Thread |
class |
drupal/core/modules/comment/lib/Drupal/comment/Plugin/views/sort/Thread.php |
Sort handler for ordering by thread. |
Reader |
interface |
drupal/core/vendor/doctrine/common/lib/Doctrine/Common/Annotations/Reader.php |
Interface for annotation readers. |
ReadTest |
class |
drupal/core/modules/rest/lib/Drupal/rest/Tests/ReadTest.php |
Tests resource read operations on test entities, nodes and users. |
constant |
drupal/core/includes/ |
Mark content as read. |
Thread.php |
file |
drupal/core/modules/comment/lib/Drupal/comment/Plugin/views/sort/Thread.php |
Definition of Drupal\comment\Plugin\views\sort\Thread. |
README.txt |
file |
drupal/core/modules/simpletest/files/README.txt |
These files are useful in tests that upload files or otherwise need to
manipulate files, in which case they are copied to the files directory as
specified in the site settings. Dummy files can also be generated by tests in
order to save space. |
README.txt |
file |
drupal/README.txt |
* About Drupal
* Configuration and features
* Installation profiles
* Appearance
* Developing for Drupal
Drupal is an open source content management platform supporting a… |
README.txt |
file |
drupal/themes/README.txt |
Place downloaded and custom themes that modify your site's appearance in this
directory to ensure clean separation from Drupal core and to facilitate safe,
self-contained code updates. Contributed themes from the Drupal community may
be… |
README.txt |
file |
drupal/profiles/README.txt |
Place downloaded and custom installation profiles in this directory to ensure
separation from Drupal core profiles and to facilitate safe, self-contained code
In multisite configuration, installation profiles found in this directory… |
README.txt |
file |
drupal/modules/README.txt |
Place downloaded and custom modules that extend your site functionality beyond
Drupal core in this directory to ensure clean separation from core modules and
to facilitate safe, self-contained code updates. Contributed modules from the
Drupal… |
README.txt |
file |
drupal/sites/README.txt |
This directory structure contains the settings and configuration files specific
to your site or sites and is an integral part of multisite configurations.
It is now recommended to place your custom and downloaded extensions in the
/modules, /themes,… |
README.txt |
file |
drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/README.txt |
Code in the Drupal\Core namespace represents Drupal Subsystems provided by the
base system. These subsystems MAY depend on Drupal Components and other
Subsystems, but MAY NOT depend on any code in a module.
Each Subsystem should be in its own… |
README.txt |
file |
drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Component/README.txt |
Drupal Components are independent libraries that do not depend on the rest of
Drupal in order to function. Components MAY depend on other Components, but
that is discouraged. Components MAY NOT depend on any code that is not part of
PHP itself or… |
Reader.php |
file |
drupal/core/vendor/doctrine/common/lib/Doctrine/Common/Annotations/Reader.php |
README.txt |
file |
drupal/core/modules/system/tests/modules/plugin_test/lib/Drupal/plugin_test/Plugin/plugin_test/fruit/README.txt |
The classes in this directory act as a mock plugin type to test annotated class
discovery. See the corresponding test file:
/core/modules/system/lib/Drupal/system/Tests/Plugin/Discovery/AnnotatedClassDiscoveryTest.php |
README.txt |
file |
drupal/core/lib/README.txt |
The core/lib directory is for classes provided by Drupal Core that are original
to Drupal. All Drupal-originated code must follow the PSR-0 naming convention
for classes and namespaces as documented… |
timer_read |
function |
drupal/core/includes/ |
README.txt |
file |
drupal/core/themes/stark/README.txt |
The Stark theme is provided for demonstration purposes; it uses Drupal's
default HTML markup and CSS styles. It can be used as a troubleshooting tool to
determine whether module-related CSS and JavaScript are interfering… |
Timer::read |
function |
drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Utility/Timer.php |
Reads the current timer value without stopping the timer. |
history_read |
function |
drupal/core/modules/history/history.module |
Retrieves the timestamp for the current user's last view of a specified node. |
CachedReader |
class |
drupal/core/vendor/doctrine/common/lib/Doctrine/Common/Annotations/CachedReader.php |
A cache aware annotation reader. |
ReadTest.php |
file |
drupal/core/modules/rest/lib/Drupal/rest/Tests/ReadTest.php |
Definition of Drupal\rest\test\ReadTest. |
Stream::read |
function |
drupal/core/vendor/guzzle/stream/Guzzle/Stream/Stream.php |
Read data from the stream |
IndexedReader |
class |
drupal/core/vendor/doctrine/common/lib/Doctrine/Common/Annotations/IndexedReader.php |
Allows the reader to be used in-place of Doctrine's reader. |
Thread::query |
function |
drupal/core/modules/comment/lib/Drupal/comment/Plugin/views/sort/Thread.php |
Called to add the sort to a query. |
constant |
drupal/core/includes/ |
File permission check -- File is readable. |
ReadOnlyStream |
class |
drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StreamWrapper/ReadOnlyStream.php |
Defines a read-only Drupal stream wrapper base class. |
BreadcrumbTest |
class |
drupal/core/modules/system/lib/Drupal/system/Tests/Menu/BreadcrumbTest.php |
Menu breadcrumbs related tests. |
PoStreamReader |
class |
drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Gettext/PoStreamReader.php |
Implements Gettext PO stream reader. |
ApcCache::read |
function |
drupal/core/vendor/symfony/validator/Symfony/Component/Validator/Mapping/Cache/ApcCache.php |
Returns the metadata for the given class from the cache |
FileCacheReader |
class |
drupal/core/vendor/doctrine/common/lib/Doctrine/Common/Annotations/FileCacheReader.php |
File cache reader for annotations. |
constant |
drupal/core/vendor/symfony/process/Symfony/Component/Process/Tests/ProcessTestHelper.php |
PoDatabaseReader |
class |
drupal/core/modules/locale/lib/Drupal/locale/PoDatabaseReader.php |
Gettext PO reader working with the locale module database. |
field_read_field |
function |
drupal/core/modules/field/ |
Reads a single field record directly from the database. |
Comment::$thread |
property |
drupal/core/modules/comment/lib/Drupal/comment/Plugin/Core/Entity/Comment.php |
The alphadecimal representation of the comment's place in a thread. |
CachedReader.php |
file |
drupal/core/vendor/doctrine/common/lib/Doctrine/Common/Annotations/CachedReader.php |
AnnotationReader |
class |
drupal/core/vendor/doctrine/common/lib/Doctrine/Common/Annotations/AnnotationReader.php |
A reader for docblock annotations. |
theme_breadcrumb |
function |
drupal/core/includes/ |
Returns HTML for a breadcrumb trail. |
CachedReaderTest |
class |
drupal/core/vendor/doctrine/common/tests/Doctrine/Tests/Common/Annotations/CachedReaderTest.php |
NullStorage::read |
function |
drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Config/NullStorage.php |
Implements Drupal\Core\Config\StorageInterface::read(). |
ReadTest::getInfo |
function |
drupal/core/modules/rest/lib/Drupal/rest/Tests/ReadTest.php |
field_read_fields |
function |
drupal/core/modules/field/ |
Reads in fields that match an array of conditions. |
IndexedReader.php |
file |
drupal/core/vendor/doctrine/common/lib/Doctrine/Common/Annotations/IndexedReader.php |
FileStorage::read |
function |
drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Config/FileStorage.php |
Implements Drupal\Core\Config\StorageInterface::read(). |
ReadOnlyException |
class |
drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/TypedData/ReadOnlyException.php |
Exception thrown when trying to write or set ready-only data. |
PoReaderInterface |
interface |
drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Gettext/PoReaderInterface.php |
Shared interface definition for all Gettext PO Readers. |
constant |
drupal/core/includes/ |
File permission check -- File is not readable. |
PoStreamReader.php |
file |
drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Gettext/PoStreamReader.php |
Definition of Drupal\Component\Gettext\PoStreamReader. |
comment_get_thread |
function |
drupal/core/modules/comment/comment.module |
Retrieves comments for a thread. |
ReadOnlyStream.php |
file |
drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StreamWrapper/ReadOnlyStream.php |
Definition of Drupal\Core\StreamWrapper\ReadOnlyStream. |