Overrides \Drupal\field\Plugin\Type\Formatter\FormatterBase::prepareView().
Mark the accessible IDs a user can see. We do not unset unaccessible values, as other may want to act on those values, even if they can not be accessed.
Overrides FormatterBase::prepareView
public function prepareView(array $entities, $langcode, array &$items) {
$target_ids = array();
$revision_ids = array();
// Collect every possible entity attached to any of the entities.
foreach ($entities as $id => $entity) {
foreach ($items[$id] as $delta => $item) {
if (!empty($item['revision_id'])) {
$revision_ids[] = $item['revision_id'];
elseif (!empty($item['target_id'])) {
$target_ids[] = $item['target_id'];
$target_type = $this->field['settings']['target_type'];
$target_entities = array();
if ($target_ids) {
$target_entities = entity_load_multiple($target_type, $target_ids);
if ($revision_ids) {
// We need to load the revisions one by-one.
foreach ($revision_ids as $revision_id) {
$entity = entity_revision_load($target_type, $revision_id);
// Use the revision ID in the key.
$identifier = $entity
->id() . ':' . $revision_id;
$target_entities[$identifier] = $entity;
// Iterate through the fieldable entities again to attach the loaded data.
foreach ($entities as $id => $entity) {
$rekey = FALSE;
foreach ($items[$id] as $delta => $item) {
// If we have a revision ID, the key uses it as well.
$identifier = !empty($item['revision_id']) ? $item['target_id'] . ':' . $item['revision_id'] : $item['target_id'];
if ($item['target_id'] !== 0) {
if (!isset($target_entities[$identifier])) {
// The entity no longer exists, so remove the key.
$rekey = TRUE;
$entity = $target_entities[$identifier];
$items[$id][$delta]['entity'] = $entity;
if (!$entity
->access('view')) {
else {
// This is an "auto_create" item, just leave the entity in place.
// Mark item as accessible.
$items[$id][$delta]['access'] = TRUE;
if ($rekey) {
// Rekey the items array.
$items[$id] = array_values($items[$id]);