
Primary tabs

Name Locationsort descending Description Direct uses Strings
_drupal_get_filename_perform_file_scan drupal/includes/ Performs a file system scan to search for a system resource. 1
_drupal_get_filename_fallback_trigger_error drupal/includes/ Triggers a user-level warning for missing or unexpectedly moved files. 1
_drupal_trigger_error_with_delayed_logging drupal/includes/ Invokes trigger_error() with logging delayed until the end of the request. 1 1
drupal_file_scan_write_cache drupal/includes/ Writes the file scan cache to the persistent cache. 2
drupal_random_key drupal/includes/ Returns a URL-safe, base64 encoded string of highly randomized bytes (over the full 8-bit range). 12
drupal_base64_encode drupal/includes/ Returns a URL-safe, base64 encoded version of the supplied string. 1
drupal_autoload_trait drupal/includes/ Confirms that a trait is available. 1 1
drupal_check_memory_limit drupal/includes/ Compares the memory required for an operation to the available memory. 4
drupal_clear_opcode_cache drupal/includes/ Invalidates a PHP file from any active opcode caches. 1
_cache_get_object drupal/includes/ Gets the cache object for a cache bin. 1
cache_get drupal/includes/ Returns data from the persistent cache. 54 1
cache_get_multiple drupal/includes/ Returns data from the persistent cache when given an array of cache IDs. 3
cache_set drupal/includes/ Stores data in the persistent cache. 51
cache_clear_all drupal/includes/ Expires data from the cache. 80 2
cache_is_empty drupal/includes/ Checks if a cache bin is empty. 1
drupal_add_region_content drupal/includes/ Adds content to a specified region. 5
drupal_get_region_content drupal/includes/ Gets assigned content for a given region. 3
drupal_get_profile drupal/includes/ Gets the name of the currently active installation profile. 15
drupal_set_breadcrumb drupal/includes/ Sets the breadcrumb trail for the current page. 8
drupal_get_breadcrumb drupal/includes/ Gets the breadcrumb trail for the current page. 1
drupal_get_rdf_namespaces drupal/includes/ Returns a string containing RDF namespace declarations for use in XML and XHTML output. 1
drupal_add_html_head drupal/includes/ Adds output to the HEAD tag of the HTML page. 7
_drupal_default_html_head drupal/includes/ Returns elements that are always displayed in the HEAD tag of the HTML page. 1
drupal_get_html_head drupal/includes/ Retrieves output to be displayed in the HEAD tag of the HTML page. 4
drupal_add_feed drupal/includes/ Adds a feed URL for the current page. 9
drupal_get_feeds drupal/includes/ Gets the feed URLs for the current page. 1
drupal_get_query_parameters drupal/includes/ Processes a URL query parameter array to remove unwanted elements. 12
drupal_get_query_array drupal/includes/ Splits a URL-encoded query string into an array. 4
drupal_http_build_query drupal/includes/ Parses an array into a valid, rawurlencoded query string. 9
drupal_get_destination drupal/includes/ Prepares a 'destination' URL query parameter for use with drupal_goto(). 29
drupal_parse_url drupal/includes/ Parses a URL string into its path, query, and fragment components. 6
drupal_encode_path drupal/includes/ Encodes a Drupal path for use in a URL. 3
drupal_goto drupal/includes/ Sends the user to a different page. 45 4
drupal_site_offline drupal/includes/ Delivers a "site is under maintenance" message to the browser.
drupal_not_found drupal/includes/ Delivers a "page not found" error to the browser. 10
drupal_access_denied drupal/includes/ Delivers an "access denied" error to the browser. 7
drupal_http_request drupal/includes/ Performs an HTTP request. 16
_drupal_http_use_proxy drupal/includes/ Helper function for determining hosts excluded from needing a proxy. 1
_fix_gpc_magic drupal/includes/ Strips slashes from a string or array of strings. 1
_fix_gpc_magic_files drupal/includes/ Strips slashes from $_FILES items. 1
fix_gpc_magic drupal/includes/ Fixes double-escaping caused by "magic quotes" in some PHP installations. 1
valid_email_address drupal/includes/ Verifies the syntax of the given e-mail address. 8
valid_url drupal/includes/ Verifies the syntax of the given URL. 11
flood_register_event drupal/includes/ Registers an event for the current visitor to the flood control mechanism. 4
flood_clear_event drupal/includes/ Makes the flood control mechanism forget an event for the current visitor. 1
flood_is_allowed drupal/includes/ Checks whether a user is allowed to proceed with the specified event. 4
drupal_strip_dangerous_protocols drupal/includes/ Strips dangerous protocols (e.g. 'javascript:') from a URI. 7
check_url drupal/includes/ Strips dangerous protocols from a URI and encodes it for output to HTML. 17
filter_xss_admin drupal/includes/ Applies a very permissive XSS/HTML filter for admin-only use. 23 1
filter_xss drupal/includes/ Filters HTML to prevent cross-site-scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. 24


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