public function LanguageUpgradePathTest::testLanguageUpgrade

Tests a successful upgrade.


drupal/core/modules/system/lib/Drupal/system/Tests/Upgrade/LanguageUpgradePathTest.php, line 41
Definition of Drupal\system\Tests\Upgrade\LanguageUpgradePathTest.


Tests upgrading a filled database with language data.




public function testLanguageUpgrade() {
    'language' => 'ca',
    ->condition('uid', '1')
    ->performUpgrade(), 'The upgrade was completed successfully.');

  // Ensure Catalan was properly upgraded to be the new default language.
    ->assertTrue(language_default()->langcode == 'ca', 'Catalan is the default language');
  $languages = language_list(Language::STATE_ALL);
  foreach ($languages as $language) {
      ->assertTrue($language->default == ($language->langcode == 'ca'), format_string('@language default property properly set', array(
      '@language' => $language->name,

  // Check that both comments display on the node.
    ->assertText('Node title 50', 'Node 50 displayed after update.');
    ->assertText('First test comment', 'Comment 1 displayed after update.');
    ->assertText('Reply to first test comment', 'Comment 2 displayed after update.');

  // Directly check the comment language property on the first comment.
  $comment = db_query('SELECT * FROM {comment} WHERE cid = :cid', array(
    ':cid' => 1,
    ->assertTrue($comment->langcode == 'und', 'Comment 1 language code found.');

  // Ensure that the language switcher has been correctly upgraded. We need to
  // assert the expected HTML id because the block might appear even if the
  // language negotiation settings are not properly upgraded.
  // @todo Blocks are not being upgraded.
  //   $this->assertTrue($this->xpath('//div[@id="block-language-language-interface"]'), 'The language switcher block is being correctly showed.');
  // Test that the 'language' property was properly renamed to 'langcode'.
  $language_none_nid = 50;
  $spanish_nid = 51;
  $translation_source_nid = 52;
  $translation_nid = 53;

  // Check directly for the $node->langcode property.
    ->assertEqual(node_load($language_none_nid)->langcode, Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED, "'language' property was renamed to 'langcode' for Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED node.");
    ->assertEqual(node_load($spanish_nid)->langcode, 'ca', "'language' property was renamed to 'langcode' for Catalan node.");

  // Check that the translation table works correctly.
    ->assertResponse(200, 'The translated node has a proper translation table.');
    ->assertRaw('<td><strong>English</strong> (source)</td>', 'English is the source node of the translation.');
    ->assertRaw('<td>Chuvash</td>', 'There is a Chuvash translation of the node.');
    ->assertLinkByHref("node/{$translation_nid}", 0, 'The translation table links to the Chuvash translation.');
    ->assertRaw('<td>Catalan</td><td>n/a</td><td>Not translated</td>', 'There is no Catalan translation of this node.');

  // Check for node content type settings upgrade.
    ->assertField('langcode', 'There is a language selector.');
    ->assertNoField('langcode', 'There is no language selector.');

  // Check that the user language value was retained in both langcode and
  // preferred_langcode.
  $user = db_query('SELECT * FROM {users} WHERE uid = :uid', array(
    ':uid' => 1,
    ->assertEqual($user->langcode, 'ca');
    ->assertEqual($user->preferred_langcode, 'ca');

  // A langcode property was added to vocabularies and terms. Check that
  // existing vocabularies and terms got assigned the site default language.
  $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_load('tags');
    ->assertEqual($vocabulary->langcode, 'ca');
  $term = db_query('SELECT * FROM {taxonomy_term_data} WHERE tid = :tid', array(
    ':tid' => 1,
    ->assertEqual($term->langcode, 'ca');

  // A langcode property was added to files. Check that existing files got
  // assigned Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED.
  $file = db_query('SELECT * FROM {file_managed} WHERE fid = :fid', array(
    ':fid' => 1,
    ->assertEqual($file->langcode, Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED);

  // Check if language negotiation weights were renamed properly. This is a
  // reproduction of the previous weights from the dump.
  $expected_weights = array(
    'language-url' => '-8',
    'language-session' => '-6',
    'language-user' => '-4',
    'language-browser' => '-2',
    'language-selected' => '10',

  // Check that locale_language_providers_weight_language is correctly
  // renamed.
  $current_weights = update_variable_get('language_negotiation_methods_weight_language_interface', array());
    ->assertTrue(serialize($expected_weights) == serialize($current_weights), 'Language negotiation method weights upgraded.');
    ->assertTrue(isset($current_weights['language-selected']), 'Language-selected is present.');
    ->assertFalse(isset($current_weights['language-default']), 'Language-default is not present.');

  // @todo We only need here because LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_SELECTED
  //   is defined there. Remove this line once that has been converted to a class
  //   constant.
  require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/includes/';

  // Check that negotiation callback was added to language_negotiation_language_interface.
  $language_negotiation_language_interface = update_variable_get('language_negotiation_language_interface', NULL);
    ->assertTrue(isset($language_negotiation_language_interface[LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_SELECTED]['callbacks']['negotiation']), 'Negotiation callback was added to language_negotiation_language_interface.');

  // Look up migrated plural string.
  $source_string = db_query('SELECT * FROM {locales_source} WHERE lid = 22')
    ->assertEqual($source_string->source, implode(LOCALE_PLURAL_DELIMITER, array(
    '1 byte',
    '@count bytes',
  $translation_string = db_query("SELECT * FROM {locales_target} WHERE lid = 22 AND language = 'hr'")
    ->assertEqual($translation_string->translation, implode(LOCALE_PLURAL_DELIMITER, array(
    '@count bajt',
    '@count bajta',
    '@count bajtova',
    ->assertTrue(!isset($translation_string->plural), 'Chained plural indicator removed.');
    ->assertTrue(!isset($translation_string->plid), 'Chained plural indicator removed.');
  $source_string = db_query('SELECT * FROM {locales_source} WHERE lid IN (23, 24)')
    ->assertTrue(empty($source_string), 'Individual plural variant source removed');
  $translation_string = db_query("SELECT * FROM {locales_target} WHERE lid IN (23, 24)")
    ->assertTrue(empty($translation_string), 'Individual plural variant translation removed');
  $translation_string = db_query("SELECT * FROM {locales_target} WHERE lid = 22 AND language = 'ca'")
    ->assertEqual($translation_string->translation, implode(LOCALE_PLURAL_DELIMITER, array(
    '1 byte',
    '@count bytes',

  // Ensure that re-indexing search for a specific language does not fail. It
  // does not matter if the sid exists on not. This tests whether or not
  // search_update_8001() has added the langcode fields.
  try {
    search_reindex(1, 'node', FALSE, 'ca');
      ->pass("Calling search_reindex succeeds after upgrade.");
  } catch (DatabaseException $e) {
      ->fail("Calling search_reindex fails after upgrade.");