protected function PluginBagTest::testPluginBag

Tests the generic plugin bag.


drupal/core/modules/system/lib/Drupal/system/Tests/Plugin/PluginBagTest.php, line 32
Contains \Drupal\system\Tests\Plugin\PluginBagTest.


Tests the generic plugin bag.




protected function testPluginBag() {

  // Setup the plugin bag as well as the available plugin definitions.
  $plugin_bag = new TestPluginBag($this->mockBlockManager);
  $definitions = $this->mockBlockManager
  $first_instance_id = key($definitions);
  foreach ($definitions as $instance_id => $definition) {
      ->has($instance_id), format_string('Plugin instance @instance_id exits on the bag', array(
      '@instance_id' => $instance_id,
      ->get($instance_id) instanceof $definition['class'], 'Getting the plugin from the bag worked.');

  // A non existing instance_id shouldn't exist on the bag.
  $random_name = $this
    ->has($random_name), 'A random instance_id should not exist on the plugin bag.');

  // Set a new plugin instance to the bag, to test offsetSet.
    ->set($random_name, $this->mockBlockManager
    ->createInstance($first_instance_id, array()));
    ->has($random_name), 'A random instance_id should exist after manual setting on the plugin bag.');

  // Remove the previous added element and check whether it still exists.
    ->has($random_name), 'A random instance_id should not exist on the plugin bag after removing.');

  // Test that iterating over the plugins work.
  $expected_instance_ids = array_keys($definitions);
  $counter = 0;
  foreach ($plugin_bag as $instance_id => $plugin) {
      ->assertEqual($expected_instance_ids[$counter], $instance_id, format_string('The iteration works as expected for plugin instance @instance_id', array(
      '@instance_id' => $instance_id,
    ->assertEqual(count($plugin_bag), count($expected_instance_ids), 'The amount of items in plugin bag is as expected.');