
Primary tabs

Name Location Description Direct uses Stringssort descending
menu_link_save drupal/includes/ Saves a menu link. 23
_menu_link_find_parent drupal/includes/ Finds a possible parent for a given menu link. 1
_menu_clear_page_cache drupal/includes/ Clears the page and block caches at most twice per page load. 3
_menu_find_router_path drupal/includes/ Finds the router path which will serve this path. 2
menu_link_maintain drupal/includes/ Inserts, updates, or deletes an uncustomized menu link related to a module. 3
menu_link_children_relative_depth drupal/includes/ Finds the depth of an item's children relative to its depth. 3
_menu_link_move_children drupal/includes/ Updates the children of a menu link that is being moved. 1
_menu_update_parental_status drupal/includes/ Checks and updates the 'has_children' status for the parent of a link. 3
_menu_link_parents_set drupal/includes/ Sets the p1 through p9 values for a menu link being saved. 1
_menu_router_build drupal/includes/ Builds the router table based on the data from hook_menu(). 1
_menu_router_save drupal/includes/ Saves data from menu_router_build() to the router table. 1
_menu_site_is_offline drupal/includes/ Checks whether the site is in maintenance mode. 2
_drupal_maintenance_theme drupal/includes/ Sets up the theming system for maintenance page. 1
theme_task_list drupal/includes/ Returns HTML for a list of maintenance tasks to perform.
theme_install_page drupal/includes/ Returns HTML for the installation page.
theme_update_page drupal/includes/ Returns HTML for the update page.
theme_authorize_report drupal/includes/ Returns HTML for a results report of an operation run by authorize.php.
theme_authorize_message drupal/includes/ Returns HTML for a single log message from the authorize.php batch operation.
drupal_var_export drupal/includes/ Drupal-friendly var_export().
drupal_error_levels drupal/includes/ Maps PHP error constants to watchdog severity levels. 1
_drupal_error_handler_real drupal/includes/ Provides custom PHP error handling. 1
_drupal_decode_exception drupal/includes/ Decodes an exception and retrieves the correct caller. 5
_drupal_render_exception_safe drupal/includes/ Renders an exception error message without further exceptions. 3
error_displayable drupal/includes/ Determines whether an error should be displayed. 4
_drupal_log_error drupal/includes/ Logs a PHP error or exception and displays an error page in fatal cases. 2
_drupal_get_last_caller drupal/includes/ Gets the last caller from a backtrace. 5
drupal_build_form drupal/includes/ Builds and process a form based on a form id. 3
form_state_defaults drupal/includes/ Retrieves default values for the $form_state array. 9
drupal_rebuild_form drupal/includes/ Constructs a new $form from the information in $form_state. 2
form_get_cache drupal/includes/ Fetches a form from cache. 5
form_set_cache drupal/includes/ Stores a form in the cache. 5
form_state_keys_no_cache drupal/includes/ Returns an array of $form_state keys that shouldn't be cached. 2
form_load_include drupal/includes/ Ensures an include file is loaded whenever the form is processed. 1
drupal_form_submit drupal/includes/ Retrieves, populates, and processes a form. 6
drupal_retrieve_form drupal/includes/ Retrieves the structured array that defines a given form. 3
drupal_process_form drupal/includes/ Processes a form submission. 7
drupal_prepare_form drupal/includes/ Prepares a structured form array. 7
drupal_validate_form drupal/includes/ Validates user-submitted form data in the $form_state array. 1
drupal_redirect_form drupal/includes/ Redirects the user to a URL after a form has been processed. 2
_form_validate drupal/includes/ Performs validation on form elements. 1
form_execute_handlers drupal/includes/ Executes custom validation and submission handlers for a given form. 3
form_clear_error drupal/includes/ Clears all errors against all form elements made by form_set_error(). 3
form_get_errors drupal/includes/ Returns an associative array of all errors. 12
form_get_error drupal/includes/ Returns the error message filed against the given form element. 1
form_error drupal/includes/ Flags an element as having an error. 28
form_builder drupal/includes/ Builds and processes all elements in the structured form array. 3
_form_builder_handle_input_element drupal/includes/ Adds the #name and #value properties of an input element before rendering. 1
_form_element_triggered_scripted_submission drupal/includes/ Detects if an element triggered the form submission via Ajax. 1
_form_button_was_clicked drupal/includes/ Determines if a given button triggered the form submission. 1
form_state_values_clean drupal/includes/ Removes internal Form API elements and buttons from submitted form values. 8


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