public property EntityType::$label_callback

The name of a function that returns the label of the entity.

The function takes an entity and optional langcode argument, and returns the label of the entity. If langcode is omitted, the entity's default language is used. The entity label is the main string associated with an entity; for example, the title of a node or the subject of a comment. If there is an entity object property that defines the label, use the 'label' element of the 'entity_keys' return value component to provide this information (see below). If more complex logic is needed to determine the label of an entity, you can instead specify a callback function here, which will be called to determine the entity label. See also the \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface::label() method, which implements this logic.

Type: string (optional)


drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/Annotation/EntityType.php, line 129
Contains \Drupal\Core\Entity\Annotation\EntityType.


Defines an Entity type annotation object.




public $label_callback;