public function EasyRdf_Resource::get

Get a single value for a property

If multiple values are set for a property then the value returned may be arbitrary.

If $property is an array, then the first item in the array that matches a property that exists is returned.

This method will return null if the property does not exist.


string|array $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name):

string $type The type of value to filter by (e.g. literal or resource):

string $lang The language to filter by (e.g. en):

Return value

mixed A value associated with the property


drupal/core/vendor/easyrdf/easyrdf/lib/EasyRdf/Resource.php, line 347


Class that represents an RDF resource


public function get($property, $type = null, $lang = null) {
  return $this->graph
    ->get($this->uri, $property, $type, $lang);