final protected function TwigTemplate::getContextReference


array $context: The variables available to the template.

$item: The name of the variable.

Return value

mixed The requested variable.


drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Template/TwigTemplate.php, line 42
Definition of Drupal\Core\Template\TwigTemplate.


This is the base class for compiled Twig templates.




protected final function getContextReference(&$context, $item) {

  // Optimized version. NULL is a valid value for $context[$item], we only
  // want to error if it hasn't been defined at all.
  if (!isset($context[$item]) && !array_key_exists($item, $context)) {

    // We don't want to throw an exception, but issue a warning instead.
    // This is the easiest way to do so.
    // @todo Decide based on prod vs. dev setting
    $msg = new \Twig_Error(t('@item could not be found in _context', array(
      '@item' => $item,
      ->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
    return NULL;

  // Return item instead of its reference inside a loop.
  // @todo 'hide' and 'show' are not supported inside a loop for now.
  // This should be a non-issue as soon as this lands:
  // @see
  if (isset($context['_seq'])) {
    return $context[$item];

  // The first test also finds empty / null render arrays
  if (!$context[$item] || isset($this->is_no_reference[$item])) {
    return $context[$item];
  if (isset($context['_references'][$item])) {
    return $context['_references'][$item];

  // @todo Check if this is a render array (existence of #theme?)
  if (!isset($this->is_reference[$item]) && ($context[$item] instanceof \TwigMarkup || !is_array($context[$item]))) {
    $this->is_no_reference[$item] = TRUE;
    return $context[$item];
  if ($this->twig_reference == NULL) {
    $this->twig_reference = new TwigReference();
  $ref = clone $this->twig_reference;

  // clone is _much_ faster than new

  // Save that this is a reference
  $context['_references'][$item] = $ref;
  $this->is_reference[$item] = TRUE;
  return $ref;