
Primary tabs

Name Location Description Direct usessort ascending Strings
_batch_test_batch_1 drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/batch_test.module Batch 1: repeats a simple operation. 3
_batch_test_batch_2 drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/batch_test.module Batch 2: single multistep operation. 3
list_allowed_values drupal/modules/field/modules/list/list.module Returns the array of allowed values for a list field. 3 2
field_sql_storage_field_storage_query drupal/modules/field/modules/field_sql_storage/field_sql_storage.module Implements hook_field_storage_query(). 3 1
file_download_headers drupal/includes/ Retrieves headers for a private file download. 3
update_helpful_links drupal/update.php Provides links to the homepage and administration pages. 2
update_extra_requirements drupal/update.php Returns and stores extra requirements that apply during the update process. 2
unicode_check drupal/includes/ Wrapper around _unicode_check(). 2
_unicode_check drupal/includes/ Perform checks about Unicode support in PHP, and set the right settings if needed. 2
drupal_xml_parser_create drupal/includes/ Prepares a new XML parser. 2
drupal_convert_to_utf8 drupal/includes/ Converts data to UTF-8. 2
mime_header_encode drupal/includes/ Encodes MIME/HTTP header values that contain incorrectly encoded characters. 2
ajax_get_form drupal/includes/ Gets a form submitted via #ajax during an Ajax callback. 2
ajax_prepare_response drupal/includes/ Converts the return value of a page callback into an Ajax commands array. 2
ajax_pre_render_element drupal/includes/ Adds Ajax information about an element to communicate with JavaScript. 2
ajax_command_alert drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'alert' command. 2
ajax_command_insert drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'insert' command using the method in #ajax['method']. 2
ajax_command_append drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'insert/append' command. 2
ajax_command_changed drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'changed' command. 2
ajax_command_settings drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'settings' command. 2
image_scale_and_crop drupal/includes/ Scales an image to the exact width and height given. 2
image_rotate drupal/includes/ Rotates an image by the given number of degrees. 2 1
image_desaturate drupal/includes/ Converts an image to grayscale. 2 4
drupal_install_system drupal/includes/ Installs the system module. 2
drupal_current_script_url drupal/includes/ Returns the URL of the current script, with modified query parameters. 2
drupal_requirements_url drupal/includes/ Returns a URL for proceeding to the next page after a requirements problem. 2
db_run_tasks drupal/includes/ Ensures the environment for a Drupal database on a predefined connection. 2
update_check_incompatibility drupal/includes/ Tests the compatibility of a module or theme. 2
update_fix_d7_block_deltas drupal/includes/ A helper function that modules can use to assist with the transformation from numeric block deltas to string block deltas during the 6.x -> 7.x upgrade. 2
update_parse_db_url drupal/includes/ Parse pre-Drupal 7 database connection URLs and return D7 compatible array. 2
update_get_d6_session_name drupal/includes/ Constructs a session name compatible with a D6 environment. 2
update_get_update_list drupal/includes/ Returns a list of all the pending database updates. 2
update_retrieve_dependencies drupal/includes/ Invokes hook_update_dependencies() in all installed modules. 2
_password_base64_encode drupal/includes/ Encodes bytes into printable base 64 using the *nix standard from crypt(). 2
_password_enforce_log2_boundaries drupal/includes/ Ensures that $count_log2 is within set bounds. 2
_password_crypt drupal/includes/ Hash a password using a secure stretched hash. 2
user_needs_new_hash drupal/includes/ Check whether a user's hashed password needs to be replaced with a new hash. 2
tablesort_header drupal/includes/ Formats a column header. 2
tablesort_get_query_parameters drupal/includes/ Composes a URL query parameter array for table sorting links. 2
lock_may_be_available drupal/includes/ Check if lock acquired by a different process may be available. 2
pager_find_page drupal/includes/ Returns the current page being requested for display within a pager. 2
pager_default_initialize drupal/includes/ Initializes a pager for theme('pager'). 2
token_scan drupal/includes/ Builds a list of all token-like patterns that appear in the text. 2
_drupal_session_write drupal/includes/ Writes an entire session to the database (internal use only). 2 1
drupal_session_destroy_uid drupal/includes/ Ends a specific user's session(s). 2
module_hook_info drupal/includes/ Retrieves a list of hooks that are declared through hook_hook_info(). 2 1
module_implements_write_cache drupal/includes/ Writes the hook implementation cache. 2
_locale_parse_js_file drupal/includes/ Parses a JavaScript file, extracts strings wrapped in Drupal.t() and Drupal.formatPlural() and inserts them into the database. 2
_locale_prepare_predefined_list drupal/includes/ Prepares the language code list for a select form item with only the unsupported ones 2
_locale_batch_build drupal/includes/ Build a locale batch from an array of files. 2


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