function TrackerNodeAccessTest::testTrackerNodeAccess

Ensure private node on /tracker is only visible to users with permission.


drupal/core/modules/tracker/lib/Drupal/tracker/Tests/TrackerNodeAccessTest.php, line 41
Definition of Drupal\tracker\Tests\TrackerNodeAccessTest.


Tests for private node access on /tracker.




function testTrackerNodeAccess() {

  // Create user with node test view permission.
  $access_user = $this
    'node test view',
    'access user profiles',

  // Create user without node test view permission.
  $no_access_user = $this
    'access user profiles',

  // Create some nodes.
  $private_node = $this
    'title' => t('Private node test'),
    'private' => TRUE,
  $public_node = $this
    'title' => t('Public node test'),
    'private' => FALSE,

  // User with access should see both nodes created.
    ->assertText($private_node->title, 'Private node is visible to user with private access.');
    ->assertText($public_node->title, 'Public node is visible to user with private access.');
    ->drupalGet('user/' . $access_user->uid . '/track');
    ->assertText($private_node->title, 'Private node is visible to user with private access.');
    ->assertText($public_node->title, 'Public node is visible to user with private access.');

  // User without access should not see private node.
    ->assertNoText($private_node->title, 'Private node is not visible to user without private access.');
    ->assertText($public_node->title, 'Public node is visible to user without private access.');
    ->drupalGet('user/' . $access_user->uid . '/track');
    ->assertNoText($private_node->title, 'Private node is not visible to user without private access.');
    ->assertText($public_node->title, 'Public node is visible to user without private access.');