input_with_import.css.optimized.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/css_input_with_import.css.optimized.css @import url("");@import url("//");ul,select{font:1em/160% Verdana,sans-serif;color:#494949;}.ui-icon{background-image:url(images/icon.png);}.data…
css_input_with_import.css.optimized.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/css_subfolder/css_input_with_import.css.optimized.css ul,select{font:1em/160% Verdana,sans-serif;color:#494949;}.ui-icon{background-image:url(../images/icon.png);}.data .double-quote{background-image:url("");}.data…
css_input_with_import.css.unoptimized.css drupal/modules/simpletest/files/css_test_files/css_input_with_import.css.unoptimized.css @import url(""); @import url("//"); ul, select { font: 1em/160% Verdana, sans-serif; color: #494949; } .ui-icon{background-image: url(images/icon.png);} /* Test data URI images…


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